Windows is complicated by the fact that we provide both 32-bit and 64-bit builds of Inselect
Download and run Miniconda3-latest-Windows-x86_64.exe
- Destination folder should be called Miniconda64
- Uncheck 'Add Anaconda to my PATH'
- Uncheck 'Register Anaconda as my default Python 2.7'
I find it useful to have a shortcut on the desktop and taskbar, configured as follows:
* Target: `C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k "C:\Users\<your Windows username>\Miniconda64\Scripts\activate.bat"`
* Name Miniconda3-64
* Start in: `C:\Users\<your Windows username>\`
* Font: Consolas, 16
* Layout: Buffer size, Width: 140
* Layout: Window size, Width: 140
- Download and run Miniconda3-latest-Windows-x86.exe
- Destination folder should be called Miniconda32-3
- Uncheck 'Add Anaconda to my PATH'
I find it useful to have a shortcut on the desktop and taskbar, configured as follows:
* Target: `C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k "C:\Users\<your Windows username>\Miniconda32\Scripts\activate.bat"`
* Name Miniconda3-32
* Start in: `C:\Users\<your Windows username>\`
* Font: Consolas, 16
* Layout: Buffer size, Width: 140
* Layout: Window size, Width: 140
You should run through these for both the 32-bit and 64-bit environments that you created above.
conda update --yes conda
conda env create -f inselect.yml
activate inselect
conda install pywin32=220
FOR /F %a IN ('python -c "import sys; print(sys.exec_prefix)"') DO %a\python %a\Scripts\ -install
pip install -r requirements.pip
Don't worry about the "Can't install shortcuts..." message when you run the
Download and install the Inlite ClearImage SDK. Run the 'Inlite Control Center' application to get an evaluation key.
There is a bug in cx_Freeze
5.0. Make the change to
descibed in the
bug report.
Inselect has optional barcode reading capabilities. The dependent libraries should have been installed.
python -c "from gouda.engines import LibDMTXEngine; print(LibDMTXEngine.available())"
python -c "from gouda.engines import ZbarEngine; print(ZbarEngine.available())"
python -c "from gouda.engines import InliteEngine; print(InliteEngine.available())"
Icons are stored as individual files in icons
. They are frozen into
a python file inselect/gui/
by running
pyrcc5 icons.qrc > inselect/gui/
nosetests --verbose --with-coverage --cover-inclusive --cover-tests --cover-package=inselect inselect
Run inselect
python -m inselect.scripts.inselect
The build script freezes icons, runs tests, freezes python and assembles files into an installer.
The installer will be in dist