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Building AutoRest

Build Prerequisites

AutoRest is developed primarily in C# but generates code for multiple languages. To build and test AutoRest requires a few things be installed locally.

Initialize Settings

To set up a machine with the necessary tools for building AutoRest, run .\Tools\initialize-settings.ps1; this script will determine which tools are missing on your machine and installs them. After all installations are complete, the script will restart your machine.

initialize-settings.ps1 will look for the following tools on your machine:

  • .NET 4.5+
  • Java
  • Node.js
  • Ruby
  • Gradle
  • Python
  • tox
  • Go
  • glide
  • Visual Studio 2015
  • .NET CoreCLR

After your machine restarts, run the following commands to complete the Android SDK installation:

(echo y | android update sdk -u -a -t build-tools-23.0.1) && (echo y | android update sdk -u -a -t android-23) && (echo y | android update sdk -u -a -t extra-android-m2repository) Copy-Item "$($env:LOCALAPPDATA)\Android" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android" -recurse

You will also want to run the following command from the project root:

gem install bundler && npm install && npm install gulp && npm install gulp -g && npm update


on Windows

Install the Microsoft Build Tools or get them with Visual Studio. Ensure that msbuild is in your path by running vcvarsall.bat

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat

To compile the code in Visual Studio IDE,

  • Ensure you are using Visual Studio 2015 (Update 3)
  • Ensure "Nuget Package Manager For Visual Studio" is updated to a newest version, like "2.8.60723.765", which is needed to install xunit.
  • Install Task Runner Explorer to run gulp tasks such as synchonize nuget version, assembly info, etc.

Install .Net CoreCLR RTM using these steps.

on Mac or Linux

Install Mono 4.3.0 (MonoFramework-MDK-

Install DNVM using these steps.


Install the latest from Then from the project root run npm install.

Java / Android

Install the latest Java SE Development Kit from Java SE Downloads. Ensure that the JDK binaries are in your PATH.

set PATH=PATH;C:\Program Files\java\jdk1.8.0_45\bin

Ensure that your environment includes the JAVA_HOME.

set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\java\jdk1.8.0_45

Install the latest Android environment from You can either install Android Studio if you want to do actual development work in Android, or simply install the SDK tools that is minimally requried to build the Android code.

In SDK Manager, make sure that build tools 23.0.1, Android Support Repository, and Google Repository are installed. Make sure ANDROID_HOME is in your environment variable. If you installed Android Studio, you can find it out from Android Studio settings. If you installed SDK tools, its default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk on Windows. If it is not there, it may be in your hidden AppData\Local directory.


Install the Gradle build system from Gradle downloads. Ensure Gradle is in your PATH.

set PATH=PATH;C:\gradle-2.6\bin

Ensure that your environment includes the GRADLE_HOME.

set GRADLE_HOME=C:\gradle-2.6

Java IDE

You may want a Java IDE.


RubyInstaller version 2+ - 32-bit version. By default, Ruby installs to C:\Ruby21 or Ruby22, etc. Ensure that C:\Ruby21\bin is in your PATH.

set PATH=PATH;C:\Ruby21\bin

RubyDevKit 32-bit version for use with Ruby 2.0 and above The DevKit installer just unpacks files. Navigate to the directory and run the following:

ruby dk.rb init
ruby dk.rb install
gem install bundler


Install Python 2.7 and Python 3.5, and add one of them to your PATH (we recommend 3.5).

set PATH=PATH;C:\Python35


Install Go 1.7. Ensure Go is in your PATH.

set PATH=PATH;C:\Go\bin Add your GOPATH to your environment variables.


Install glide. Add glide to your PATH.

Testing Your Environment

To make sure you've set up all the prerequisites correctly, run .\Tools\Verify-Settings.ps1 before you attempt to build.


Visual Studio Build

There are 2 solutions used to build C# ClientRuntime and AutoRest code generator. AutoRest.sln is used to build AutoRest code generator. ClientRuntime.sln is used to build C# ClientRuntime.

###Command Line We use gulp and msbuild / xbuild to handle the builds. Install for global use with

npm install gulp -g


If you would like to see what commands are available to you, run gulp -T. That will list all of the gulp tasks you can run. By default, just running gulp will run a build that will execute clean, build, code analysis, package and test.

Output from gulp -T

[13:54:21] Using gulpfile ./autorest/gulpfile.js
[13:54:21] Tasks for ./autorest/gulpfile.js
[13:54:21] ├── regenerate:expected
[13:54:21] ├── regenerate:delete
[13:54:21] ├── regenerate:expected:csazure
[13:54:21] ├── regenerate:expected:cs
[13:54:21] ├── clean:build
[13:54:21] ├── clean:templates
[13:54:21] ├── clean:generatedTest
[13:54:21] ├─┬ clean
[13:54:21] │ ├── clean:build
[13:54:21] │ ├── clean:templates
[13:54:21] │ └── clean:generatedTest
[13:54:21] ├── syncNugetProjs
[13:54:21] ├── syncNuspecs
[13:54:21] ├─┬ syncDotNetDependencies
[13:54:21] │ ├── syncNugetProjs
[13:54:21] │ └── syncNuspecs
[13:54:21] ├── build
[13:54:21] ├── package
[13:54:21] ├── test
[13:54:21] ├── analysis
[13:54:21] └── default

Running the tests

Prior to executing gulp to build and then test the code, make sure that the latest tools are setup for your build environment.

gulp test


Strong Name Validation Errors

If you're running Windows and get errors like this while building:

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'AutoRest, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. Strong name validation failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8013141A) ---> System.Security.SecurityException: Strong name validation failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8013141A)

It means you need to disable strong name validation on your dev box:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.6.1 Tools\sn.exe" -Vr * "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.6.1 Tools\x64\sn.exe" -Vr *

Running AutoRest

Command Line

After building, the AutoRest.exe executable will be output to the /binaries/net45/ folder. You can run it with the command line options specified in the Command Line Interface documentation.

Visual Studio

You can run (and debug) AutoRest by providing the command line parameters in the properties for the AutoRest project. To set these:

  1. Open the properties for the AutoRest project.
  2. Select the Debug tab.
  3. Set the Command line arguments field in the Start Options section.
  4. Build the entire solution to make sure the generators and modelers are built.
  5. F5 the project.


#####If the task runner window in Visual Studio does not show any tasks Make sure that you have run npm install in the root folder.

#####If AutoRest.exe complains about not having generators for each language Make sure that you have built the entire AutoRest.sln solution.

#####If you see the error gulp is not recognized as an internal or external command gulp is located at C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\npm\gulp in Windows after you install it globally.

Releasing AutoRest and ClientRuntimes

  • Merge pending PRs into the master branch
  • Create a release branch from master
  • Update
  • Publish .NET Runtimes (increment versions as appropriate) using automated build
  • Publish Node Runtimes (increment versions as appropriate)
  • Publish Java Runtimes (increment versions as appropriate)
  • Publish Ruby Runtimes (increment versions as appropriate)
  • Publish Python Runtimes (increment versions as appropriate)
  • Create a signed package using automated build with build parameters: sha1: release branch name, scope: CodeGenerator
  • Smoke Test the signed package (Run Autorest.exe to check help and generate a sample spec for any language)
  • Publish Choco package {upload autorest.0.15.0.symbols.nupkg from the downloaded archive of the successful signing job}(Please look at the secure notebook for creds)
  • Publish nuget package using automated build
  • Create a github release from the release branch including a tag
  • Add -SNAPSHOT to Java Runtime versions
  • Update Docker file in the release branch
  • Add zip packages as a binary to the release
  • Copy over the changelog as release notes for github release
  • Publish the github release
  • Login to [dockerhub] ( and trigger the build using the release tag (look at the secure notebook for creds)
  • Smoke test the nuget and npm packages
  • Merge release -> master
  • Bump up the version of autorest.exe
    • Update Assembly Info in AutoRest.Core
    • Update AutoRest.nuget.proj to build nightly using the next version
    • Run gulp syncDependencies from the root of the cloned AutoRest repository