All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is inspired by Keep a Changelog and tries to adhere to Semantic Versioning. The author interprets the terms below as follows:
- pre-alpha status: the app runs, but there is no formal unit or functional testing.
- alpha status: pre-alpha, plus implementation of unit and functional tests.
- beta status: alpha, plus documentation, implementation of all anticipated Version 1.0.0 features, and installation requirements.
- release candidate status: beta, plus standalone executable(s) for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
- Version 1.0.0 release: a minimal app suitable for educational use and not requiring execution from the command line interface.
- Broken tests and Tk matplotlib backend. Should now work with latest Python
and requirements.
- Second-order toolbars no longer are unresponsive after a refresh.
- Updating a numerical entry no longer calls the recalculation of spectra twice, so updates now occur faster (this is especially noticeable with large second-order spin systems).
- Subspectra Navigation: Can now create, delete, and swap between individual subspectrum simulations, and toggle whether or not they are added to the total spectrum simulation.
- PDF and EPS exporting of the simulated spectrum.
- Can select landcape or portrait mode for EPS exports.
- Toolbars now have a "reset" button to restore them to their default settings.
- PDF documentation (HTML documentation via to follow in a later patch).
- Each subspectrum can have its own linewidth setting. This allows, for example, adding a broad singlet for a hydroxyl proton undergoing exchange.
- The spectrometer frequency can be changed at any time, and will update the subspectrua and total spectrum plots accordingly.
- The resolution for the plots (number of data points) has been increased. To accomodate this, the maximum spectral window is currently hard-coded to be -1 to +15 ppm.
- "v min" and "v max" settings allow the user to set the minimum and maximum ppm range for their total spectrum.
- "Clear Current/Total Spectrum" buttons (replaced by subspectrum navigation options).
- "Back" and "Forward" history buttons (replaced by subspectrum navigation options)
- "Add to Total Spectrum" button in toolbars (replaced by subspectrum navigation options).
Commit of actual nmrmint application with basic functionality in place.
Initial Commit