This code is a reimplementation of the guided policy search algorithm and iterative LQG-based trajectory optimization and supervised policy learning method, meant to help others understand, reuse, and build upon existing work. For full documentation, see
The code base is a work in progress. See the FAQ for information on planned future additions to the code.
Create a mujoco
directory in your home folder and place the downloaded mjpro131
folder there. This is important as the activation function and openscenegraph bindings will look for mujoco in this path.
This fork of the code implements the iterative Dynamic Game that was proposed in the paper:
- iDG: A Robust Zero-Sum, Two-Player Reinforcement Learning
For details of the algorithm, please see the paper on arxiv under the name: Olalekan Ogunmolu.
First train a protagonist agent by following the instructions on the page.
Go to the experiments directory and run the copy_gps executable. This will copy the learned policy for the original system into a new folder.
We will then make a few modifications in the hyperparams directory of the new folder as follows:
For box2d experiments, we will import the MDGPS class like so at the top of the hyperparams file:
from gps.algorithm.algorithm_mdgps import AlgorithmMDGPS # for new experiments
EXP_DIR: change this to point to the new experiment directory
|--'experiment_name': 'name_of_new_experiment'
|--'costs_filename': EXP_DIR + 'costs.csv',
|--'mode': 'antagonist', # whether we are running in block-alternating ascent mode
|--'gamma': 1e8, # the magnitude of the additive disturbance
where a full common dict will for example look like so:
common = {
'experiment_name': 'box2d_badmm_example' + '_' + \
datetime.strftime(, '%m-%d-%y_%H-%M'),
'experiment_dir': EXP_DIR,
'data_files_dir': EXP_DIR + 'data_files/',
'log_filename': EXP_DIR + 'log.txt',
'costs_filename': EXP_DIR + 'costs.csv',
'conditions': 4,
'mode': 'antagonist',
'gamma': 1e8,
- In the
dict, we would want to add the gamma and mode terms as well e.g.
action_cost = {
'type': CostAction,
'wu': np.array([1, 1]),
'gamma': 1e8,
'mode': 'antagonist',
- So also for
algorithm['cost'] = {
'type': CostSum,
'costs': [action_cost, state_cost],
'weights': [1e-5, 1.0],
'gamma': 1e8,
'mode': 'antagonist',
- Similarly, in the
field, we would want to modify the type of the lqr implementation to
algorithm['init_traj_distr'] = {
'type': init_lqr_robust,
to account for the new robust lqr algorithm in lin_gauss_init
- In agent, we want to define the mode as
agent = {
... : ...
'mode': 'robust'
algorithm['traj_opt'] = {
'type': TrajOptLQRPython,
'mode': 'robust'
- Add the following to
to account for the robust policy
algorithm['policy_opt'] = {
'robust_weights_file_prefix': EXP_DIR + 'robust_policy',
The docker image for the base gps codes is located at lakehanne/gps/