This list described all technologies that can be analyzed by Sigrid. The list contains both the display name and the name that should be used in the configuration file.
The first column refers to the name of the technology that should be used in the sigrid.yaml
configuration file, for example csharp
. The second column is the technology's display name, for example "C#".
Name in configuration file | Display name | Notes |
abap |
ABAP | |
abapsmartforms |
ABAP SmartForms | |
abl |
Abl | |
acl |
ACL | |
accell |
Accell | |
actionscript |
ActionScript | |
actionscript3 |
ActionScript 3 | |
ada |
Ada | |
adabasnatural |
Adabas Natural | |
adfxml |
agilepoint |
AgilePoint | |
altovauml |
Altova UML | |
angularjstemplate |
Angular Templates | |
ansible |
Ansible | |
apachecamel |
Apache Camel | |
apex |
APEX | |
aps |
APS | |
applicationmaster |
Application Master | |
ash |
ArtosScript (ash) | |
asp |
ASP | |
aspx |
assembly |
Assembly | |
aura |
Aura | |
axway |
Axway | |
axystudio |
AxyStudio functions | |
axyworkflow |
Axystudio workflows | |
basic |
batch |
Batch | |
bea |
Bea weblogic | |
beanshell |
BeanShell | |
beinformed |
Be Informed | |
biztalk |
BizTalk | |
biztalkrules |
BizTalk Rules Engine | |
blazerules |
Blaze BRM | |
blueprism |
Blue Prism | |
blueriq |
Blueriq flows/processes | |
blueriqexpressions |
Blueriq expressions | |
bpel |
BPEL | |
bpm |
BPMN | |
brail |
Brail | |
bsp |
Bsp | |
c |
C | (1) |
cache |
Cache | |
cacheobjectscript |
Cache ObjectScript | |
ccl |
CCL | |
cgdc |
CGDC | |
cgt |
CGT | |
cicode |
Cicode | |
cl |
CL | |
clearbasic |
Clearbasic | |
cobol |
Cobol | |
coffeescript |
CoffeeScript | |
coldfusion |
ColdFusion | |
configuration |
Configuration | |
coolgenc |
CoolGen C | |
coolgencobol |
CoolGen Cobol | |
cordysbpm |
Cordys BPM | |
cpp |
C++ | (1) |
csharp |
C# | |
csp |
CSP | |
css |
CSS | |
cypher |
Cypher | |
cucumber |
Cucumber | |
datastage |
Datastage | |
datastageetl |
DatastageETL | |
datastageworkflow |
DatastageWorkflow | |
db2 |
DB2 | |
dcl |
Dcl | |
delphi |
Delphi | |
delphiforms |
Delphi Forms | |
deltacobol |
Delta/Cobol | |
djangotemplates |
Django Templates | |
docker |
Docker | |
documentumxcp |
Documentum xCP | |
drools |
Drools | |
dscript |
Dscript | |
easytrieve |
Easytrieve | |
egl |
EGL | |
ejs |
EJS | |
embeddedsql |
C++ Embedded SQL | |
erb |
ERB | |
esql |
ESQL | |
filetab |
File Tab | |
finacle |
Finacle | |
freeformatcobol |
Freeformat Cobol | |
freemarker |
Freemarker | |
fme |
FME | |
fortran |
generated |
Generated | |
gensym |
Gensym | |
go |
Go | |
gosu |
Gosu | |
groovy |
Groovy | |
gsp |
GSP | |
guidefinition |
GUI Definition | |
gupta |
Gupta | |
haml |
Haml | |
html |
HTML | |
hql |
HQL | |
ibmbpmbpd |
ibmbpmprocess |
IBM BPM (Process) | |
ideal |
Ideal | |
informatica |
Informatica | |
informix4gl |
Informix 4GL | |
informixsql |
Informix SQL | |
ingres |
Ingres | |
intershoppipeline |
Intershop (Pipeline) | |
jasperreports |
Jasper Reports | |
jade |
Jade | |
java |
Java | |
javafx |
Java FX | |
javascript |
JavaScript | (2) |
javascript |
Google App Script | |
jbc |
JBC | |
jbpm |
jBPM | |
jcl |
JCL | |
jcs |
JCS | |
jinja |
Jinja | |
jsf |
JSF | |
json |
JSON | (4) |
jsp |
JSP | |
kotlin |
Kotlin | |
less |
Less | |
linc |
LINC | |
lion |
Lion | |
lodestar |
Lodestar | |
logicapps |
Logic Apps | |
logicnets |
LogicNets | |
lotusscript |
LotusScript | |
lua |
Lua | |
magic |
Magic | |
magik |
Magik | |
magnum |
Magnum | |
matlab |
Matlab | |
mediationflows |
Mediation Flows | |
mendix |
Mendix | |
messagebuilder |
MessageBuilder | |
mpsbehavior |
MPS Behavior | |
mpsclass |
MPS Class | |
mpstranslator |
MPS Translator | |
mule |
Mule | |
mtwize |
MtWize | |
murexdatadictionary |
Murex Data Dictionary | |
murexlookuptable |
Murex Lookup Table | |
murexscript |
Murex Script | |
murexworkflow |
Murex Workflow | |
mustache |
Mustache | |
mysql |
MySQL | |
naviscript |
Naviscript | |
navision |
Navision | |
netiqidmpolicy |
NetIQ IDM Policy | |
netiqidmrequest |
NetIQ IDM Request | |
netiqidmworkflow |
NetIQ IDM Workflow | |
netweaveridm |
NetweaverIDM | |
nonstopsql |
Nonstop SQL | |
normalizedsystemsjava |
Normalized Systems Java | |
normalizedsystemsmodel |
Normalized Systems Model | |
objectivec |
Objective-C | |
odi |
ODI | |
odm |
ODM | |
omt |
OMT | |
opa |
OPA | |
opc |
OPC | |
openroad |
OpenROAD 4GL | |
oraclebpm |
Oracle BPM | |
oracleofsaa |
Oracle OFSAA | |
oracleworkflow |
Oracle Workflow | |
ords |
ORDS | |
osb |
OSB | |
osbproxy |
OSB Proxy | |
osmprocess |
OSM Process | |
osmtask |
OSM Task | |
outsystems |
OutSystems | |
pascal |
Pascal | |
pega |
Pega | |
pegajsp |
performance |
Performance | |
perl |
Perl | |
php |
PHP | |
plc |
PLC - Structured Text - ABB | |
plc |
PLC - Structured Text - Schneider Electric - EcoStruxure | |
plc |
PLC - Structured Text - Siemens | |
plc |
PLC - Functional Block Diagram - ABB | |
plc |
PLC - Functional Block Diagram - Rockwell | |
plc |
PLC - Functional Block Diagram - Siemens | |
plc |
PLC - Ladder Logic - Rockwell | |
plc |
PLC - Structured Text - Rockwell | |
pli |
PL/I | |
plsql |
PL/SQL | |
plsqlforms |
PL/SQL Forms | |
plsqlreports |
PL/SQL Reports | |
pluk |
PLUK | |
polymertemplates |
Polymer Templates | |
postgresql |
PostgreSQL | |
powerbuilder |
Powerbuilder | |
powercenter |
PowerCenter | |
powerfx |
Power Fx | |
powershell |
Powershell | |
production |
Production code | |
progress |
Progress | |
progressstrict |
Progress (Strict) | |
pronto |
Pronto | |
prt |
PRT | |
puppet |
Puppet | |
python |
Python | |
r |
R | |
radience |
Radience | |
razor |
Razor | |
react |
React | (2) |
regelspraak |
ALEF Regelspraak | |
regelspraakhtml |
ALEF Regelspraak | |
rexx |
Rexx | |
robot |
Robot | |
rpg |
RPG | |
ruby |
Ruby | |
rust |
Rust | |
salesforceapex |
Salesforce Apex | |
salesforceflow |
Salesforce Flow | |
sappo |
SAP PO | |
sapui5 |
SapUI5 | |
sas |
SAS | |
sasflows |
SAS Flows | |
sass |
Sass | |
scala |
Scala | |
scl |
SCL | |
scr |
SCR | |
script |
Shell script | |
servicenow |
ServiceNow | |
siebeldeclarative |
Siebel Declarative | |
siebeljs |
Siebel JS | |
siebelscripted |
Siebel Scripted | |
siebelworkflow |
Siebel Workflow | |
siebeltbui |
Siebel TBUI | |
slim |
Slim | |
smalltalk |
Smalltalk | |
solidity |
Solidity | |
sonicesb |
Sonic ESB | |
spl |
SPL | |
sqlj |
SQLJ | |
sqlite |
SQLite | |
sqr |
SQR | |
ssis |
SSIS | |
starlimssql |
StarLIMS | |
streamserve |
StreamServe | |
synapse |
Synapse | |
synon |
Synon | |
swift |
Swift | |
t4 |
T4 | |
tacl |
TACL | |
tal |
TAL | |
tandem |
Tandem | |
tapestry |
Tapestry | |
terraform |
Terraform | |
test |
Testcode | |
thrift |
Thrift | |
thymeleaf |
Thymeleaf | |
tibco |
tibcobe |
tibcobejava |
TIBCO BE (Java) | |
tibcobestatemachine |
TIBCO BE (State Machine) | |
tibcobw6 |
tripleforms |
TriplEforms | |
tsql |
T-SQL | |
turtle |
Turtle | |
typescript |
TypeScript | (3) |
uil |
UIL (Motif) | |
uniface |
Uniface | |
until |
Until | |
vag |
Visual Age | |
vagrecord |
Visual Age Record | |
vb |
VB | |
vbnet |
VB.Net | |
velocity |
Velocity | |
vgl |
VGL | |
visualforce |
VisualForce | |
visualrpg |
Visual RPG | |
visualobjects |
Visual Objects | |
vuejs |
VueJS | (2) |
vuets |
VueTS | (3) |
vulcan |
Vulcan.NET | |
webfocus |
WebFocus | |
webmethods |
WebMethods | |
webmethodsbpm |
WebMethods BPM | |
websmart |
WebSmart | |
wonderware |
Wonderware | |
wsdl |
WSDL | |
wtx |
WTX | |
xaml |
XAML | |
xml |
XML | (4) |
xpdl |
Tibco ActiveMatrix BPM | |
xpp |
X++ | |
xquery |
Xquery | |
xsd |
XSD | |
xslt |
XSLT | |
xul |
XUL | |
yaml |
YAML | (4) |
- Use either
, but not both. Prefercpp
if your system contains a combination of C and C++ code. - Use either
, but do not use multiple. Prefervuejs
if your system contains Vue.js components that use the.vue
file extension. Preferreact
if your codebase contains React and/or JSX. Usejavascript
in all other cases. - Use either
, but not both. Prefervuets
if you're using Vue.js in combination with TypeScript code. Prefertypescript
in all other cases. - In most cases, configuration files are not considered part of production code and are therefore not relevant for Sigrid's maintainability analysis. Only add these technologies if you consider them part of the system's production code.
Even with 300 supported technologies, we are still continuously working on adding support for new technologies and frameworks, and updating our technology suport for new technology versions. You can contact us using the information provided below if you believe we should extend technology support for your organization.
Feel free to contact SIG's support department for any questions or issues you may have after reading this document, or when using Sigrid or Sigrid CI. Users in Europe can also contact us by phone at +31 20 314 0953.