Helps you replace variables in a text.
Variables are declared using a lambda and a model type.
Once the variables declared in an instance of StringReplacer
, you can replace the variables for all models you pass in.
I'm using this to template markdown files that I send in plain/text emails.
public void Model()
var model = new UserModel
Name = "Johny",
var target = new StringReplacer<UserModel>();
target.Setup("User.Name", r => r.Model.Name);
var text = "Hello {User.Name}";
var expected = "Hello Johny";
var result = target.Replace(text, model);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
private SendEmailResult SendConfirmEmail(EmailAddress emailAddress, string displayName, ApiKeyModel item, ApiKeyEvent sendConfirmEvent)
// BasicEmailModel helps me store basic stuff to send an email
// BasicEmailModel<T> allows a typed sub-model to template more variables
// BasicEmailModel.Data allows random more variables
var model = new BasicEmailModel<ApiKeyModel>(item);
model.Subject = ApiStrings.SendConfirmEmail_Subject + " - " + this.Services.Configuration.AppName;
model.Recipient = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(emailAddress.Value, displayName);
model.Sender = this.ServiceGroup.Configuration.GetSenderEmailAddress();
model.Data["ConfirmUrl"] = "http://...../..../....";
// my markdown files are stored in assembly as embedded resources
// this code fetches them as text
var template = EmbeddedResourceUtil.GetResourceAsString("", typeof(ApiKeysService).Assembly);
var master = EmbeddedResourceUtil.GetResourceAsString("", typeof(ApiKeysService).Assembly);
// create a new replacer with preset variables (see below)
var email = this.Services.EmailService.PrepareBasicMarkdownEmail<ApiKeyModel>(template, master);
// set more variables to replace
.Setup("Api.UniqueId", m => m.Model.Model.UniqueId)
.Setup("Api.Key", m => m.Model.Model.Key)
.Setup("Api.DateCreated", m => m.Model.Model.DateCreatedUtc.ToString(m.Parameter ?? "d"))
.Setup("Api.DisplayName", m => m.Model.Model.Contact.DisplayName)
.Setup("Api.CompanyName", m => m.Model.Model.Contact.CompanyName)
.Setup("Api.Url", m => this.GetUrl(m.Model.Model).AbsoluteUri)
.Setup("ConfirmUrl", m => m.Model.Data["ConfirmUrl"].ToString())
.Setup("ApiSite", m => this.ServiceGroup.Configuration.ApiSiteUrl);
// todo: store the email variable as static so it is not built each time
// replace variables from model in master md
var masterContent = email.Replacer.Replace(email.MasterTempalte, model);
// replace variables from model in content md
var content = email.Replacer.Replace(email.Template, model);
// replace master placeholder with content
content = masterContent.Replace("@CONTENT", content);
// my message is now templated and ready to send
return this.Services.EmailService.Send(model, content);
internal BasicEmail<TModel> PrepareBasicMarkdownEmail<TModel>(string template, string master)
var email = new BasicEmail<TModel>();
email.MasterTempalte = master;
email.Template = template;
.Setup("Recipient.Address", m => m.Model.Recipient.Address)
.Setup("Recipient.DisplayName", m => m.Model.Recipient.DisplayName)
.Setup("Recipient.FullName", m => m.Model.Recipient.ToString())
.Setup("Sender.Address", m => m.Model.Sender.Address)
.Setup("Sender.DisplayName", m => m.Model.Sender.DisplayName)
.Setup("Sender.FullName", m => m.Model.Sender.ToString())
.Setup("Footer.AppName", m => this.Services.Configuration.AppName)
.Setup("Footer.ApiSiteUrl", m => this.Services.Configuration.ApiSiteUrl)
.Setup("Footer.AppCompanyName", m => this.Services.Configuration.AppCompanyName)
.Setup("Footer.AppCompanyLegalName", m => this.Services.Configuration.AppCompanyLegalName)
.Setup("Footer.SupportEmail", m => this.Services.Configuration.SupportEmailAddress)
.Setup("Header.Subject", m => m.Model.Subject)
.Setup("Header.SendDate", m => DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(m.Parameter ?? "d"));
return email;
// file
API Key (AK) : {Api.Key}
Date de création : {Api.DateCreated}
Au nom de : {Api.DisplayName}
Société : {Api.CompanyName}