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661 lines (491 loc) · 19 KB

File metadata and controls

661 lines (491 loc) · 19 KB

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SSYNC.LiteDB tem como objetivo facilitar a implementação de sincronização de dados entre frontend com litedb e backend.

⚠️ Notas importante

  • Sua base de dados local e do servidor sempre usará:

      • Guid com identificadores
      • As tabelas que deverão realizar sincronia de dados deverão possui as seguintes colunas CreatedAt, UpdatedAt e DeletedAt? (timestamp)
      • A coluna DeletedAt é datetime nulável, logo você sempre trabalhará com softdelete
      • O valor do timestamp 01-01T00:00:00.0000000 (iso) ou 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM é usado como refência para carregar todos os dados do servidor
      • Em suas transações de dados, você deverá sempre com tipo formato de dados (utc ou local), tanto para server e client
      • A estrutura de dados (schemas) devem seguir a mesma para server e client e nome da chave dos objetos
      • Objetos excluídos são sempre representados apenas por seus IDs.
      • Estrutura de json válida
                collection: table1_key_name,
                timestamp: Datetime iso like //2024-12-21T17:37:41.7618382Z ,
                    created: dtoSync[],
                    updated: dtoSync[],
                    deleted: string[],
                collection: table2_key_name,
                timestamp: Datetime iso like //2024-12-21T17:37:41.7618382Z ,
                    created: dtoSync[],
                    updated: dtoSync[],
                    deleted: string[],
      • Exemplo
                 "collection": "ss_tb_user",
                 "timestamp": "2024-12-21T17:37:41.7618382Z",
                 "changes": {
                     "created": [
                             "name": "John Doe 45",
                             "age": 45,
                             "id": "a6ea4282-a3ea-4893-ba50-e11e673030ef",
                             "createdAt": "2024-12-21T17:25:53.961871",
                             "updatedAt": "2024-12-21T17:25:53.961871",
                             "deletedAt": null
                             "name": "John Doe 19",
                             "age": 19,
                             "id": "f878dac6-690a-4f5e-b929-5ebecb1cd434",
                             "createdAt": "2024-12-21T17:25:54.689497",
                             "updatedAt": "2024-12-21T17:25:54.689497",
                             "deletedAt": null
                     "updated": [],
                     "deleted": [
                 "collection": "ss_tb_note",
                 "timestamp": "2024-12-21T17:37:42.8157339Z",
                 "changes": {
                     "created": [
                             "completed": false,
                             "message": "new note",
                             "userName": "John Doe 19",
                             "id": "66c2eb1e-14f3-4ec7-8afd-84f54a42287b",
                             "createdAt": "2024-12-21T17:26:11.350763",
                             "updatedAt": "2024-12-21T17:26:11.350763",
                             "deletedAt": null
                             "completed": false,
                             "message": "new note",
                             "userName": "John Doe 19",
                             "id": "b7c66d5b-ea12-4710-a985-436942b0e938",
                             "createdAt": "2024-12-21T17:26:16.925801",
                             "updatedAt": "2024-12-21T17:26:16.925801",
                             "deletedAt": null
                     "updated": [],
                     "deleted": []

🔄️ Fluxo

alt text

To update local changes:

alt text

To update server changes:

alt text

🔙 Backend

Como instalar


⛏️ Configuração

  1. Para configuração dos seu modelo de dados você pode herdar ISSyncEntityRoot, será criado as colunas necessárias para gerencia sincronia
// example entity from server

public class Note : ISSyncEntityRoot
    public const string CollectionName = "ss_tb_note";
    public Note()
    public Note(Guid id, Time time) : base(id, time)

    public bool Completed { get; set; }
    public string? Message { get; set; } 
    public Guid? UserId{ get; set; }
    public virtual User? User { get; set; }

  1. Configurar sua modelo de classe (schema) que irá representar objeto de dados da sincronia
// example dto to shared data

public class NoteSync : ISchema
    public NoteSync(Guid id) : base(id)

    public bool Completed { get; set; }

    public string? Message { get; set; }

    public string? UserName { get; set; }
  1. Configurar Dbcontext, ele deverá herdar ISSyncDbContextTransaction
//sample dbcontext with postgresql

public class PocDbContext : DbContext, ISSyncDbContextTransaction
    private IDbContextTransaction? _transaction;
    private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;

    public PocDbContext(DbContextOptions<PocDbContext> options, IConfiguration configuration) : base(options)
        //fix :
        AppContext.SetSwitch("Npgsql.EnableLegacyTimestampBehavior", true);
        AppContext.SetSwitch("Npgsql.DisableDateTimeInfinityConversions", true);
        _configuration = configuration;

    public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }
    public DbSet<Note> Notes { get; set; }

    public async Task BeginTransactionSyncAsync()
        => _transaction = await Database.BeginTransactionAsync();

    public async Task CommitSyncAsync()
        => await Database.CommitTransactionAsync();

    public Task CommitTransactionSyncAsync()

        return _transaction.CommitAsync();

    public Task RollbackTransactionSyncAsync()
        return _transaction.RollbackAsync();

    protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            .HasOne(n => n.User)
            .WithMany(n => n.Notes)

            .HasMany(n => n.Notes)
            .WithOne(n => n.User)
  1. Agora você deverá criar suas classe pull handler, ela irá auxiliar no download da estrutura de sicronia, ela deve Implementar da interface ISSyncPullRequest<ISchema, SSyncParameter>
// ~/Sync.Handlers.Pull/NotePullRequestHandler.cs

public class NotePullRequestHandler : ISSyncPullRequest<NoteSync, SSyncParameter>
    private readonly ILogger<NotePullRequestHandler> _logger;
    private readonly PocDbContext _pocDbContext;

    public NotePullRequestHandler(ILogger<NotePullRequestHandler> logger, PocDbContext pocDbContext)
        _logger = logger;
        _pocDbContext = pocDbContext;

    public async Task<IEnumerable<NoteSync>> QueryAsync(SSyncParameter parameter)
        _logger.LogInformation("Not sync  pull");

        var notes = _pocDbContext.Notes.AsQueryable();

        if (parameter.UserId.HasValue)
            notes = notes.Where(x => x.UserId == parameter.UserId);

        return await notes.Select(n => new NoteSync(n.Id)
            Completed = n.Completed,
            CreatedAt = n.CreatedAt,
            UpdatedAt = n.UpdatedAt,
            Message = n.Message,
            DeletedAt = n.DeletedAt,
            UserName = n.User!.Name
  1. Agora você deverá criar suas classe push handler, ela irá auxiliar no crud de dados da estrutura de sicronia, ela deve Implementar da interface ISSyncPushRequest
// ~/Sync.Handlers.Push/NotePushRequestHandler.cs

    public class NotePushRequestHandler(PocDbContext context) : ISSyncPushRequest<NoteSync>
        private readonly PocDbContext _context = context;

        public async Task<NoteSync?> FindByIdAsync(Guid id)
            return await _context.Notes.Where(u => u.Id == id)
                .Select(u => new NoteSync(id)
                    Completed = u.Completed,
                    Message = u.Message,
                    UserName = u.User!.Name,
                    CreatedAt = u.CreatedAt,
                    DeletedAt = u.DeletedAt,
                    UpdatedAt = u.UpdatedAt

        public async Task<bool> CreateAsync(NoteSync schema)
            var userId = await _context.Users
                .Where(s => s.Name == schema.UserName)
                .Select(u => u.Id)

            var newNote = new Note(schema.Id, Time.UTC)
                Completed = schema.Completed,
                Message = schema.Message,
                UserId = userId

            await _context.Notes.AddAsync(newNote);

            return await Save();

        public async Task<bool> UpdateAsync(NoteSync schema)
            var entity = await _context.Notes.FindAsync(schema.Id);

            entity!.Completed = schema.Completed;
            entity.Message = schema.Message;



            return await Save();

        public async Task<bool> DeleteAsync(NoteSync schema)
            var entity = await _context.Notes.FindAsync(schema.Id);

            entity!.Completed = schema.Completed;
            entity.Message = schema.Message;



            return await Save();

        private async Task<bool> Save()
            return await _context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;
  1. Agora você deve configurar seu program.cs
    optionsPullChanges:(pullChangesConfig) =>
    optionsPushChanges: (pushChangesConfig) =>
  1. Agora você pode utilizar as interface ISchemaCollection para realizar pull ou push no seu controller ou endpoint
 // endpoint
 var syncGroup = app.MapGroup("api/sync").WithOpenApi();

syncGroup.MapGet("/pull", async ([AsParameters] SSyncParameter parameter, [FromServices] ISchemaCollection schemaCollection) =>
    var changes = await schemaCollection.PullChangesAsync(parameter);
    return Results.Ok(changes);

syncGroup.MapPost("/push", async (HttpContext httpContext, [FromBody] JsonArray changes, [FromServices] ISchemaCollection schemaCollection) =>
    var query = httpContext.Request.Query;

    var sucesso = Guid.TryParse(query["userId"], out var userId);
    var parameter = new SSyncParameter
        UserId = sucesso ? userId : null,
        Colletions = query["collections"].ToArray()!,
        Timestamp = DateTime.TryParse(query["timestamp"], out DateTime timestamp) ? timestamp : DateTime.MinValue

    var now = await schemaCollection.PushChangesAsync(changes, parameter);

    return Results.Ok(now);

 // controller
public async Task<IActionResult> Pull([FromQuery] SSyncParameter parameter, [FromServices] ISchemaCollection schemaCollection)
    return Ok(await schemaCollection.PullChangesAsync(parameter));

public IAsyncEnumerable<object> PullStream([FromQuery] SSyncParameter parameter, [FromServices] ISchemaCollection schemaCollection)
    return schemaCollection.PullStreamChanges(parameter);
  1. Você possui a possibilidade de herdar da classe SSyncParameter e fornecer campos e dados disponivel em todo seus handlers de pull
public class CustomParamenterSync : SSyncParameter
    public Guid? UserId { get; set; }
    public string? phoneId { get; set; }
  1. (opcional) Caso não queira criar endpoint de pull e push manualmente, você pode chamada função MapApiEndpointsSync, é obrigatório passar um tipo customizado que herda de SSyncParameter, assim que irá injectar automaticamente endpoints para realizar as operações

📱 Client

Como instalar


⛏️ Configuração

  1. Suas entidades devem herdar da classe SchemaSync
    public class Note : SchemaSync
        public Note(Guid id) : base(id, SSync.Client.LitebDB.Enums.Time.UTC)

        public string? Content { get; set; }

        public bool Completed { get; set; }

(Opcional) 1.1. Nome das tabelas devem ser unicos e igual do seu backend

   public static class LiteDbCollection
        public const string Note = "ss_tb_note";
  1. Suas operações de dados (crud), devem ser aplicadas usando a classe Synchronize
    public class NoteRepository : INoteRepository
        private Synchronize? _sync;
        private readonly LiteDatabase? _db;

        public NoteRepository()
            _db = new LiteDatabase(GetPath());
            _sync = new Synchronize(_db);

        public List<Note> GetAll()
            return _db!.GetCollection<Note>().FindAll().OrderBy(s => s.CreatedAt).ToList();

        public Task Save(Note note)

            return Task.CompletedTask;

        public Task Update(Note note)
            _sync!.UpdateSync(note, "Note");

            return Task.CompletedTask;

        public Task Delete(Note note)
            _sync!.DeleteSync(note, "Note");
            return Task.CompletedTask;

        private string GetPath()
            var path = FileSystem.Current.AppDataDirectory;

            return Path.Combine(path, "litedbwin.db");
            return Path.Combine(path, "litedb.db");

  1. Agora crie sua classe repository de sincronia, ela possuirá responsabilidade de carregar dados de sua base de dados local ou enviá-las
public class SyncRepository : ISyncRepository
        //send database local to server
        public string PullLocalChangesToServer(DateTime lastPulledAt)
            var pullChangesBuilder = new SyncPullBuilder();

            var last = _sync!.GetLastPulledAt();
                .AddPullSync(() => _sync!.PullChangesResult<Note>(last, LiteDbCollection.Note))
                // if more table to get  
                .AddPullSync(() => _sync!.PullChangesResult<AnotherTable>(last, LiteDbCollection.AnotherTable))

            var databaseLocal = pullChangesBuilder.DatabaseLocalChanges;
            var jsonDatabaseLocal = pullChangesBuilder.JsonDatabaseLocalChanges;

            return jsonDatabaseLocal;

        //Load database server to my local
        public Task PushServerChangesToLocal(string jsonServerChanges)
            var pushBuilder = new SyncPushBuilder(jsonServerChanges);

                .AddPushSchemaSync<Note>(change => _sync!.PushChangesResult(change), LiteDbCollection.Note)
                   // if more table to send  
                .AddPullSync(() => _sync!.PullChangesResult<AnotherTable>(last, LiteDbCollection.AnotherTable))

            return Task.CompletedTask;

        // save last date did changes
        public Task SetLastPulledAt(DateTime lastPulledAt)
            return Task.CompletedTask;

        // get last date did changes
        public DateTime GetLastPulledAt()
            return _sync!.GetLastPulledAt();

  1. Agora implemetação do seu service de sincronia
    public class ApiService : IApiService
        private readonly SyncRepository _syncService;

        public ApiService(SyncRepository syncService)
            _syncService = syncService;

        public async Task<int> PushServer()
            //get local database
            var time = _syncService.GetLastPulledAt();
            var localDatabaseChanges = _syncService.PullLocalChangesToServer(time);

            //send local database to server
            var result = await ""
                .AppendQueryParam("Colletions", LiteDbCollection.Note)
                .AppendQueryParam("Timestamp", time)
                .WithHeader("Accept", "application/json")
                .WithHeader("Content-type", "application/json")

            var resp = await result.ResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var dta = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<DateTimeOffset>(resp);
            await _syncService.SetLastPulledAt(dta.Date);

            return result.StatusCode;

        public async Task PullServer(bool all)
            // get server database
            var time = all ? DateTime.MinValue : _syncService.GetLastPulledAt();
            var result = await ""
            .AppendQueryParam("Colletions", LiteDbCollection.Note)
            .AppendQueryParam("Timestamp", time.ToString("o"))

            var res = await result.ResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            //update local database from server

            await _syncService.PushServerChangesToLocal(res);
