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Technology support

This list described all technologies that can be analyzed by Sigrid. The list contains both the display name and the name that should be used in the configuration file.

The first column refers to the name of the technology that should be used in the sigrid.yaml configuration file, for example csharp. The second column is the technology's display name, for example "C#".

Name in configuration file Display name Notes
abap ABAP
abapsmartforms ABAP SmartForms
abl Abl
acl ACL
accell Accell
actionscript ActionScript
actionscript3 ActionScript 3
ada Ada
adabasnatural Adabas Natural
adfxml ADF XML
agilepoint AgilePoint
altovauml Altova UML
angularjstemplate Angular Templates
ansible Ansible
apachecamel Apache Camel
apex APEX
aps APS
applicationmaster Application Master
ash ArtosScript (ash)
asp ASP
aspx ASP.NET
assembly Assembly
aura Aura
axway Axway
axystudio AxyStudio functions
axyworkflow Axystudio workflows
basic BASIC
batch Batch
bea Bea weblogic
beanshell BeanShell
beinformed Be Informed
biztalk BizTalk
biztalkrules BizTalk Rules Engine
blazerules Blaze BRM
blueprism Blue Prism
blueriq Blueriq flows/processes
blueriqexpressions Blueriq expressions
bpel BPEL
bpm BPMN
brail Brail
bsp Bsp
c C (1)
cache Cache
cacheobjectscript Cache ObjectScript
ccl CCL
cgdc CGDC
cgt CGT
cicode Cicode
cl CL
clearbasic Clearbasic
cobol Cobol
coffeescript CoffeeScript
coldfusion ColdFusion
configuration Configuration
coolgenc CoolGen C
coolgencobol CoolGen Cobol
cordysbpm Cordys BPM
cpp C++ (1)
csharp C#
csp CSP
css CSS
cypher Cypher
cucumber Cucumber
datastage Datastage
datastageetl DatastageETL
datastageworkflow DatastageWorkflow
db2 DB2
dcl Dcl
delphi Delphi
delphiforms Delphi Forms
deltacobol Delta/Cobol
djangotemplates Django Templates
docker Docker
documentumxcp Documentum xCP
drools Drools
dscript Dscript
easytrieve Easytrieve
egl EGL
ejs EJS
embeddedsql C++ Embedded SQL
erb ERB
esql ESQL
filetab File Tab
finacle Finacle
freeformatcobol Freeformat Cobol
freemarker Freemarker
fme FME
fortran FORTRAN
generated Generated
gensym Gensym
go Go
gosu Gosu
groovy Groovy
gsp GSP
guidefinition GUI Definition
gupta Gupta
haml Haml
html HTML
hql HQL
ibmbpmbpd IBM BPM (BPD)
ibmbpmprocess IBM BPM (Process)
ideal Ideal
informatica Informatica
informix4gl Informix 4GL
informixsql Informix SQL
ingres Ingres
intershoppipeline Intershop (Pipeline)
jasperreports Jasper Reports
jade Jade
java Java
javafx Java FX
javascript JavaScript (2)
javascript Google App Script
jbc JBC
jbpm jBPM
jcl JCL
jcs JCS
jinja Jinja
jsf JSF
json JSON (4)
jsp JSP
kotlin Kotlin
less Less
linc LINC
lion Lion
lodestar Lodestar
logicapps Logic Apps
logicnets LogicNets
lotusscript LotusScript
lua Lua
magic Magic
magik Magik
magnum Magnum
matlab Matlab
mediationflows Mediation Flows
mendix Mendix
messagebuilder MessageBuilder
mpsbehavior MPS Behavior
mpsclass MPS Class
mpstranslator MPS Translator
mule Mule
mtwize MtWize
murexdatadictionary Murex Data Dictionary
murexlookuptable Murex Lookup Table
murexscript Murex Script
murexworkflow Murex Workflow
mustache Mustache
mysql MySQL
naviscript Naviscript
navision Navision
netiqidmpolicy NetIQ IDM Policy
netiqidmrequest NetIQ IDM Request
netiqidmworkflow NetIQ IDM Workflow
netweaveridm NetweaverIDM
nonstopsql Nonstop SQL
normalizedsystemsjava Normalized Systems Java
normalizedsystemsmodel Normalized Systems Model
objectivec Objective-C
odi ODI
odm ODM
omt OMT
opa OPA
opc OPC
openroad OpenROAD 4GL
oraclebpm Oracle BPM
oracleofsaa Oracle OFSAA
oracleworkflow Oracle Workflow
ords ORDS
osb OSB
osbproxy OSB Proxy
osmprocess OSM Process
osmtask OSM Task
outsystems OutSystems
pascal Pascal
pega Pega
pegajsp PEGA JSP
performance Performance
perl Perl
php PHP
plc PLC - Structured Text - ABB
plc PLC - Structured Text - Schneider Electric - EcoStruxure
plc PLC - Structured Text - Siemens
plc PLC - Functional Block Diagram - ABB
plc PLC - Functional Block Diagram - Rockwell
plc PLC - Functional Block Diagram - Siemens
plc PLC - Ladder Logic - Rockwell
plc PLC - Structured Text - Rockwell
pli PL/I
plsql PL/SQL
plsqlforms PL/SQL Forms
plsqlreports PL/SQL Reports
pluk PLUK
polymertemplates Polymer Templates
postgresql PostgreSQL
powerbuilder Powerbuilder
powercenter PowerCenter
powerfx Power Fx
powershell Powershell
production Production code
progress Progress
progressstrict Progress (Strict)
pronto Pronto
prt PRT
puppet Puppet
python Python
r R
radience Radience
razor Razor
react React (2)
regelspraak ALEF Regelspraak
regelspraakhtml ALEF Regelspraak
rexx Rexx
robot Robot
rpg RPG
ruby Ruby
rust Rust
salesforceapex Salesforce Apex
salesforceflow Salesforce Flow
sappo SAP PO
sapui5 SapUI5
sas SAS
sasflows SAS Flows
sass Sass
scala Scala
scl SCL
scr SCR
script Shell script
servicenow ServiceNow
siebeldeclarative Siebel Declarative
siebeljs Siebel JS
siebelscripted Siebel Scripted
siebelworkflow Siebel Workflow
siebeltbui Siebel TBUI
slim Slim
smalltalk Smalltalk
solidity Solidity
sonicesb Sonic ESB
spl SPL
sqlj SQLJ
sqlite SQLite
sqr SQR
ssis SSIS
starlimssql StarLIMS
streamserve StreamServe
synapse Synapse
synon Synon
swift Swift
t4 T4
tacl TACL
tal TAL
tandem Tandem
tapestry Tapestry
terraform Terraform
test Testcode
thrift Thrift
thymeleaf Thymeleaf
tibco TIBCO BW
tibcobe TIBCO BE (XML)
tibcobejava TIBCO BE (Java)
tibcobestatemachine TIBCO BE (State Machine)
tibcobw6 TIBCO BW6
tripleforms TriplEforms
tsql T-SQL
turtle Turtle
typescript TypeScript (3)
uil UIL (Motif)
uniface Uniface
until Until
vag Visual Age
vagrecord Visual Age Record
vb VB
vbnet VB.Net
velocity Velocity
vgl VGL
visualforce VisualForce
visualrpg Visual RPG
visualobjects Visual Objects
vuejs VueJS (2)
vuets VueTS (3)
vulcan Vulcan.NET
webfocus WebFocus
webmethods WebMethods
webmethodsbpm WebMethods BPM
websmart WebSmart
wonderware Wonderware
wsdl WSDL
wtx WTX
xaml XAML
xml XML (4)
xpdl Tibco ActiveMatrix BPM
xpp X++
xquery Xquery
xsd XSD
xslt XSLT
xul XUL
yaml YAML (4)


  1. Use either c or cpp, but not both. Prefer cpp if your system contains a combination of C and C++ code.
  2. Use either javascript or react or vuejs, but do not use multiple. Prefer vuejs if your system contains Vue.js components that use the .vue file extension. Prefer react if your codebase contains React and/or JSX. Use javascript in all other cases.
  3. Use either typescript or vuets, but not both. Prefer vuets if you're using Vue.js in combination with TypeScript code. Prefer typescript in all other cases.
  4. In most cases, configuration files are not considered part of production code and are therefore not relevant for Sigrid's maintainability analysis. Only add these technologies if you consider them part of the system's production code.

Requesting additional technology support

Even with 300 supported technologies, we are still continuously working on adding support for new technologies and frameworks, and updating our technology suport for new technology versions. You can contact us using the information provided below if you believe we should extend technology support for your organization.

Contact and support

Feel free to contact SIG's support department for any questions or issues you may have after reading this document, or when using Sigrid or Sigrid CI. Users in Europe can also contact us by phone at +31 20 314 0953.