We decided not to prepare a presentation for this session, but only a series of notes that will guide us through the process.
- What is Github?
- Similar products to github (Gitlab, Bitbucket, ...)
- The Github start page: How to navigate this website, how to find what you're searching for and how to use the social network aspect to your advantage?
- Profile page: Your personal page and what you can learn from it.
- The repository: The main unit of interaction and how it works.
- Create an own repository: Your Name + your favorite animal -> ClemensDonkey
- Connect to github via ssh:
- Generate a new SSH key:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"
(passphrase not required) - Add the key to your GitHub account
- Test your SSH connection
ssh -T [email protected]
- Generate a new SSH key:
- Clone the repository (with ssh):
git clone ...
- Inspect the remotes:
git remote -v
- Edit the README file in your repository with a text editor
- Stage, commit and push your changes:
git status
+git add --all
+git commit -m "my first commit to github"
+git push
+git status
- Go back to github and inspect your changes
- Fork the repository of your friend on Github
- Clone your fork to your computer
git clone ...
- Make changes in the README of this forked repository with a text editor
- Stage, commit and push your changes:
git status
+git add --all
+git commit -m "my first commit to github"
+git push
+git status
- Back to Github: Propose a Pull Request
- Merge the changes of your partner
- Inspect the github network graph
- Pull and inspect the new version of your own repository
git pull
+git log
- Merge conflicts
- Protected branches
- Other git features