This repository holds the source of HPCG - High Performance Conjugate Gradient Benchmark with hcSPARSE and clSPARSE csrmv-adaptive integration. This is a depreacted ROCm software project and is no longer actively maintained.
- Linux
- HCC Compiler
- AMD GPU and corresponding driver
- OpenCL SDK
Follow the instructions given on hcSPARSE page. Make sure to run
sudo make install
In case of any errors while building similar to LLVM tile uniform failed
- Download clSPARSE for linux.
- Update the clSPARSE include and library path in Makefile.Linux_Serial in the setup directory. (for ex. -I /path/to/clsparse/include -L /path/to/clsparse/lib64)
- Add path to clSPARSE library to LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the terminal. (example)
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/clsparse/lib64
- OpenCL SDK.
- Update OpenCL include and library path in Makefile.Linux_Serial in the setup directory. (for ex. -I /opt/AMDAPPSDK3.0/include/ -L /opt/AMDAPPSDK3.0/lib/x86_64/)
- Inside HPCG root directory,
mkdir build
cd build
../configure Linux_Serial
cd bin
- Check the yaml file created in the directory where the HPCG executable is located for the output validation. At the end of the file it would have been reported whether the exeution was valid.
Additional instructions to configure and build are available in the root directory.