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File metadata and controls

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AIStore uses the popular-and-well-known bucket abstraction. In a flat storage hierarchy, bucket is a named container of user dataset(s) (represented as objects) and, simultaneously, a point of applying storage management policies: erasure coding, mirroring, etc.

Each object is assigned to (and stored in) a basic container called bucket. AIS buckets contain user data; in that sense they are very similar to:

AIS supports multiple storage backends including itself:

Supported Backends

All the supported storage services equally apply to all storage backends with only a few exceptions. The following table summarizes them.

Kind Description Supported Storage Services
AIS buckets buckets that are not 3rd party backend-based. AIS buckets store user objects and support user-specified bucket properties (e.g., 3 copies). Unlike remote buckets, ais buckets can be created through the RESTful API. Similar to remote buckets, ais buckets are distributed and balanced, content-wise, across the entire AIS cluster. Checksumming, LRU (advanced usage), Erasure Coding, Local Mirroring and Load Balancing
remote buckets When AIS is deployed as fast tier, buckets in the cloud storage can be viewed and accessed through the RESTful API in AIS, in the exact same way as ais buckets. When this happens, AIS creates local instances of said buckets which then serves as a cache. These are referred to as 3rd party backend-based buckets. Checksumming, LRU, Erasure Coding, Local mirroring and load balancing

3rd party backend-based and AIS buckets support the same API with a few documented exceptions. Remote buckets can be evicted from AIS. AIS buckets are the only buckets that can be created, renamed, and deleted via the RESTful API.

Backend Provider

Backend Provider is an abstraction, and, simultaneously, an API-supported option that allows to delineate between "remote" and "local" buckets with respect to a given (any given) AIS cluster. For complete definition and details, please refer to the backend provider document.

Backend provider is realized as an optional parameter in the GET, PUT, APPEND, DELETE and Range/List operations with supported enumerated values that include:

  • ais - for AIS buckets
  • aws or s3 - for Amazon S3 buckets
  • azure or az - for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage buckets
  • gcp or gs - for Google Cloud Storage buckets
  • hdfs - for Hadoop/HDFS clusters
  • ht - for HTTP(S) based datasets

For API reference, please refer to the RESTful API and examples. The rest of this document serves to further explain features and concepts specific to storage buckets.

AIS Bucket

AIS buckets are the AIStore-own distributed buckets that are not associated with any 3rd party Cloud.

The RESTful API can be used to create, rename and, destroy ais buckets.

New ais buckets must be given a unique name that does not duplicate any existing ais or remote bucket.

If you are going to use an AIS bucket as an S3-compatible one, consider changing the bucket's checksum to MD5. For details, see S3 compatibility.

CLI examples: create, rename and, destroy ais bucket

To create an ais bucket with the name yt8m, rename it to yt8m_extended and delete it, run:

$ ais bucket create yt8m
$ ais bucket mv ais://yt8m ais://yt8m_extended
$ ais bucket rm ais://yt8m_extended

Please note that rename bucket is not an instant operation, especially if the bucket contains data. Follow the rename command tips to monitor when the operation completes.

CLI example: working with remote AIS bucket

AIS clusters can be attached to each other, thus forming a global (and globally accessible) namespace of all individually hosted datasets. For background and details on AIS multi-clustering, please refer to this document.

The following example creates an attachment between two clusters, lists all remote buckets, and then list objects in one of those remote buckets (see comments inline):

$ # Attach remote AIS cluster and assign it an alias `teamZ` (for convenience and for future reference):
$ ais cluster attach teamZ=
Remote cluster (teamZ= successfully attached
$ # The cluster at is now persistently attached:
$ ais show remote-cluster
UUID      URL                            Alias     Primary      Smap   Targets  Online
MCBgkFqp   teamZ     p[primary]   v317   10       yes
$ # List all buckets in all remote clusters
$ # Notice the syntax: by convention, we use `@` to prefix remote cluster UUIDs, and so
$ # `ais://@` translates as "AIS backend provider, any remote cluster"
$ ais bucket ls ais://@
AIS Buckets (4)
$ # List all buckets in the remote cluster with UUID = MCBgkFqp
$ # Notice again the syntax: `ais://@some-string` translates as "remote AIS cluster with alias or UUID equal some-string"
$ ais bucket ls ais://@MCBgkFqp
AIS Buckets (4)
$ # List all buckets with name matching the regex pattern "tes*"
$ ais bucket ls --regex "tes*"
AWS Buckets (3)
$ # We can conveniently keep using our previously selected alias for the remote cluster -
$ # The following lists selected remote bucket using the cluster's alias:
$ ais bucket ls ais://@teamZ/imagenet-augmented
NAME              SIZE
train-001.tgz     153.52KiB
train-002.tgz     136.44KiB
$ # The same, but this time using the cluster's UUID:
$ ais bucket ls ais://@MCBgkFqp/imagenet-augmented
NAME              SIZE
train-001.tgz     153.52KiB
train-002.tgz     136.44KiB

Remote Bucket

Remote buckets are buckets that use 3rd party storage (AWS/GCP/Azure or HDFS) when AIS is deployed as fast tier. Any reference to "Cloud buckets" refer to remote buckets that use a public cloud bucket as their backend (i.e. AWS/GCP/Azure, but not HDFS).

By default, AIS does not keep track of the remote buckets in its configuration map. However, if users modify the properties of the remote bucket, AIS will then keep track.

Public Cloud Buckets

Public Google Storage supports limited access to its data. If AIS cluster is deployed with Google Cloud enabled (Google Storage is selected as 3rd party Backend provider when deploying an AIS cluster), it allows a few operations without providing credentials: HEAD a bucket, list bucket objects, GET an object, and HEAD an object. The example shows accessing a private GCP bucket and a public GCP one without user authorization.

$ # Listing objects of a private bucket
$ ais bucket ls gs://ais-ic
Bucket "gcp://ais-ic" does not exist
$ # Listing a public bucket
$ ais bucket ls gs://pub-images --limit 3
NAME                         SIZE
images-shard.ipynb           101.94KiB
images-train-000000.tar      964.77MiB
images-train-000001.tar      964.74MiB

Even if an AIS cluster is deployed without Cloud support, it is still possible to access public GCP and AWS buckets. Run downloader to copy data from a public Cloud bucket to an AIS bucket and then use the AIS bucket. Example shows how to download data from public Google storage:

$ ais bucket create ais://images
"ais://images" bucket created
$ ais job start download "gs://pub-images/images-train-{000000..000001}.tar" ais://images/
Run `ais show job download Z8WkHxwIrr` to monitor the progress of downloading.
$ ais job wait download Z8WkHxwIrr
$ ais bucket ls ais://images
NAME                         SIZE
images-train-000000.tar      964.77MiB
images-train-000001.tar      964.74MiB

Public HTTP(S) Dataset

It is standard in machine learning community to publish datasets in public domains, so they can be accessed by everyone. AIStore has integrated tools like downloader which can help in downloading those large datasets straight into provided AIS bucket. However, sometimes using such tools is not a feasible solution.

For other cases AIStore has ability to act as a reverese-proxy when accessing any URL. This enables downloading any HTTP(S) based content into AIStore cluster. Assuming that proxy is listening on localhost:8080, one can use it as reverse-proxy to download shard into AIS cluster:

$ curl -sL --max-redirs 3 -x localhost:8080 --noproxy "$(curl -s localhost:8080/v1/cluster?what=target_ips)" \
  -X GET "" \
  > /dev/null

Alternatively, an object can also be downloaded using the get and cat CLI commands.

$ ais object get -f minikube-0.7.iso.sha256

The --force (-f) option skips bucket validation and automatically creates a new ht:// bucket for the object if it doesn't exist.

This will cache shard object inside the AIStore cluster. We can confirm this by listing available buckets and checking the content:

$ ais bucket ls
AIS Buckets (1)
AWS Buckets (1)
HTTP(S) Buckets (1)
  ht://ZDdhNTYxZTkyMzhkNjk3NA (
$ ais bucket ls ht://ZDdhNTYxZTkyMzhkNjk3NA
NAME                                 SIZE
minikube-0.6.iso.sha256	              65B

Now, when the object is accessed again, it will be served from AIStore cluster and will not be re-downloaded from HTTP(S) source.

Under the hood, AIStore remembers the object's source URL and associates the bucket with this URL. In our example, bucket ht://ZDdhNTYxZTkyMzhkNjk3NA will be associated with URL. Therefore, we can interchangeably use the associated URL for listing the bucket as show below.

$ ais bucket ls
NAME                                  SIZE
minikube-0.6.iso.sha256	              65B

Note that only the last part (minikube-0.6.iso.sha256) of the URL is treated as the object name.

Such connection between bucket and URL allows downloading content without providing URL again:

$ ais object cat ht://ZDdhNTYxZTkyMzhkNjk3NA/minikube-0.7.iso.sha256 > /dev/null # cache another object
$ ais bucket ls ht://ZDdhNTYxZTkyMzhkNjk3NA
NAME                     SIZE
minikube-0.6.iso.sha256  65B
minikube-0.7.iso.sha256  65B

Prefetch/Evict Objects

Objects within remote buckets are automatically fetched into storage targets when accessed through AIS and are evicted based on the monitored capacity and configurable high/low watermarks when LRU is enabled.

The RESTful API can be used to manually fetch a group of objects from the remote bucket (called prefetch) into storage targets or to remove them from AIS (called evict).

Objects are prefetched or evicted using List/Range Operations.

For example, to use a list operation to prefetch 'o1', 'o2', and, 'o3' from Amazon S3 remote bucket abc, run:

$ ais job start prefetch aws://abc --list o1,o2,o3

To use a range operation to evict the 1000th to 2000th objects in the remote bucket abc from AIS, which names begin with the prefix __tst/test-, run:

$ ais bucket evict aws://abc --template "__tst/test-{1000..2000}"

Evict Remote Bucket

Before a remote bucket is accessed through AIS, the cluster has no awareness of the bucket.

Once there is a request to access the bucket, or a request to change the bucket's properties (see set bucket props in REST API), then the AIS cluster starts keeping track of the bucket.

In an evict bucket operation, AIS will remove all traces of the remote bucket within the AIS cluster. This effectively resets the AIS cluster to the point before any requests to the bucket have been made. This does not affect the objects stored within the remote bucket.

For example, to evict abc remote bucket from the AIS cluster, run:

$ ais bucket evict aws://abc

Note: When an HDFS bucket is evicted, AIS will only delete objects stored in the cluster. AIS will retain the bucket's metadata to allow the bucket to re-register later. This behavior can be applied to other remote buckets by using the --keep-md flag with ais bucket evict.

Backend Bucket

So far, we have covered AIS and remote buckets. These abstractions are sufficient for almost all use cases. But there are times when we would like to download objects from an existing remote bucket and then make use of the features available only for AIS buckets.

One way of accomplishing that could be:

  1. Prefetch cloud objects.
  2. Create AIS bucket.
  3. Use the bucket-copying API or CLI to copy over the objects from the remote bucket to the newly created AIS bucket.

However, the extra-copying involved may prove to be time and/or space consuming. Hence, AIS-supported capability to establish an ad-hoc 1-to-1 relationship between a given AIS bucket and an existing cloud (backend).

As aside, the term "backend" - something that is on the back, usually far (or farther) away - is often used for data redundancy, data caching, and/or data sharing. AIS backend bucket allows to achieve all of the above.

For example:

$ ais bucket create abc
"abc" bucket created
$ ais bucket props ais://abc backend_bck=gcp://xyz
Bucket props successfully updated

After that, you can access all objects from gcp://xyz via ais://abc. On-demand persistent caching (from the gcp://xyz) becomes then automatically available, as well as all other AIS-supported storage services configurable on a per-bucket basis.

For example:

$ ais bucket ls gcp://xyz
shard-0.tar	 2.50KiB	 1
shard-1.tar	 2.50KiB	 1
$ ais bucket ls ais://abc
shard-0.tar	 2.50KiB	 1
shard-1.tar	 2.50KiB	 1
$ ais object get ais://abc/shard-0.tar /dev/null # cache/prefetch cloud object
"shard-0.tar" has the size 2.50KiB (2560 B)
$ ais bucket ls ais://abc --cached
shard-0.tar	 2.50KiB	 1
$ ais bucket props ais://abc backend_bck=none # disconnect backend bucket
Bucket props successfully updated
$ ais bucket ls ais://abc
shard-0.tar	 2.50KiB	 1

For more examples please refer to CLI docs.

Bucket Properties

The full list of bucket properties are:

Bucket Property JSON Description Fields
Provider provider "ais", "aws", "azure", "gcp", "hdfs" or "ht" "provider": "ais"/"aws"/"azure"/"gcp"/"hdfs"/"ht"
Cksum checksum Please refer to Supported Checksums and Brief Theory of Operations
LRU lru Configuration for LRU. lowwm and highwm is the used capacity low-watermark and high-watermark (% of total local storage capacity) respectively. out_of_space if exceeded, the target starts failing new PUTs and keeps failing them until its local used-cap gets back below highwm. atime_cache_max represents the maximum number of entries. dont_evict_time denotes the period of time during which eviction of an object is forbidden [atime, atime + dont_evict_time]. capacity_upd_time denotes the frequency at which AIStore updates local capacity utilization. enabled LRU will only run when set to true. "lru": { "lowwm": int64, "highwm": int64, "out_of_space": int64, "atime_cache_max": int64, "dont_evict_time": "120m", "capacity_upd_time": "10m", "enabled": bool }
Mirror mirror Configuration for Mirroring. copies represents the number of local copies. burst_buffer represents channel buffer size. util_thresh represents the threshold when utilizations are considered equivalent. optimize_put represents the optimization objective. enabled will only generate local copies when set to true. "mirror": { "copies": int64, "burst_buffer": int64, "util_thresh": int64, "optimize_put": bool, "enabled": bool }
EC ec Configuration for erasure coding. objsize_limit is the limit in which objects below this size are replicated instead of EC'ed. data_slices represents the number of data slices. parity_slices represents the number of parity slices/replicas. enabled represents if EC is enabled. "ec": { "objsize_limit": int64, "data_slices": int, "parity_slices": int, "enabled": bool }
Versioning versioning Configuration for object versioning support where enabled represents if object versioning is enabled for a bucket. For remote bucket versioning must be enabled in the corresponding backend (e.g. Amazon S3). validate_warm_get: determines if the object's version is checked "versioning": { "enabled": true, "validate_warm_get": false }
AccessAttrs access Bucket access attributes. Default value is 0 - full access "access": "0"
BID bid Readonly property: unique bucket ID "bid": "10e45"
Created created Readonly property: bucket creation date, in nanoseconds(Unix time) "created": "1546300800000000000"

CLI examples: listing and setting bucket properties

List bucket properties

$ ais show bucket mybucket
$ # Or, the same to get output in a (raw) JSON form:
$ ais show bucket mybucket --json

Enable erasure coding on a bucket

$ ais bucket props mybucket ec.enabled=true

Enable object versioning and then list updated bucket properties

$ ais bucket props mybucket versioning.enabled=true
$ ais show bucket mybucket

Bucket Access Attributes

Bucket access is controlled by a single 64-bit access value in the Bucket Properties structure, whereby its bits have the following mapping as far as allowed (or denied) operations:

Operation Bit Mask
GET 0x1
HEAD 0x2
Cold GET 0x8

For instance, to make bucket abc read-only, execute the following AIS CLI command:

$ ais bucket props abc 'access=ro'

The same expressed via curl will look as follows:

$ curl -i -X PATCH  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "setbprops", "value": {"access": 18446744073709551587}}' http://localhost:8080/v1/buckets/abc

18446744073709551587 = 0xffffffffffffffe3 = 0xffffffffffffffff ^ (4|8|16)

List Objects

ListObjects API returns a page of object names and, optionally, their properties (including sizes, access time, checksums, and more), in addition to a token that serves as a cursor, or a marker for the next page retrieval.

When a cluster is rebalancing, the returned list of objects can be incomplete due to objects are being migrated. The returned result has non-zero value(the least significant bit is set to 1) to indicate that the list was generated when the cluster was unstable. To get the correct list, either re-request the list after the rebalance ends or read the list with the option SelectMisplaced enabled. In the latter case, the list may contain duplicated entries.

When using proxy cache (experimental) immutability of a bucket is assumed between subsequent ListObjects request. If a bucket has been updated after ListObjects request, a user should call ListObjectsInvalidateCache API to get correct ListObjects results. This is the temporary requirement and will be removed in next AIS versions.

List Options

The properties-and-options specifier must be a JSON-encoded structure, for instance {"props": "size"} (see examples). An empty structure {} results in getting just the names of the objects (from the specified bucket) with no other metadata.

Property/Option Description Value
uuid ID of the list objects operation After initial request to list objects the uuid is returned and should be used for subsequent requests. The ID ensures integrity between next requests.
pagesize The maximum number of object names returned in response For AIS buckets default value is 10000. For remote buckets this value varies as each provider has it's own maximal page size.
props The properties of the object to return A comma-separated string containing any combination of: name,size,version,checksum,atime,target_url,copies,ec,status (if not specified, props are set to name,size,version,checksum,atime). 1
prefix The prefix which all returned objects must have For example, prefix = "my/directory/structure/" will include object object_name = "my/directory/structure/object1.txt" but will not object_name = "my/directory/object2.txt"
start_after Name of the object after which the listing should start For example, start_after = "baa" will include object object_name = "caa" but will not object_name = "ba" nor object_name = "aab".
continuation_token The token identifying the next page to retrieve Returned in the ContinuationToken field from a call to ListObjects that does not retrieve all keys. When the last key is retrieved, ContinuationToken will be the empty string.
time_format The standard by which times should be formatted Any of the following golang time constants: RFC822, Stamp, StampMilli, RFC822Z, RFC1123, RFC1123Z, RFC3339. The default is RFC822.
flags Advanced filter options A bit field of SelectMsg extended flags.
[experimental] use_cache Enables caching With this option enabled, subsequent requests to list objects for the given bucket will be served from cache without traversing disks. For now implementation is limited to caching results for buckets which content doesn't change, otherwise the cache will be in stale state.

SelectMsg extended flags:

Name Value Description
SelectCached 1 For remote buckets only: return only objects that are cached on AIS drives, i.e. objects that can be read without accessing to the Cloud
SelectMisplaced 2 Include objects that are on incorrect target or mountpath

We say that "an object is cached" to indicate two separate things:

  • The object was originally downloaded from a remote bucket, bucket in a remote AIS cluster, or an HTTP(s) based dataset;
  • The object is stored in the AIS cluster.

In other words, the term "cached" is simply a shortcut to indicate the object's immediate availability without the need to go and check the object's original location. Being "cached" does not have any implications on object's persistence: "cached" objects, similar to those objects that originated in a given AIS cluster, are stored with arbitrary (per bucket configurable) levels of redundancy, etc. In short, the same storage policies apply to "cached" and "non-cached".

Note that the list generated with SelectMisplaced option may have duplicated entries. E.g, after rebalance the list can contain two entries for the same object: a misplaced one (from original location) and real one (from the new location).

1) The objects that exist in the Cloud but are not present in the AIStore cache will have their atime property empty (""). The atime (access time) property is supported for the objects that are present in the AIStore cache.

List result

The result may contain all bucket objects(if a bucket is small) or only the current page. The struct includes fields:

Field JSON Value Description
UUID uuid Unique ID of the listing operation. Pass it to all consecutive list requests to read the next page of objects. If UUID is empty, the server starts listing objects from the first page
Entries entries A page of objects and their properties
ContinuationToken continuation_token The token to request the next page of objects. Empty value means that it is the last page
Flags flags Extra information - a bit-mask field. 0x0001 bit indicates that a rebalance was running at the time the list was generated

[experimental] Query Objects

QueryObjects API is extension of list objects. Alongside listing names and properties of the objects, it also allows filtering and selecting specific sets of objects.

At the high level, the idea is that a proxy dispatches a request to targets which produce output that is returned and combined by the proxy.

(Proxy combines and sorts the outputs returned from targets)

When target receives a request from the proxy, it then traverses disks applying the filters and selections on each of the object.

(Objects marked as green pass all the filtering and selection whereas objects marked red don't)

Query Options

The options for init message describe the most important values of the query.

Property/Option Description Value
outer_select.prefix Prefix which all returned objects must have For example, prefix = "my/directory/structure/" will include object object_name = "my/directory/structure/object1.txt" but will not object_name = "my/directory/object2.txt"
outer_select.objects_source Template that object names must match to For example objects_source = "object{00..99}.tar" will include object object_name = "object49.tar" but will not object_name = "object0.tgz"
inner_select.props Properties of objects to return A comma-separated list containing any combination of: name,size,version,checksum,atime,target_url,copies,ec,status.
from.bucket Bucket in which query should be executed
where.filter Filter to apply when traversing objects Filter is recursive data structure that can describe multiple filters which should be applied.

Init message returns handle that should be used in NextQueryResults API call.