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This repository contains docker images for Newman.

Newman is a command-line collection runner for Postman. It allows you to effortlessly run and test a Postman Collections directly from the command-line. It is built with extensibility in mind so that you can easily integrate it with your continuous integration servers and build systems.

New to Docker? Docker allows you to package an application with all of its dependencies into a standardised unit for software development. Visit to read more about how docker can drastically simplify development and deployment.

There are four available Docker images for Newman

postman/newman:alpine (lightweight):


postman/newman_alpine33 (lightweight, deprecated):

postman/newman_ubuntu1404 (deprecated):


The Docker images postman/newman_alpine33 and postman/newman_ubuntu1404 for Newman are deprecated. It is advised to use postman/newman instead.

Using the docker image

The docker image for Newman is available for download from our docker hub. You must have Docker installed in your system. Docker has extensive installation guideline for popular operating systems. Choose your operating system and follow the instructions.

Ensure you that you have docker installed and running in your system before proceeding with next steps. A quick test to see if docker is installed correctly is to execute the command docker run hello-world and it should run without errors.

Step 1:

Pull the newman docker image from docker hub:

docker pull postman/newman:ubuntu

Step 2:

Run newman commands on the image:

docker run -t postman/newman:ubuntu run

Build the docker image from this repository

Step 1:

Clone this repository:

git clone

Step 2:

Build the image:

docker build -t postman/newman:ubuntu --build-arg NEWMAN_VERSION="full semver version" .;

Step 3:

Run a collection using the newman image:

docker run -t postman/newman:ubuntu run

Running local collection files

This docker image is designed to pick files from the /etc/newman directory within the image. You may mount the directory of your collection files into that location and provide the file references in standard newman parameters.

# Mount host collections folder ~/collections, onto /etc/newman on the docker image, so that newman
# has access to collections
docker run -v ~/collections:/etc/newman -t postman/newman:ubuntu run "HTTPBinNewmanTestNoEnv.json.postman_collection"

You are not required to mount a volume if you do not need to save newman report to the host, and your collection is available online, unless your collection requires an environment(as environments cannot be passed as URLs).

To know more about mounting volumes, visit docker documentation on shared data volumes.


Run a local collection, pass an environment to it, and save the JSON report on the host.

docker run -v ~/collections:/etc/newman -t postman/newman:ubuntu \
    run "HTTPBinNewmanTest.json.postman_collection" \
    --environment="HTTPBinNewmanTestEnv.json.postman_environment" \
    --reporters="json,cli" --reporter-json-export="newman-results.json"

Run a remote collection, pass it a local environment, and save JUnit XML test report on the host

docker run -v ~/collections:/etc/newman -t postman/newman:ubuntu \
    run \
    --environment="HTTPBinNewmanTestEnv.json.postman_environment" \
    --reporters="junit,cli" --reporter-junit-export="newman-report.xml"

Use a script to run a collection and do something, for example deploy the build, if all the tests pass


# stop on first error
set -e;

function onExit {
    if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
        echo "Tests failed";
        # build failed, don't deploy
        exit 1;
        echo "Tests passed";
        # deploy build

# call onExit when the script exits
trap onExit EXIT;

docker run --entrypoint -t postman/newman:ubuntu run --suppress-exit-code;

Using Newman Docker images with custom reporters

Newman Docker images can also be used with custom Newman reporters, as follows:

docker run -v "<collection-directory>:/etc/newman" --entrypoint /bin/<bash-or-sh> <image:tag> -c "npm i -g newman-reporter-<reporter-name>; newman run sample-collection.json -r <reporter-name>"

In the above example,

  • <collection-directory> is the source directory for collections. This directory will also be used to write Newman reports.
  • <image> is a combination of the image name (and optional tag). For instance, postman/newman:ubuntu or postman/newman:alpine
  • <reporter-name> is the reporter that has to be installed and loaded for the newman run ...


Note that the entrypoint here is /bin/sh, and not /bin/bash

docker run -v "~/collections:/etc/newman" --entrypoint /bin/sh postman/newman:alpine -c "npm i -g newman-reporter-html; newman run sample-collection.json -r html"


docker run -v "~/collections:/etc/newman" --entrypoint /bin/bash postman/newman:ubuntu -c "npm i -g newman-reporter-html; newman run sample-collection.json -r html"

Node version

All official Newman Docker images will be shipped with the current Node LTS (Long Term Support) version. To learn more about the Node release schedule, see More details about individual Docker images can be found in their individual READMEs in this folder.
