diff --git a/ros_sugar/io/supported_types.py b/ros_sugar/io/supported_types.py
index 194211c..4725f2c 100644
--- a/ros_sugar/io/supported_types.py
+++ b/ros_sugar/io/supported_types.py
@@ -264,13 +264,7 @@ def convert(
         # flatten by column
         # index (0,0) is the lower right corner of the grid in ROS
-        if output.flags.f_contiguous:
-            msg.data = output.flatten()
-        else:
-            getLogger("OccupancyGrid_Converter").warning(
-                "OccupancyGrid converter expects a column major numpy array but got a raw major array -> Changing the shape before sending to ROS publisher"
-            )
-            msg.data = output.flatten("F")
+        msg.data = output.flatten("F")
         return msg