Welcome to the documentation of the Qbeast-Spark project.
In these sections you will find guides to better understand the technology behind an open format and be able to play with it in just a few lines of code.
Inside the project folder, launch a spark-shell with the required dependencies. The following example uses AWS S3 for reading from a public dataset.
ℹ️ Warning: Different cloud providers may require specific versions of Spark or Hadoop, or specific libraries. Refer here to check compatibilities.
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell \
--jars ./target/scala-2.12/qbeast-spark-assembly-0.2.0.jar \
--conf spark.sql.extensions=io.qbeast.spark.internal.QbeastSparkSessionExtension \
--conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.aws.credentials.provider=org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.AnonymousAWSCredentialsProvider \
--packages io.delta:delta-core_2.12:1.0.0,\
As an extra configuration, you can also change two global parameters of the index:
- The default desired size of the written files (100000)
--conf spark.qbeast.index.defaultCubeSize=200000
- The default buffer capacity for intermediate results (100000)
--conf spark.qbeast.index.cubeWeightsBufferCapacity=200
Read the store_sales public dataset from TPC-DS
, the table has with 23 columns in total and was generated with a scaleFactor
of 1. Check The Making of TPC-DS for more details on the dataset.
val parquetTablePath = "s3a://qbeast-public-datasets/store_sales"
val parquetDf = spark.read.format("parquet").load(parquetTablePath).na.drop()
Indexing the data with the desired columns, in this case ss_cdemo_sk
and ss_cdemo_sk
val qbeastTablePath = "/tmp/qbeast-test-data/qtable"
.format("qbeast") // Saving the dataframe in a qbeast datasource
.option("columnsToIndex", "ss_cdemo_sk,ss_cdemo_sk") // Indexing the table
.option("cubeSize", 300000) // The desired number of records of the resulting files/cubes. Default is 100000
The current indexing algorithm uses a greedy approach to estimate the data distribution without additional shuffling.
Still, there's a tradeoff between the goodness of such estimation and the memory required during the computation.
The cubeWeightsBufferCapacity property controls such tradeoff by defining the maximum number of elements stored in
a memory buffer when indexing. It basically follows the next formula, which you can see in the method
from io.qbeast.core.model.CubeWeights.scala
numGroups = MAX(numPartitions, (numElements / cubeWeightsBufferCapacity))
groupCubeSize = desiredCubeSize / numGroups
As you can infer from the formula, the number of working groups used when scanning the dataset influences the quality of the data distribution. A lower number of groups will result in a higher index precision, while having more groups and fewer elements per group will lead to worse indexes.
Allow the sample operator to be pushed down to the source when sampling, reducing i/o and computational cost.
Perform sampling, open your Spark Web UI, and observe how the sample operator is converted into a filter and pushed down to the source!
val qbeastDf = (spark
== Physical Plan ==
*(1) Filter ((qbeast_hash(ss_cdemo_sk#1091, ss_cdemo_sk#1091, 42) < -1717986918) AND (qbeast_hash(ss_cdemo_sk#1091, ss_cdemo_sk#1091, 42) >= -2147483648))
+- *(1) ColumnarToRow
+- FileScan parquet [ss_sold_time_sk#1088,ss_item_sk#1089,ss_customer_sk#1090,ss_cdemo_sk#1091,ss_hdemo_sk#1092,ss_addr_sk#1093,ss_store_sk#1094,ss_promo_sk#1095,ss_ticket_number#1096L,ss_quantity#1097,ss_wholesale_cost#1098,ss_list_price#1099,ss_sales_price#1100,ss_ext_discount_amt#1101,ss_ext_sales_price#1102,ss_ext_wholesale_cost#1103,ss_ext_list_price#1104,ss_ext_tax#1105,ss_coupon_amt#1106,ss_net_paid#1107,ss_net_paid_inc_tax#1108,ss_net_profit#1109,ss_sold_date_sk#1110] Batched: true, DataFilters: [(qbeast_hash(ss_cdemo_sk#1091, ss_cdemo_sk#1091, 42) < -1717986918), (qbeast_hash(ss_cdemo_sk#10..., Format: Parquet, Location: OTreeIndex[file:/tmp/qbeast-test-data/qtable], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<ss_sold_time_sk:int,ss_item_sk:int,ss_customer_sk:int,ss_cdemo_sk:int,ss_hdemo_sk:int,ss_a...
Notice that the sample operator is no longer present in the physical plan. It's converted into a Filter (qbeast_hash)
instead and is used to select files during data scanning(DataFilters
from FileScan
). We skip reading many files in this way, involving less I/O.
Analyze and optimize the index to announce and replicate cubes respectively to maintain the tree's structure in an optimal state.
import io.qbeast.spark.table._
val qbeastTable = QbeastTable.forPath(spark, qbeastTablePath)
// analyze the index structure and detect cubes that can be optimized
// optimize the index to improve read operations
See OTreeAlgorithm and QbeastFormat for more details.
Specify the tolerance willing to accept and let qbeast handle the calculation for the optimal fraction size to use.
import io.qbeast.spark.implicits._