At this stage of development, when you update a filtered field that before have not satisfied the args.query field filter, and now it satisfy the filter it reinsert in solr only the updates document info that the oplog contains, it's needed to add to get all the document infos from mongodb.
This is a modified version of original
I have edded: 1) filter by field value 2) remapping of solr fields name
If you want to update solr only with a document with a particular field value you can add in the inside the args the query keyword
example of config.json file
{ "mainAddress": "localhost:27017", "verbosity":3, "namespaces": { "recipes.scraped": true }, "docManagers": [ { "docManager": "solr_doc_manager_new", "targetURL": "http://localhost:8983/solr/mycollection1", "uniqueKey": "uid", "autoCommitInterval": 0, "args":{ "query":{"status":"I"}, "fields_rename":{ "final_extracted_info.text":"body", "":"title" } } } ] }
You need to go in to the dir where you have gitted this project and you need to
make export PYTHONPATH=.
then you can start mongo-connector with mongo-connector -c /home/roberto/config.json
- Above you can see the config.json file content where there is ::
- "docManager": "solr_doc_manager_new"