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CPM tutorial

I'll show you how we can extract CPM photometry of K2 Campaign 9 data. Note that after downloading K2-CPM you have to add source directory to your PYTHONPATH, e.g., (for tcsh and bash, respectively):


I'm marking in bold the parts that require immediate attention.


The event I'm interested in is OGLE-2016-BLG-1043 (ob161043 for short). The event coordinates are 18:05:07.84 -26:59:57.6 (or 271.2826667 -26.9993333 if your mind works in degrees). In the ground-based data it peaked at HJD'=7549 or on June 9th, 2016. This is after the second part of K2 Campaign 9 started, hence we're interested in campaign "92" (as opposed to "91"). On some plot I see that these coordinates correspond to channel 49. If you don't know which channel your coordinates are and you have K2fov package installed, then you can check it like that (though I'm not sure if it correctly works close to boundary between channels 31 and 32):

import K2fov
c9fov = K2fov.fields.getKeplerFov(9)
print(c9fov.pickAChannel(271.2826667, -26.9993333))

Now it's time to find which pixel is closest to the event -- this is only rough estimate that is based on WCS information in TPF files. We start python and type:

from K2CPM import wcsfromtpf

ra = 271.2826667
dec = -26.9993333
campaign = 92
channel = 49

wcs = wcsfromtpf.WcsFromTpf(channel, campaign)
nearest_pixel = wcs.get_nearest_pixel_radec(ra, dec)
(pix_x, pix_y, _, _, epic_id, separation) = nearest_pixel

If you want to see raw pixel data you can plot them using, e.g.,

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from K2CPM import tpfdata, plot_utils

tpf_dir = 'tpf/'
half_size = 2
file_out = "ob161043_tpf.png" = tpf_dir
tpf = tpfdata.TpfData(epic_id=epic_id, campaign=campaign)
flux_matrix = tpf.get_fluxes_for_square(pix_y, pix_x, half_size)

fig = plt.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(50, 30)
plot_utils.plot_matrix_subplots(fig, tpf.jd_short, flux_matrix)

The plot shows light curve for 25 pixels centered on (pix_x, pix_y). In this case you're not able to see it, but we know that the event is shifted by 1 pixel from the predicted position, hence we apply:

pix_y -= 1

Now let's see these values:

msg = "pix_x = {:}\npix_y = {:}\nseparation = {:.1f} arcsec"
print(msg.format(pix_x, pix_y, separation.value))
pix_x = 741
pix_y = 679
separation = 1.9 arcsec

Opps, I'm not sure what x and y mean here. Kepler and K2 documents don't use (x,y) they use (column,row) or (row,column). Here x runs from 13 to 1112, and y runs from 21 to 1044 (the format of coordinates has to be strictly specified). Fortunately, the separation given above is < 4 arcsec, so the coordinates are from the right channel.

We know which pixel we're interested in so now its time to prepare predictor matrix. Note that first time you run this code for given campaign and given set of pixels, it will take some time to download the data. Run:

from K2CPM.cpm_part1 import run_cpm_part1
from K2CPM import matrix_xy
import numpy as np

n_predictor = 400
n_pca = 0
distance = 16
exclusion = 1
flux_lim = (0.1, 2.0)
tpf_dir = 'tpf/'
pixel_list = np.array([[pix_y, pix_x]])

(predictor_matrix_list, predictor_masks) = run_cpm_part1(
		channel, campaign, n_predictor, n_pca, distance, exclusion, 
		flux_lim, tpf_dir, pixel_list,

stem = "{:}_{:}_{:}_{:}".format(campaign, channel, pix_y, pix_x)
matrix_xy.save_matrix_xy(predictor_matrix_list[0], stem+"_pre_matrix_xy.dat")
np.savetxt(stem+"_predictor_mask.dat", predictor_masks[0], fmt='%r')

We asked for 400 pixels in predictor matrix, did not use Principal Component Analysis (n_pca=0), and applied some standard exclusion limits. The tpf_dir is where we keep downloaded TPF files. If you already have some of those files, then just make symbolic link. Note that pixel_list = np.array([[pix_y, pix_x]]) reverts the order of coordinates.

At this point we have two files ready, we need two more:

from K2CPM import tpfdata = tpf_dir
tpf = tpfdata.TpfData(epic_id=epic_id, campaign=campaign)
tpf.save_pixel_curve_with_err(pixel_list[0][0], pixel_list[0][1], file_name=stem+"_pixel_flux.dat")
np.savetxt(stem+"_epoch_mask.dat", tpf.epoch_mask, fmt='%r')

At this point you should have four files saved:


The largest file is *_pre_matrix_xy.dat and its size depends on n_predictor.

You may exit python shell at this point.


We can proceed to second part of CPM. Open python shell once more and import required modules, and load the files:

import numpy as np
from K2CPM import cpm_part2, matrix_xy

stem = "92_49_679_741"

predictor_matrix = matrix_xy.load_matrix_xy(stem+"_pre_matrix_xy.dat")
predictor_mask = cpm_part2.read_true_false_file(stem+"_predictor_mask.dat")
epoch_mask = cpm_part2.read_true_false_file(stem+"_epoch_mask.dat")
(tpf_time, tpf_flux, tpf_flux_err) = np.loadtxt(stem+"_pixel_flux.dat", unpack=True)

Next step is just running the cpm_part2:

l2 = 1000.
result = cpm_part2.cpm_part2(tpf_time, tpf_flux, tpf_flux_err, epoch_mask, 
                             predictor_matrix, predictor_mask, l2)

At this point tuple result contains:

  1. solution of the linear equations system,
  2. predicted flux for the target pixel,
  3. difference flux, i.e., the signal we're interested in (as long as model magnification curve is not provided),
  4. time vector.

If you want to plot the light curve use result[2] vs. result[3], e.g.,

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter(result[3]-2450000., result[2])

You should see a binary lens light curve that peaks at HJD = 2457548.6.

The cpm_part2() call presented above uses the model that is trained on all the data. For the events with signal in well defined window (for ob161043 it is from 2457547 to 2457550) one can limit the training to the epochs outside given range. This can be achieved by providing train_lim keyword with a list that has the two limiting values e.g.:

result = cpm_part2.cpm_part2(tpf_time, tpf_flux, tpf_flux_err, epoch_mask, 
                             predictor_matrix, predictor_mask, l2, 
			     train_lim = [2457547., 2457550.])

The above procedure should be applied to other pixels in the vicinity and the results should be combined.

(C) Radek Poleski, revised June 2017