This will run your own local registry server. It does not have any TLS configured, and does not have any authorization, so this should only be done in a lab:
mkdir registry
docker image pull busybox:latest
docker container run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=unless-stopped --name registry \
-v "$(pwd)/registry:/var/lib/registry" registry:2
Creating a new reference to an image is needed to push that image. Then we can push that image to the registry we created locally:
docker image tag busybox:latest localhost:5000/busybox:latest
docker image push localhost:5000/busybox:latest
Now try deleting that tag and pulling the image again:
docker image rm localhost:5000/busybox:latest
docker image pull localhost:5000/busybox:latest
With TLS configured, docker would allow you to pull that image to other hosts.
If you have time, login to Docker Hub, create a public repository, and try tagging and pushing one of your images to that repository. Then try to pull that same image to another node. The commands for that look like:
docker image tag busybox:latest ${your_user_id}/training:latest
docker login
docker image push ${your_user_id}/training:latest
and on another node:
docker image pull ${your_user_id}/training:latest
docker container run -it --rm ${your_user_id}/training:latest echo hello world