docker version will give detailed info about docker client and docker engine
docker -v Will give docker version
docker info This will give all the info about docker running on your machine. NOTE - this will give error if docker app is not running.
docker --help
docker images --help will give info about 'docker images'
docker login use this command to login to dockerhub, and pull images.
docker images will list all the images
docker pull will pull any image from the docker hub
docker rmi image_name -f will remove any image -f is for force removal. you can give either image_name or image_id
docker ps will give the running containers
docker ps -a will give all containers
docker run ubuntu will run ubuntu image
docker run -it ubuntu (will run ubuntu image in interactive mode - basically will attach a shell to it. Check docker run --help for more)
docker stop container_id
docker start container_id
docker stats memory/nw usage by running containers.
docker system df show docker disk usage.
docker system prune Remove unused data