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User stories


Login and account creation (us-1)

As a new player, I want to be able to create an account and log in so that I can see what the game is about.

The user needs to be able to input user information, like username and password, and be able to login with these details. The details are to be saved to a database, which in first iteration will just be a csv file stored locally to the user's computer. The data should be saved for the next time the user opens the application. The user may then input the previously saved user details and these will be checked up against details saved in the database. The application should also prevent users from choosing the same usernames.

The user should also be able to see what options they have and the content of the game after logging in. This will be done by the main menu screen which will include buttons to the various features of the game. This includes multiplayer online/local mode, singleplayer practice mode, character information, settings and exit game button.

Important to see
  • input fields to log in and sign up
  • confirmation that user details input correspond to a user saved in the database
  • error message if user details input do not correspond to a user saved in the database
  • confirmation that your account has been created with your chosen account details
  • error message if you try to sign up with an occupied name
  • buttons containing main elements of game
Important actions
  • put in user details in signup
  • put in user details in login and log in with said details
  • press buttons on main menu screen after login to try out various parts of the game

Character information (us-2 and us-3)

As a player that likes fighting games and knows a bit about them, I want to know what moves the different characters have so that I can choose one that fits my playstyle.

As a new player that hasn’t played a lot of fighting games, I want to know the playstyles of the different characters so I can get an idea of what might be interesting for me.

The user needs to easily be able to find information about the game's characters within the game. The game should provide information such as moveset, speed, power, knockback and other attributes that will play an impact in whether or not the player would enjoy this character/the character fits the player's playstyle. The character information will be saved in text format so that new characters and expansions can easily be integrated into the game by following this pattern. The user will be provided with long descriptions but also summaries so that players who just want to get the gist of it and get right into the game can do that, while those who like knowing a bit more about the game can read the detailed descriptions.

Important to see
  • easily accessible information about character attributes and moves with detailed descriptions
  • easily understand the gist of a character with more beginner friendly information, keywords instead of long descriptions
  • visuals supplementing text to easier see how a move works
  • information about how to unlock this character (might be kept secret or with hints)
Important actions
  • click characters to expand details about them
  • click character moves to see animation of them

Local singleplayer (us-4)

As a new player I want to be able to try out new characters before taking them to the battlefield so that I know how to play them.

The user needs to be able to try out characters in a singleplayer mode with a training dummy before trying them out against real players. The dummy will in first iteration only be a stationary character with hitbox and hurtbox, but might in later iterations involve some sort of AI fighter (though most likely the project span does not give sufficient time for that). Here the player can use the different moves of the character and see how they work, as well as do secret combos to unlock new characters (maybe?).

Important to see
  • a selection screen with all possible characters the player can pick from
  • feedback on which character has been pressed and chosen
  • a button to confirm chosen character
  • training grounds and dummy that player can try out moves on
  • pop-up menu with settings (can use same as on main menu) and go back button
Important actions
  • choose which character one will play in the match
  • start match when the user is ready
  • control the character
  • go back when player is done practicing

Online/local gameplay (us-5)

As a gamer I want to test my skill against others around the world to see who’s the best.

The user needs the possbility to play with others who play the game through internet or locally on the same computer. Online will make it easier to be able to play with friends that might live far away, or play with new people from around the world, while local will be easier to implement. The player needs to be able to find their friends' users and invite them to a game or set the user details of the other local character to that user. In first iteration you will only be able to play against people you choose and know, but future iterations might include a matchmaking system. In addition a friends list and system to save people you want to play with would be preferable.

Important to see
  • a selection screen with all possible characters the player can pick from
  • confirmation button to start game
  • character responding after interaction (input from keyboard)
  • account name of who one plays against and which character they play
  • enemy character respond to interaction from your character
  • your character respond to interaction from enemy character
Important actions
  • choose which character one will play in the match
  • confirm character to start the match
  • control the character

Tutorial (us-6)

As a child who is new to video games I want to get sufficient information and tutorial on how to play so that I can start playing.

The user has no way of knowing the controls for the game from the get-go, and as such a tutorial on start-up is required. This will be a popup that pops up the first time you play and can be closed. However, in case the user misclicks the exit button or forgets the rules or controls of the game, it should be possible to find this page again easily. As such, a help button should bring the popup back up. It might be nice to have a tooltip pop up after closing the popup that shows where you can find the tutorial later.

Important to see
  • popup with how to play the game on start-up
  • exit button to close tutorial
  • easy to spot button to make the tutorial pop back up
Important actions
  • close tutorial
  • reopen tutorial

More characters (us-7)

As a player who has played this game a lot I want to get new characters so that I can get a new experience from this game.

The player needs variance in characters to keep engagement. The characters will be unlocked gradually through different achievements so that the player has something to work towards and gets to try different characters.

Important to see
  • several characters in selection screen and information screen
  • unlock conditions for characters
  • popup/other way of informing the user of an unlocked character
  • what characters are unlocked and which are not
Important actions
  • unlock characters by completing achievements

Account details (us-8)

As a player who mistyped my information when creating an account I want to be able to change my account details so that I can log in with my preferred account details.

The user needs to be able to change their user information, mainly username and password. Other data should not be able to be changed through this page.

Important to see
  • easily accessible account details button on main page
  • current user details
  • input fields to change given user details
  • error message on change to username already in use by other account
  • error message on change to password that is not equal to password confirmation field
Important actions
  • go to account details page
  • write new user details to input fields
  • save new user details
  • close account details page

Resolution settings (us-9)

As a player with a small screen I would like to be able to change the resolution so that it can fit my computer.

The user needs to be able to change the their current resolution to the resolution best suited for their screen. This configuration should be saved, such that on reopening of the application would use the new resolution set by the user and not the standard resolution for the game.

Important to see
  • easily visible settings button on main menu page
  • drop down menu for different supported resolutions
Important actions
  • click on the drop down menu to change the resolution
  • click to save chosen resolution

Audio settings (us-10)

As a player who wants to be able to talk to my friends online while playing I want to be able to turn down the game volume so that it does not drawn out other applications.

The user needs to be able to change the audio volume, including both music and game sound effects volume.

Important to see
  • easily visible settings button on main menu page
  • slider to control the music volume
  • slider to control the sound effects volume
Important actions
  • drag to adjust the music volume
  • drag to adjust the in game sound effects volume

Achievements (us-11)

As a player that likes playing online, but not competitively, I would still like to be able to get rewards regardless of my skills compared to other players.

The user needs to be able to be rewarded by the game for playing. Achievements will reward the player for playing, as well as provide a goal for users to keep playing and something to reach for. Users that do not take the game itself competitvely but still want to have something to work towards, can instead focus on these achievements. A page containing the achievements should show which are locked and unlocked, as well as provide a tooltip on how to unlock on hovering.

Important to see
  • unlocked and locked achievements for this user
  • unlock conditions for the achievements
Important actions
  • hover to see unlock conditions

Skip tutorial (us-12)

As a player that is already experienced with this game or similar ones, I would like to be able to skip the explanation of the game and tutorial.

The user needs to be able to skip the tutorial, and as such it should not pop up on each startup. There should be a variable telling if the user is a first time user or not, and the tutorial should only pop up if it is the user's first time playing the game. Otherwise, the tutorial will be available on the main menu screen, but will not be forced upon the player every single time they open the game. Most of the implementation of this user story will be done in the background, with keeping track of whether or not the player has seen the tutorial before and whether or not it should be shown. One option is to have a variable keeping track, but this can also be done knowing that the user is a first time user every time they press the signup button instead of the login button.

Important to see
  • exit button for tutorial
  • no tutorial popup on later logins to the game
Important actions
  • close tutorial