Matlab simulation of a flexible beam modeled with gradient-deficient ANCF beam elements.
These include:
- total length (L)
- radius (r)
- number of ANCF cable elements (ne)
as well as material properties:
- elasticity modulus (p.E)
- material density (p.rho)
and the end constraints (0: free, 1: ball joint, 2: weld joint)
- left side (p.leftCnstr)
- rightSide (p.rightCnstr)
The default parameter values correspond to a cable of length 3 and radius 0.02, clamped at both ends and modeled using 5 ANCF cable elements. The elasticity modulus is 2e7 and density 7200.
- duration (TEND)
- step-size (H)
- integration method (METHOD)
ancf_beam Simulate a flexible noodle modeled with ANCF beam elements
[data,params] = ancf_beam(TEND, H, METHOD) simulates a noodle over the
time interval [0,TEND] using a step-size H and the specified method:
'newmark' - use a DAE formulation and Newmark integration
'rk2' - use an ODE formulation and an RK2 method (change value
'a' in ODE_rk2 to select a different RK2 method; default
is midpoint)
'euler' - use an ODE formulation and forward Euler integration
Sample results
>> [data, params] = ancf_beam(1, 1e-3, 'newmark')
data =
struct with fields:
t: [1×1001 double]
e: [36×1001 double]
ed: [36×1001 double]
edd: [36×1001 double]
lam: [12×1001 double]
params =
struct with fields:
ne: 5
n: 36
L: 0.6000
E: 20000000
A: 0.0013
I: 1.2566e-07
rho: 7200
g: [3×1 double]
leftCnstr: 2
rightCnstr: 2