The reference implementation for the Non Local Spatial and Angular Matching (NLSAM) denoising algorithm for diffusion MRI.
Go grab a release (recommended) or build it from source with the instructions.
Once installed, there are two main scripts, the stabilization algorithm and the NLSAM algorithm itself. The first one allows you to transform the data to Gaussian distributed signals if your dataset is Rician or Noncentral chi distributed.
A typical example call requires only a diffusion weighted dataset (dwi.nii.gz) and the number of coils from the acquisition (N=1), but it is recommended to also have a brain mask (brain_mask.nii.gz) to greatly reduce computation time.
I computed the brain mask using FSL bet for this example, but anything giving you a binary segmentation mask will do fine as the computation will only take place inside this mask.
I also supply the bvals/bvecs pair since the default option is to use a spherical harmonics fit for initialization.
stabilizer dwi.nii.gz dwi_stab.nii.gz 1 sigma.nii.gz -m brain_mask.nii.gz --bvals bvals --bvecs bvecs
The stabilized output is dwi_stab.nii.gz and the estimated noise standard deviation is sigma.nii.gz.
More options are available by using stabilizer --help. Once your data is Gaussian distributed, the nlsam denoising itself can now be used with the outputs from the previous algorithm. Here the number of angular neighbors is set to 5, which is the number of DWI which are equidistant in q-space to each volume in this example dataset.
nlsam dwi_stab.nii.gz dwi_nlsam.nii.gz 5 bvals bvecs sigma.nii.gz --mask brain_mask.nii.gz
The final nlsam denoised output is then dwi_nlsam.nii.gz.
Once again, nlsam --help will give you more options to be used beyond the defaults.
You will need to have at least numpy, scipy, nibabel, dipy, cython, cython-gsl and spams. Fortunately, the setup.py will take care of installing everything you need.
On Debian/Ubuntu, you will need some development headers which can be installed with
sudo apt-get install build-essential libgsl0-dev python-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev
If you have a working python setup already, doing
pip install git+https://github.com/samuelstjean/nlsam.git --user --process-dependency-links
should give you everything you need.
You can also clone it locally and then build the files with
git clone https://github.com/samuelstjean/nlsam.git
cd path/to/git/repo
python setup.py build_ext -i
Don't forget to add the path where you cloned everything to your PYTHONPATH.
St-Jean, S., P. Coupé, and M. Descoteaux. "Non Local Spatial and Angular Matching : Enabling higher spatial resolution diffusion MRI datasets through adaptive denoising." Medical Image Analysis, 2016. DOI URL
As the main solver I use (spams) is GPL licensed and the stabilization script uses the GNU GSL library, the nlsam main codebase is also licensed under the GPL v3, see the file LICENSE for more information.
If you would like to reuse parts of this work under another project/license, feel free to drop me an email and I will gladly re-license the files you need as MIT/BSD/whatever else.