diff --git a/build/jsroot.js b/build/jsroot.js
index 93c7d6354..aaa48a7b0 100644
--- a/build/jsroot.js
+++ b/build/jsroot.js
@@ -60874,7 +60874,7 @@ class JSRootMenu {
let col = (n < 0) ? 'none' : getColor(n);
if ((n === 0) && (fill_kind === 1)) col = 'none';
- const lbl = (n <= 0) || (col[0] !== '#') ? col : `col ${n}`,
+ const lbl = (n <= 0) || ((col[0] !== '#') && (col.indexOf('rgb') < 0)) ? col : `col ${n}`,
fill = (n === 1) ? 'white' : 'black',
stroke = (n === 1) ? 'red' : 'black',
rect = (value === (useid ? n : col)) ? `` : '',
@@ -61120,22 +61120,34 @@ class JSRootMenu {
/** @summary Add fill style menu
* @private */
- addFillStyleMenu(name, value, color_index, painter, set_func) {
+ addFillStyleMenu(name, value, color_index, set_func) {
this.sub('' + name, () => {
- this.input('Enter fill style id (1001-solid, 3000..3010)', value, 'int', 0, 4000).then(id => {
+ this.input('Enter fill style id (1001-solid, 3100..4000)', value, 'int', 0, 4000).then(id => {
if ((id >= 0) && (id <= 4000)) set_func(id);
- const supported = [1, 1001, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3010, 3021, 3022];
+ const supported = [1, 1001];
+ for (let k = 3001; k < 3025; ++k)
+ supported.push(k);
+ supported.push(3144, 3244, 3344, 3305, 3315, 3325, 3490, 3481, 3472);
for (let n = 0; n < supported.length; ++n) {
- let svg = supported[n];
- if (painter) {
- const sample = painter.createAttFill({ std: false, pattern: supported[n], color: color_index || 1 });
- svg = ``;
- }
- this.addchk(value === supported[n], svg, supported[n], arg => set_func(parseInt(arg)));
+ if (n % 7 === 0) this.add('column:');
+ const selected = (value === supported[n]);
+ if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
+ const svgelement = select(document.createElement('svg')),
+ handler = new TAttFillHandler({ color: color_index || 1, pattern: supported[n], svg: svgelement });
+ svgelement.attr('width', 60).attr('height', 24);
+ if (selected)
+ svgelement.append('rect').attr('x', 0).attr('y', 0).attr('width', 60).attr('height', 24).style('stroke', 'red').style('fill', 'none').style('stroke-width', '3px');
+ svgelement.append('rect').attr('x', 3).attr('y', 3).attr('width', 54).attr('height', 18).style('stroke', 'none').call(handler.func);
+ this.add(svgelement.node().outerHTML, supported[n], arg => set_func(parseInt(arg)), `Pattern : ${supported[n]}` + (selected ? ' Active' : ''));
+ } else
+ this.addchk(selected, supported[n].toString(), supported[n], arg => set_func(parseInt(arg)));
+ if (n % 7 === 6) this.add('endcolumn:');
@@ -61258,7 +61270,7 @@ class JSRootMenu {
if (pp) changeObjectMember(pp, 'fFrameFillColor', arg, true);
painter.interactiveRedraw(redraw_arg, getColorExec(arg, 'SetFillColor'));
}, painter.fillatt.kind);
- this.addFillStyleMenu('style', painter.fillatt.pattern, painter.fillatt.colorindx, painter, id => {
+ this.addFillStyleMenu('style', painter.fillatt.pattern, painter.fillatt.colorindx, id => {
painter.fillatt.change(undefined, id, painter.getCanvSvg());
changeObjectMember(painter, 'fFillStyle', id);
if (pp) changeObjectMember(pp, 'fFrameFillStyle', id);
@@ -61566,7 +61578,7 @@ class JSRootMenu {
this.addColorMenu('Fill color', gStyle.fFrameFillColor, col => { gStyle.fFrameFillColor = col; });
- this.addFillStyleMenu('Fill style', gStyle.fFrameFillStyle, gStyle.fFrameFillColor, null, id => { gStyle.fFrameFillStyle = id; });
+ this.addFillStyleMenu('Fill style', gStyle.fFrameFillStyle, gStyle.fFrameFillColor, id => { gStyle.fFrameFillStyle = id; });
this.addColorMenu('Line color', gStyle.fFrameLineColor, col => { gStyle.fFrameLineColor = col; });
this.addSizeMenu('Line width', 1, 10, 1, gStyle.fFrameLineWidth, w => { gStyle.fFrameLineWidth = w; });
this.addLineStyleMenu('Line style', gStyle.fFrameLineStyle, st => { gStyle.fFrameLineStyle = st; });
@@ -61582,7 +61594,7 @@ class JSRootMenu {
this.addColorMenu('Fill color', gStyle.fTitleColor, col => { gStyle.fTitleColor = col; });
- this.addFillStyleMenu('Fill style', gStyle.fTitleStyle, gStyle.fTitleColor, null, id => { gStyle.fTitleStyle = id; });
+ this.addFillStyleMenu('Fill style', gStyle.fTitleStyle, gStyle.fTitleColor, id => { gStyle.fTitleStyle = id; });
this.addColorMenu('Text color', gStyle.fTitleTextColor, col => { gStyle.fTitleTextColor = col; });
this.addSizeMenu('Border size', 0, 10, 1, gStyle.fTitleBorderSize, sz => { gStyle.fTitleBorderSize = sz; });
this.addSizeMenu('Font size', 0.01, 0.1, 0.01, gStyle.fTitleFontSize, sz => { gStyle.fTitleFontSize = sz; });
@@ -61595,7 +61607,7 @@ class JSRootMenu {
this.sub('Stat box');
this.addColorMenu('Fill color', gStyle.fStatColor, col => { gStyle.fStatColor = col; });
- this.addFillStyleMenu('Fill style', gStyle.fStatStyle, gStyle.fStatColor, null, id => { gStyle.fStatStyle = id; });
+ this.addFillStyleMenu('Fill style', gStyle.fStatStyle, gStyle.fStatColor, id => { gStyle.fStatStyle = id; });
this.addColorMenu('Text color', gStyle.fStatTextColor, col => { gStyle.fStatTextColor = col; });
this.addSizeMenu('Border size', 0, 10, 1, gStyle.fStatBorderSize, sz => { gStyle.fStatBorderSize = sz; });
this.addSizeMenu('Font size', 0, 30, 5, gStyle.fStatFontSize, sz => { gStyle.fStatFontSize = sz; });
@@ -61609,7 +61621,7 @@ class JSRootMenu {
this.addColorMenu('Fill color', gStyle.fLegendFillColor, col => { gStyle.fLegendFillColor = col; });
- this.addFillStyleMenu('Fill style', gStyle.fLegendFillStyle, gStyle.fLegendFillColor, null, id => { gStyle.fLegendFillStyle = id; });
+ this.addFillStyleMenu('Fill style', gStyle.fLegendFillStyle, gStyle.fLegendFillColor, id => { gStyle.fLegendFillStyle = id; });
this.addSizeMenu('Border size', 0, 10, 1, gStyle.fLegendBorderSize, sz => { gStyle.fLegendBorderSize = sz; });
this.addFontMenu('Font', gStyle.fLegendFont, fnt => { gStyle.fLegendFont = fnt; });
this.addSizeMenu('Text size', 0, 0.1, 0.01, gStyle.fLegendTextSize, v => { gStyle.fLegendTextSize = v; }, 'legend text size, when 0 - auto adjustment is used');
@@ -61625,7 +61637,7 @@ class JSRootMenu {
this.addSizeMenu('End error', 0, 12, 1, gStyle.fEndErrorSize, v => { gStyle.fEndErrorSize = v; }, 'size in pixels of end error for E1 draw options, gStyle.fEndErrorSize');
this.addSizeMenu('Top margin', 0.0, 0.5, 0.05, gStyle.fHistTopMargin, v => { gStyle.fHistTopMargin = v; }, 'Margin between histogram top and frame top');
this.addColorMenu('Fill color', gStyle.fHistFillColor, col => { gStyle.fHistFillColor = col; });
- this.addFillStyleMenu('Fill style', gStyle.fHistFillStyle, gStyle.fHistFillColor, null, id => { gStyle.fHistFillStyle = id; });
+ this.addFillStyleMenu('Fill style', gStyle.fHistFillStyle, gStyle.fHistFillColor, id => { gStyle.fHistFillStyle = id; });
this.addColorMenu('Line color', gStyle.fHistLineColor, col => { gStyle.fHistLineColor = col; });
this.addSizeMenu('Line width', 1, 10, 1, gStyle.fHistLineWidth, w => { gStyle.fHistLineWidth = w; });
this.addLineStyleMenu('Line style', gStyle.fHistLineStyle, st => { gStyle.fHistLineStyle = st; });
@@ -147021,9 +147033,16 @@ async function drawText$1() {
fact = 0.8;
- return this.startTextDrawingAsync(this.textatt.font, this.textatt.getSize(w, h, fact, 0.05))
+ let draw_g = this.draw_g;
+ if (text.fName.startsWith('http://') || text.fName.startsWith('https://')) {
+ const a = draw_g.append('a').attr('href', text.fName).attr('title', `Link on ${text.fName}`);
+ draw_g = a;
+ arg.draw_g = a;
+ }
+ return this.startTextDrawingAsync(this.textatt.font, this.textatt.getSize(w, h, fact, 0.05), draw_g)
.then(() => this.drawText(arg))
- .then(() => this.finishTextDrawing())
+ .then(() => this.finishTextDrawing(draw_g))
.then(() => {
if (this.isBatchMode()) return this;
diff --git a/modules/gui/menu.mjs b/modules/gui/menu.mjs
index 03da1edff..cbb6d73b6 100644
--- a/modules/gui/menu.mjs
+++ b/modules/gui/menu.mjs
@@ -480,22 +480,21 @@ class JSRootMenu {
supported.push(3144, 3244, 3344, 3305, 3315, 3325, 3490, 3481, 3472);
for (let n = 0; n < supported.length; ++n) {
- if (n % 7 === 0) this.add('column:');
+ if (n % 7 === 0) this.add('column:');
const selected = (value === supported[n]);
if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
- const svgelement = d3_select(document.createElement('svg'));
- const handler = new TAttFillHandler({ color: color_index || 1, pattern: supported[n], svg: svgelement });
+ const svgelement = d3_select(document.createElement('svg')),
+ handler = new TAttFillHandler({ color: color_index || 1, pattern: supported[n], svg: svgelement });
svgelement.attr('width', 60).attr('height', 24);
if (selected)
- svgelement.append('rect').attr('x', 0).attr('y', 0).attr('width', 60).attr('height', 24).style('stroke', 'red').style('fill', 'none').style('stroke-width','3px');
+ svgelement.append('rect').attr('x', 0).attr('y', 0).attr('width', 60).attr('height', 24).style('stroke', 'red').style('fill', 'none').style('stroke-width', '3px');
svgelement.append('rect').attr('x', 3).attr('y', 3).attr('width', 54).attr('height', 18).style('stroke', 'none').call(handler.func);
this.add(svgelement.node().outerHTML, supported[n], arg => set_func(parseInt(arg)), `Pattern : ${supported[n]}` + (selected ? ' Active' : ''));
- } else {
+ } else
this.addchk(selected, supported[n].toString(), supported[n], arg => set_func(parseInt(arg)));
- }
- if (n % 7 === 6) this.add('endcolumn:');
+ if (n % 7 === 6) this.add('endcolumn:');