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This test program is a command line tool for interactive communication with the
sound controller of sound devices. It can be used via an attached USB keyboard
and a (HDMI) display or via a serial terminal at 115200 Bps connected to
GPIO14/15 of the GPIO header (SoC numbers). The serial interface is
automatically used, if an USB keyboard is not attached.

If you want to use an USB keyboard, you should select your preferred keyboard
map using the file cmdline.txt (e.g. keymap=UK). There are six of these
language-depended maps at the moment (UK English (UK), Spanish (ES), French
(FR), Italian (IT), US International (US) and German (DE)).

It is recommended to enable the system option REALTIME in the file
include/circle/sysconfig.h before build. Some parameters (e.g. WRITE_CHANNELS)
may have to be modified in the file config.h before build.

By default the sample is built without the VCHIQ option, because this requires
additional libraries, which have to be built manually. If you want this VCHIQ
sound support, first enable the line "USE_VCHIQ_SOUND = 1" in the Makefile of
the sample. Then enter the following commands from project root:

	./makeall --nosample
	cd addon/linux
	cd ../vc4
	cd ../../test/sound-controller

The ready built kernel image should be in the current directory then.

After starting the Raspberry Pi you will get a sign-on message and a prompt. You
can now choose a supported command and execute it by pressing ENTER. Multiple
commands can be entered on one line without a special delimiter. The command
execution will be aborted if an error occurs. Please use the "help" command to
get info on all commands.

The program maintains up to two devices, an output and an input device. If only
the output device is active, it is driven from an oscillator, which can generate
sound of different wave-forms. When the input device is active too, the input
sound is transferred to the output device. If only the input device is active,
the input sound data is ignored and can control an VU meter only.

The following example log shows the communication with an USB audio device (on
Raspberry Pi 4 and 5 only):

Sound Shell
Enter "help" for help!

Sound IO> help

Command         Description                                             Alias

start DEV [MODE] [CLK] [I2C]
                Start sound device (snd{pwm|i2s|hdmi|usb})
                [for input (i), output (o, default) or both (io)]
                [with slave (s, default) or master (m) I2S clock]
                [and I2C slave address of DAC]
cancel          Stop active sound device                                stop
mode MODE       Next commands effects input (i) or output (o) device
enable JACK     Enable jack (defaultout|lineout|speaker|headphone|hdmi
disable JACK    Disable jack (multi-jack operation only)
controlinfo CTRL CHAN [JACK]                                            info
                Display control (mute|volume|alc) info
                for channel (all|l|r|NUM) [and jack]
setcontrol CTRL CHAN VAL [JACK]                                         set
                Set control for channel [and jack] to value
oscillator WAVE [FREQ] [CHAN]                                           osc
                Set oscillator parameters (sine|square|sawtooth|triangle
                |pulse12|pulse25|noise) [and frequency] [for channel]
vumeter         Toggle VU meter display on screen
delay MS        Delay MS milliseconds
reboot          Reboot the system
help            This help

Sound IO> start sndusb io
Sound IO!> enable headphone
Sound IO!> enable microphone
Sound IO!> info volume all microphone
Control is supported with range -16 to 12
Sound IO!> set volume all 12 microphone
Sound IO!> cancel
Sound IO> start sndusb o
Sound O!> osc noise
Sound O!> info mute all
Control is supported with range 0 to 1
Sound O!> set mute all 1
Sound O!> cancel
Sound IO>