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Parameter optimization via NSGA-II

Robin Browaeys & Chananchida Sang-aram 2023-01-03

This vignette shows how we optimized both hyperparameters and data source weights via NSGA-II, a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm. Because the optimization requires intensive parallel computation, we performed optimization in parallel on a high performance computing (HPC) cluster. The old code for parameter optimization via mlrMBO can be accessed by browsing the repository history during NicheNet v1.

This script is merely illustrative and should be adapted by the user to work on its own system.

All network and validation datasets can be downloaded from Zenodo, under “”.

First, we will load in the required packages and networks we will use to construct the models which we will evaluate during the optimization procedure.


# Path is relative to 'optimization.Rproj' in the zip file (evaluation/optimization/)
lr_network <- readRDS("../../networks/data/ligand_receptor/lr_network_human_21122021.rds")
sig_network <- readRDS("../../networks/data/signaling/signaling_network_human_21122021.rds")
gr_network <- readRDS("../../networks/data/gene_regulatory/gr_network_human_21122021_optimization.rds")

# Get names of all data sources
source_names <- c(lr_network$source, sig_network$source, gr_network$source) %>% unique()
source_names_zero_possible <- c(sig_network$source, gr_network$source) %>% unique()

# nsga2r parameters
n_param <- length(source_names) + 4
n_obj <- 4
lower_bounds <- c(rep(0,times = length(source_names)), 0, 0, 0.9, 0.01)
upper_bounds <- c(rep(1,times = length(source_names)), 1, 1, 0.999, 0.99)

To perform optimization, we will use the ligand treatment validation datasets and try to optimize the parameters to maximize both target gene and ligand activity prediction. We used 5-fold cross validation, i.e., 4/5th of dataset was used for training the parameters, and 1/5th of the dataset was used to evaluate the final performance.

# Choose 1 fold
cv_names <- c("1234", "2345", "1345", "1245", "1235")
fold <- cv_names[1]

# Load in validation datasets corresponding to the fold
settings_CV <- readRDS(paste0("settings_training_f", fold))
settings <- settings_CV$settings

# Remove databases from GRN if it is in the validation dataset
gr_network <- readRDS("../../networks/data/gene_regulatory/gr_network_human_21122021_optimization.rds")
forbidden_gr <- bind_rows(
  gr_network %>% filter(database == "NicheNet_LT" & from %in% settings_CV$forbidden_ligands_nichenet),
  gr_network %>% filter(database == "CytoSig" & from %in% settings_CV$forbidden_ligands_cytosig)
gr_network <-  gr_network %>% setdiff(forbidden_gr)
forbidden_gr %>% filter(database %in% c("NicheNet_LT", "CytoSig")) %>% pull(source) %>% table()
gr_network %>% filter(database %in% c("NicheNet_LT", "CytoSig")) %>% pull(source) %>% table()

# Perform optimization
results <- run_nsga2R_cluster(model_evaluation_optimization_nsga2r,
                              # nsga2R params
                              lowerBounds= lower_bounds,
                              popSize = 360,
                              tourSize = 2,
                              generations = 15,
                              ncores = 8,
                              # model_evaluation_optimization_nsga2r params
                              source_names = source_names,
                              algorithm = "PPR",
                              correct_topology = FALSE,
                              lr_network = lr_network,
                              sig_network = lr_network,
                              gr_network = gr_network,
                              settings = settings,
                              secondary_targets = FALSE,
                              remove_direct_links = "no",
                              damping_factor = NULL)

# Save results object
readr::write_rds(results, paste0("results/cv_", fold, "_ltfcutoff_nsga2r_final.rds"))

# Save parameters
optimized_parameters <- get_optimized_parameters_nsga2r(results, source_names)
saveRDS(optimized_parameters, paste0("results/cv_", fold, "_ltfcutoff_nsga2r_optimized_parameters_final.rds"))

In the real implementation, we submitted the code chunks above as an R script to the HPC in 5 separate jobs (one per cross-validation fold). Our job submission script looks as follows:

#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=48
#PBS -l mem=64gb
#PBS -l walltime=72:00:00

module load R/4.2.0-foss-2021b
module load R-bundle-Bioconductor/3.15-foss-2021b-R-4.2.0

Rscript scripts/nsga2r_optimization.R

The submission command is as follows:

for i in {1..5}
qsub qsub_script.pbs -v "CV_NO=${i}" -N nsga2r_cv${i}

This submits the job with the environment variable CV_NO that can be used by the script. This requires us to define fold differently.

task_id <- as.numeric(Sys.getenv("CV_NO")) #from 1-5
fold <- cv_names[task_id]

Once the job is finished (which can take a few days - for shorter running time: reduce the number of iterations), we can analyze the output of each fold and combine the results together. By default, get_optimized_parameters_nsga2r will retrieve the value of the parameters at the final iteration. However, in genetic algorithms it may be possible that equally good or better solution could have existed in earlier iterations or populations. Thus, we also allow users to set search_all_iterations = TRUE. The top_n value will then select the top number of populations that have the best value (based on the geometric mean of the objective functions).

cv_names <- c("1234", "2345", "1345", "1245", "1235")
for (fold in cv_names){
  res_job_nsga2r_multi <- readRDS(paste0("results/cv_", fold, "_ltfcutoff_nsga2r_final.rds"))
  # Visualize source weights
  print(visualize_parameter_values(res_job_nsga2r_multi, source_names))
  for (n in c(25, 5, 1)){
    optimized_df <- get_optimized_parameters_nsga2r(result_nsga2r = res_job_nsga2r_multi,
                                    source_names = source_names,
                                    search_all_iterations = TRUE,
                                    top_n = n,
                                    summarise_weights = TRUE)
    # saveRDS(optimized_df$source_weight_df, paste0("results/fold", fold, "_sourceweights_top", n, ifelse(n == 1, "", "_summarized"), ".rds"))
    # saveRDS(optimized_df$hyperparams_df, paste0("results/fold", fold, "_hyperparameters_top", n, ifelse(n == 1, "", "_summarized"), ".rds"))
## [1] "1234"
## $source_weights_boxplot

## $hyperparameters_boxplot

## [1] "2345"
## $source_weights_boxplot

## $hyperparameters_boxplot

## [1] "1345"
## $source_weights_boxplot

## $hyperparameters_boxplot

## [1] "1245"
## $source_weights_boxplot

## $hyperparameters_boxplot

## [1] "1235"
## $source_weights_boxplot

## $hyperparameters_boxplot

We can also visualize differences across folds.

list_optimization_results <- lapply(cv_names, function(fold){
  readRDS(paste0("results/cv_", fold, "_ltfcutoff_nsga2r_final.rds"))

print(visualize_parameter_values_across_folds(list_optimization_results, source_names, 5))
## $source_weights_boxplot

## $hyperparameters_boxplot

# The top 25 seems to have more overlap
print(visualize_parameter_values_across_folds(list_optimization_results, source_names, 25))
## $source_weights_boxplot

## $hyperparameters_boxplot

Finally, we can compute the average value of top 25 populations across all folds.

# Get average across all folds
for (top_n in c(5, 25)){
  all_optimized_weights <- lapply(1:length(list_optimization_results), function(i){
                                    search_all_iterations = TRUE,
                                    top_n = top_n,
                                    summarise_weights = FALSE) %>%
      lapply(mutate, fold = paste0("Fold", i))
  all_optimized_source_weights_summarised <- purrr::map(all_optimized_weights, "source_weight_df") %>% bind_rows() %>% 
    group_by(source) %>% summarise(avg_weight = mean(weight), median_weight = median(weight))
  all_optimized_hyperparams_df_summarised <- purrr::map(all_optimized_weights, "hyperparams_df") %>% bind_rows() %>% 
    group_by(parameter) %>% summarise(avg_weight = mean(weight), median_weight = median(weight))
  # saveRDS(all_optimized_source_weights_summarised, paste0("results/all_sourceweights_top", top_n, "_summarized_final.rds"))
  # saveRDS(all_optimized_hyperparams_df_summarised, paste0("results/all_hyperparameters_top", top_n, "_summarized_final.rds"))
  # readRDS(paste0("results/all_sourceweights_top25_summarized_final.rds")) %>% write_tsv("results/source_weights_df_final.txt")
  # readRDS(paste0("results/all_hyperparameters_top25_summarized_final.rds")) %>% write_tsv("results/hyperparameters_df_final.txt")