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File metadata and controls

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What is docker swarm?

swarm - is a group of machines that are running docker and joined into a cluster.

Docker Swarm is a tool for container orchestration.

Orchestration - managing and controlling multiple docker containers as a single service

Let's suppose we have 100 containers. You need to do:

  1. Health check on every container.
  2. Ensure all containers are up on every system.
  3. Can scale up and down the containers, depending on the load.
  4. Adding updates/changed to all the containers.

Tools Available - Kubernetes, Docker swarm, Apache Mesos.

Step 1.

  1. Create docker machines to act as nodes for docker swarm. Create one machine as manager and others as worker.

NOTE - docker-machine, is not installed with latest docker desktop versions. You need to install it separately, Also you need to install virtualbox as well.

Note - virtualbox is a OSS, that creates VM in which user can run other os.

docker-machine create --driver virtualbox manager1
docker-machine env manager1

Note - following commands can be used to see the machines created through docker-machine

docker-machine ls
docker-machine ip manager1 # this will give ip of manager 1

Now create a worker as well.

docker-machine create --driver virtualbox worker1
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox worker2

Step 2.

Connect to the docker machine (using ssh )

docker-machine ssh manager1

Step 3

Initialize docker swarm.

# run this on manager machine. This will make this node a manager.
docker swarm init --advertise-addr MANAGER_IP

# run this on manager machine
docker node ls # will show who is manager and who is worker

Step 4

Add workers to the swarm.

In manager node run the following commands

# this will give a command. Run it on any worker machine to make it a workre.
docker swarm join-token worker

Step 4

On manager run standard docker commands.

# NOTE - now there will a swarm section as well.
docker info

Step 5

Run containers on docker swarm

# run it on manager node
# NOTE - this will run 3 instances of nginx on three nodes (1 manager, 2 worker)
docker service create --replicas 3 -p 9090:80 --name web1 nginx
# to see the replicas
docker service ls

Step 6

Scale service up and down. On manager node.

NOTE - if there are 3 nodes, and you have given web1=5, 4th and 5ht one can be randomly created on anyone.

docker service scale web1=5

docker@manager1:~$ docker service ps web1
ID                  NAME                IMAGE               NODE                DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE           ERROR               PORTS
ati9mhoid0xp        web1.1              nginx:latest        worker1             Running             Running 6 minutes ago
t20x8sekgmw4        web1.2              nginx:latest        worker2             Running             Running 6 minutes ago
rpfx6heamxd0        web1.3              nginx:latest        manager1            Running             Running 6 minutes ago
1kno0i0knifq        web1.4              nginx:latest        worker1             Running             Running 2 minutes ago
jiollg0d0gz2        web1.5              nginx:latest        worker2             Running             Running 2 minutes ago

Now if you go into worker1. and do

# will show the running containers on worker1
docker ps

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
1a7fe72c7ab4        nginx:latest        "/docker-entrypoint.…"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes        80/tcp              web1.4.1kno0i0knifqqewbi1r8b5x2n
8d75807e1b49        nginx:latest        "/docker-entrypoint.…"   8 minutes ago       Up 8 minutes        80/tcp              web1.1.ati9mhoid0xpnb4ns2hffrmzk

Inspect Nodes (this will run on manager node only)

docker node inspect worker1
# to inspect manager itself
docker node inspect self

Step 6

Update your service running on multiple machines at once.

# till now we were using nginx:latest
docker service update --image nginx:1.14.0 web1

Step 7

Shutdown node.

docker node update --availability drain worker1

Step 8

Remove the service.

docker service rm web1
docker service ps web1

Step 9

Leave the swarm

# if you run it on worker1, it will leave the swarm.
docker swarm leave
docker node ls (will run only on manager.)

Step 10. TO stop the machine.

Note - run these commands from outside of any worker/manager machine

docker-machine stop worker1