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File metadata and controls

424 lines (342 loc) · 13.2 KB

Helpers functions


Build fullname of the user with firstname and lastname (and a space between)

function buildFullNameOfUser($user)


  • $user: must contain firstname and lastname index.

Return: string

Returns the entire string with first letter of the given variable in uppercase

function setFirstCharToUpperCase($string)


  • $string: a string.

Return: string

Show the content of $_SESSION["flashmsg"]

function flashMessage($withHtml = true)


  • $withHtml: false if we want to display the message without html

Return: void

Show the content of $_SESSION["flashmsg"]

function flashMessage($withHtml = true)


  • $withHtml: false if we want to display the message without html

Return: void

Display a var (with var_dump()) for debug, only if debug mode is enabled

function displaydebug($var, $needPrint_r = false)


  • $var: must contain var we want to display
  • $needPrint_r: true if we want to print_r the var

Return: void

Convert[x][y] [x] is the table where the field[y] is located, we want to convert [y] to text

   function convertXY($int, $needFirstCharToUpper = false)
  • convertUserState()
  • convertJoinState()
  • convertGroupState()
  • convertGroupVisibility()
  • convertProjectState()
  • convertParticipateState()
  • convertWorkState()
  • convertWorkNeedhelp()
  • convertWorkNeedhelpIcon()
  • convertTaskState()
  • convertTaskType()


  • $int: must contain the int
  • $needFirstCharToUpper: true if we want an upper lettre at the start of the word

Return: void

Create hoverables texts-tooltips for help

   function createToolTip($innerText, $tooltipText, $link = false, $type = "top")


  • $innerText: must contain the content we want to show when tooltip is hovered
  • $tooltipText: must contain the title of tooltip
  • $link: can contain a link for redirection
  • $type: must contain where we want to place the data

Return: string

Create hoverables texts-tooltips for help

   function createToolTipWithPoint($tooltipText, $pointClasses = "icon-small m-2", $link = false, $type = "top")


  • $innerText: must contain the content we want to show when tooltip' point is hovered
  • $pointClasses: can contain classes for the tooltip's point
  • $link: can contain a link for redirection
  • $type: must contain where we want to place the data

Return: string

Return the given string with an upper char for first letter depends on [needFirstCharToUpper]

function manageIfApplyOnFirstChar($txt, $needFirstCharToUpper)


  • $txt: must contain the text that we want to trim
  • $needFirstCharToUpper: true if we want an upper letter at the start of the word

Return: string

Display the firstname and lastname

function mentionUser($basicUser, $css = "text-info")


  • $basicUser: must contain the user we want to diplay with the hover
  • $css: must contain a css class

Return: string

print (or return) an icon with a file, a title, alt attribute, and personalized or default css classes

function printAnIcon($iconname, $title, $alt, $defaultClasses = "icon-small ml-2 mr-2", $echo = true, $id = "", $hidden = false)


  • $iconname: must contain the name of file we want to use in this icon
  • $title: must contain a title
  • $alt: must contain an alternative text if image isn't avalible
  • $defaultClasses: can contain classes
  • $echo: can contain a boolean, true if we want to show that in a echo
  • $id: can contain an id
  • $hidden: can contain a boolean variable to show or not the icon

Return: string

Create an element with fixed number of line

function createElementWithFixedLines($text, $nbLines, $cssClassesInAddition = "", $withTitle = false)


  • $text: must contain the text we want to show
  • $nbLines: must contain a number of line
  • $cssClassesInAddition: can contain classes
  • $withTitle: can contain boolean

Return: string

Create a colored circle with custom color

function getHTMLPastille($cssColor)


  • $cssColor: must contain a css Color code or name

Return: string

Write if the current page is "Work In Progress"

function printPageWIPTextInfo()


  • none

Return: void


Check the password of a user for an important action

checkUserPassword($id, $password)


  • $id: id of the user
  • $password: password sent for the important action

Return: bool. Result of password_verifiy()

Check the length of string doesn't exceed max of chars authorized (usually max defined by the database)

chkLength($string, $max)


  • $string: string to test
  • $max: nb max of chars authorized

Return: bool. true if respect the maximum, and false is not.

Convert a checkbox sent value to TINYINT format (0 if null and 1 if not) (checkbox input are not sent if not checked!)



  • $value: value of the checkbox (like $data['visible'] from the input type checkbox)

Return: int 0 or 1.

Set the flashmessage in the session with its number, that will be displayed in a view or in the gabarit



  • $number: number of the flashmessage (number in flashmessages.json)

Return: int 0 or 1.

Convert a timestamp date to datetime format (like 1605472805 in "2020-11-15 20:40:05"). Is useful for the database because all dates are stored in datetime



  • $timestamp: the timestamp date

Return: string reprensenting the datetime

Convert a datetime date to a "human displayable date"

DTToHumanDate($datetime, $mode = "simpleday", $isTimestamp = false)


  • $datetime: the datetime date
  • $mode: the format for date() chosen (possibilities: simpleday = "d.m.Y", simpletime = "d.m.Y à H:i", completeday = "j F Y", completetime = "j F Y à H:i:S")
  • $isTimestamp: if the date is a timestamp instead of a datetime, the parameter can be set to true

Return: string with the date formatted with the chosen mode

Convert all chosen fields in a 2d array to html entities

specialCharsConvertFromAnArray($items, $fields)


  • $items: the 2d array (ex: [["name" => "test

    ", "description" => "truc"], ["name" => "html test <script>", "description" => "truc"]])

  • $fields: 1D array of all fields to convert (ex: ["name", "description"])

Return: the array $items after conversion

Substring a text cleverly with conditions

substrText($text, $max, $nospace = false, $points = true)


  • $text: the text
  • $max: maximum of length
  • $nospace: if the string can be stopped on another char than a space char (or if words must not be cut).
  • $points: add or not points "..." at the end of the string (max length of text alone will be $max - 4)

Return: return the sub-string extracted

Return the given string without space, tab, line break, and null byte, at the start and end of the string.

function trimIt($string)


  • $string: must contain the text that we want to trim

Return: string the text trimed.

Replace accented chars with their equivalent without any accent

function replaceAccentChars($string)


  • $string: text with accents ("élève" will be converted in "eleve")

Return: string without accent

Index a 2D array from a select query on a database

function indexAnArrayById($array)


  • $array: the array

Return: array with each subarray indexed with value of the field id in this subarray.

Is the user logged an admin

function checkAdmin()


none the state of the user will be updated in the session

Return: bool

Check if user has limited access (if banned, archived or unapproved) or not

function checkLimitedAccess()



Return: bool for question "has limited access"

Check that each key of sub array of an 2D array is not null

function checkThatEachKeyIsNotEmpty($array)


  • $array: array 2D --> Useful to check that a set of fields are not null before a creation in the database (create an $array only with these fields)

Return: bool. true if no null value. else return false.

Is a value at least equal to one element in a list

function isAtLeastEqual($value, $possibilities)


  • $value: must contain the value we want to test if is in possibilities
  • $possibilities: must contain the possibilities as 1D array (like [1, 5, 6])

Return: bool. true if in the list and false if not

Compare 2 dates with day precision

function compare2DatesWithDayPrecision($date1, $date2)


  • $date1: first date
  • $date2: second date

Return: int value: 0 if dates are on the same day, -1 if date1 is before date2, 1 if date1 is after date2

Unset passwords in the 2 dimensions of a 2D array

function unsetPasswordsInArrayOn2Dimensions($array)


  • $array: array 2D (1D not accepted)

Return: the arrays without any password

Is the email respecting the email format (with a regex)

function isEmailFormat($text)


  • $text: the email

Return: bool

Send a email with a feedback sent through the feedback form

function sendFeedback($data)


  • $data: array with body of POST. it must contain $data['subject'], $data['content'] and $data['email']. email can be null if response is not asked.

Return: JSON API response with success of failed message.

Set the HTTP Header for API response (like Content-Type and other values if needed)

function setHTTPHeaderForAPIResponse()



Return: void

Return if we can change the user state from the current to next wanted (no all changes are authorized)

function canChangeUserState($current, $next)


  • $current: current state
  • $next: wanted new state

Return: bool

Get error value if not true

function setErrorValueIfNotTrue($newValue, $currentValue)


  • $newValue: new value got from the last test of validity
  • $currentValue: current value of $error in the long list of validation

Return: bool. false if $newValue is false, $current value if $newCalue is true


Manage the response status, if it's fail success or an error

function manageResponseStatus(response)


  • response: must contain all the data we need for an ajax's response

Return: boolean

Manage the response status, if it's fail success or an error

function manageResponseStatus(response)


  • response: must contain all the data we need for an ajax's response

Return: boolean

Return the given string without all numbers

function removeNumbersInString(text)


  • text: must contain the text that we want to remove numbers

Return: string

Check length of text in input (type = text), if the string's is more than 4/5 of the max length, counter appears in red. If the string's length = max lenght, writing will be blocked

function checkTextFieldToCheck()


  • none

Return: void

Give an array constitute by values from the [formname]

function getArrayFromAFormFieldsWithName(formname)


  • formname: must contain the name of form we want to extract the array

Return: void

Send a request with ajax

function sendRequest(verb, url, callback, data)


  • verb: must contain a verb like: create, read, update, delete (CRUD)
  • url: must contain the url where the request
  • callback: must contain the name of function we want to call after request
  • data: must contain the data we want to send with ajax request

Return: string

Return the given string without all numbers

function displayResponseMsg(val, checkmark = true, color = "black")


  • val: must contain the text that we want display
  • checkmark: must contain a bool that tell to us if the checkmark is a tick or a cross
  • color: must contain a css color that decide what is the text's color

Return: string

Return false if one of the [values] is empty

function checkAllValuesAreNotEmpty(values)


  • values: must contain the values we want to tests

Return: string

Return if [needle] is contain in the things after "action=" in the querystring

function queryActionIncludes(needle)


  • needle: must contain the text that we want to check if is contained in querystring

Return: bool

Create a div with a DOM object inside from a string with html code

function createElementFromHTML(htmlString)


  • htmlString: must contain the text that we want to put in the div

Return: the div with the object created inside

Write in console the given text

function logIt(text)


  • text: must contain the text that we want to write in console

Return: void

Return a bool if the string tested with regex return true

function testRegex(regex, string)


  • regex: must contain a regex
  • string: must contain a string

Return: string