Thank you for considering to contribute to Guard.
If you've found a bug, you can report it here.
You can also make a pull request with the fix. If you'll submit a pull requests, see the Code Contributions section below.
If you have an idea that you want to see in Guard, you can suggest it here.
You can also fork to demonstrate a proof-of-concept but don't put much effort into implementing a feature before discussing it in the suggestion issue, since the proposed design can change drastically after the discussion.
See the Code Contributions section below before submitting a pull request.
The design decisions, standard validations and extensibility documents should cover most of your questions regarding Guard's usage and API design.
You can always ask here if you can't find what you're looking for.
For all code contributions, make sure the unit tests are passing.
Coding styles are defined in .editorconfig. An EditorConfig supporting IDE like Visual Studio 2017 or later should automatically enforce them.