uses chezmoi to manage dotfiles and homebrew/nix's home-manager to manage packages
- homebrew
- chezmoi
initalize chezmoi to install and manage dotfiles
chezmoi init --apply ryanlau
install nix using the determinate nix installer
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install --no-confirm
temporarily use chezmoi to fetch these dotfiles, dotfiles are permanently installed
nix run nixpkgs#chezmoi -- init ryanlau --apply --exclude=scripts
install home-manager and use it to permanently install packages/programs including chezmoi
nix run home-manager/master -- switch
run the chezmoi scripts that were ignored earlier
chezmoi apply
- add configs for other programs
- use nix-darwin to manage configuration for macos
- use home-manager instead of chezmoi to manage configuration files
- write docs explaining purpose of every file