- Create member
- This creates a member if the member doesn't exist.
- If the member exists, it will add the subscription details to that member.
- View member details
- View all members (table with pagination and search).
- See and update a member's details, along with their borrows.
- Delete member.
- InfiLib supports both books and magazines.
- We also support reference (not borrowable) and non reference books
- Add Items
- By scanning or entering the ISBN of an item, you can autofill details for most books.
- For magazines, we support library subscriptions - just select this to autofill most details. See more in Settings.
- View items
- By default, popular items and recent arrivals. You can view all items by clicking a link, though.
- Table display and card display.
- Filter by books or magazines
- Search items
- Basic and advanced search
- Quick "goto" where you put ISBN/ISSN or accession number to go to the detail page.
- Item details
- See all borrows
- Update fields
- This is the page where you view your transactions.
- By default, a month's worth is shown, but you can change this using the "Filter" option.
- Quickly return or delete transactions.
- Note that for security reasons, we never delete a transaction - we just hide it from you. Should a library owner request the deleted transaction data, we will provide it.
- Borrowing:
- Items can be borrowed at the touch of a button from either the all item or detail view. Clicking borrow on a member also takes you to the borrow form, with that member's name being filled in.
- Your members can "mark" books for borrow from the Public Portal, which you can "pop" when you hand over the item.
- We don't enforce the return date - but we default it to that user's subscription's number of borrowing days.
- Our default price is 10% of the item's price for the "Membership" (default) subscription. For any other subscription plan, the price defaults to 0.
- Just check it out, it's brilliant! We're working on it to give you something even better.
- We currently support both a textual "report" and charts.
- Add a subscription "type" - by default, every library has a Membership subscription. Different member can have different subscriptions, which will affect item prices, the number of items a member can have at once, and the number of days the user can have it for.
- Add a library subscription - little confusing with the same name, but this refers to you, the librarian, subscribing for a magazine or periodical. This can be used to autofill magazine details later on when you add them.
- The actual settings
- Free Library? If checked, converts your library into a library that is free to borrow from. Useful for school or office libraries.
- Quick navigation: you can go to an item or member from any table or form when you select that record.
- Support for free libraries
- All tables can be viewed in full screen.
- Users can view and mark books for borrow at a specific time while sitting in their houses - using the Public Portal.
- Importing is available.
- In the circulation page, you have color marking for items that are due.
- Leaderboards
- Far better customization in Library Settings
- Improved Public Portal
- Readathons
- Better subscription models
- Improved statistics
- Item filtering and shortcuts
- Better design (!)
- User "connections" with each other, and so much more!
As always, we'd love to hear from you! Email us to suggest a feature or report a bug. You can also open an issue right here in GitHub.