To create a BioRuby plugin named bio-foo in the bioruby-foo directory
$ biogem foo create .gitignore create Rakefile create Gemfile create LICENSE.txt create README.rdoc create .document create lib create lib/bio-foo.rb create test create test/helper.rb create test/test_bio-foo.rb create lib/bio-foo.rb Jeweler has prepared your gem in bioruby-foo Jeweler has pushed your repo to Fetching source index for Using rake ( Using bio (1.4.2) Using bundler (1.0.21) Using git (1.2.5) Using jeweler (1.6.4) Using rcov (0.9.11) Using shoulda (2.11.3) Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. rake version:write Generated: bio-foo.gemspec bio-foo.gemspec is valid.
In case you are not connected to internet the following message will appear:
Seems you are not connected to Internet, can't create a remote repository. Do not forget to create it by hand, from GitHub, and sync it with this project.
Note the name of the plugin is important. Plugins are published as Ruby gems on All plugins that start with the name bio dash (bio-) are automatically listed on the Biogem website !
The first step is to open the Rakefile and modify the gem.summary and gem.description.
gem.summary = %Q{TODO: one-line summary of your gem} gem.description = %Q{TODO: longer description of your gem}
These parameters are necessary, because they describe your gem and its importance. If you let them as default the gem, will not publish. Examples of summary and description can be found on
If you want to distribute a library which uses a local database biogem creates for you a database template and add features coming from Ruby on Rails to manage the database. You can define Models, Fixtures and Migrations like a regular Rails application. SQLite3 is the default database engine in order to have a portable library, is also possible to configure the library to use different RDBMS like PostgreSQL, MySQL; please refer to ActiveRecord for further details.
$ biogem --with-db foo create .gitignore create Rakefile create Gemfile create LICENSE.txt create README.rdoc create .document create lib create lib/bio-foo.rb create test create test/helper.rb create test/test_bio-foo.rb + create db + create db/migrate + create config + create config/database.yml + create db/migrate/001_create_example.rb + create db/seeds.rb update Rakefile + create lib/foo/connect.rb + create lib/foo/example.rb create lib/bio-foo.rb Jeweler has prepared your gem in bioruby-foo Jeweler has pushed your repo to Fetching source index for Using rake ( + Using multi_json (1.0.3) + Using activesupport (3.1.1) + Using builder (3.0.0) + Using i18n (0.6.0) + Using activemodel (3.1.1) + Using arel (2.2.1) + Using tzinfo (0.3.31) + Using activerecord (3.1.1) Using bio (1.4.2) Using bundler (1.0.21) Using git (1.2.5) Using jeweler (1.6.4) Using rcov (0.9.11) Using shoulda (2.11.3) + Using sqlite3 (1.3.4)
Rows with symbol + are differences between the standard command
Is a best practice, at least for me, to have a dummy class which establishes the connection with the database and then inherit that class by models. The benefit of this approach is to have multiple connections available at the same time, just in case you are developing/using multiple gems with different databases. This file is located in lib/bio/your_module/connect.rb
module Bio module YourModule class DummyMySpecialDB < ActiveRecord::Base self.abstract_class = true establish_connection(:adapter =>'sqlite3',:database =>"#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../../db/yourdb.sqlite3") end end end
or you can use configuration file located in config/database.yml and add the following code to the module above:
root_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"../../../") configurations = YAML.load_file(File.join(root_path,"conf/database.yml")) configurations.each_pair do |key, db_info| db_info["database"] = File.join(root_path, db_info["database"]) if db_info["adapter"]=='sqlite3' end establish_connection(configurations["default"])
Note: The latter is the default method.
In file config/database.yml
# SQLite version 3.x # gem install sqlite3 default: adapter: sqlite3 database: db/bio-foo.sqlite3 pool: 5 timeout: 5000
bundle exec rake db:create
Create the database from config/database.yml for the current default (use db:create:all to create all dbs in the config
In file db/migrate/001_create_example.rb
The code below create a table name example. As best practice name this file with a prefix index like 001_create_example.rb and the next migration 002.… and so on, this will help you to keep track over the time. Please refer to Rails’ documentation
class CreateExample < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up #primary key id is created automatically by ActiveRecord::Migration create_table :example do |t| t.string :name t.string :tag t.string :type end add_index :example, :name end def self.down drop_table :example end end
Once you have defined the table you can create it
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
Migrate the database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=false)
The model must be located in a directory structure like lib/bio/your_module/your_class this is important because ActiveRecord map the namespace with the directory tree.
module Bio module YourModule class Mytable < Bio::YourModule::DummyMySpecialDB end end end
Then using the [FIXME]
Before populate your databse file you must declare a model. The model is declared in the usual Rails’ way, see above. Use file db/seeds.rb to load a default dataset into your database
%w(Raoul Toshiaki Francesco).each do |coder| Bio::YourModule::Example.create(:name=>coder, :tag=>"bioruby", :type=>"developer") end
Biogem is intended to help you also in advanced task like create a gem that can be reused in multiple rails applications, serving for instance a database, libraries and/or controllers,models,views.
In bioinformatics is very common to presents data using a web application, and often you find are re using the same libraries and database for the same purpose, with a just a small difference in applications or your need to put together different functionalities which are spread along multiple database and libraries.
To example this Biogem’s features we want to create a Rails application which provides a form to users. Data are submitted to TogoWS and the result is returned in a web page. In the mean time we want to store suers queries and return them in the page of TogoWS’ result. We’ll create a Rails application and a separated Biogem to store queries and provide connection to TogoWS, following “man in the middle” pattern.
$ biogem --with-engine Foo foo $ cd bioruby-foo $ rake version:write $ bundle install
Note: a database is automatically configure for the newly created gem
Create a completely new Rails web application NOT inside the newly create biogem, so rememner to
$ cd ..
and then create a new web app
$ rails new Webfoo
update the installation running:
cd Webfoo bundle install
You can test your application just inserting into Rails application Gemfile the newly created gem:
gem 'bio-foo', :path=>'path_gem_dir'
Enable the route for the added gem (in biouby-foo/config/routes.rb) uncomment:
yourPathToTheControllerFiles = 'foopath' controllerName = :foos otherControllerName = :samples #--- scope mount_at, yourPathToTheControllerFiles do resources controllerName do member do get :example end end resources otherControllerName, :only =>[:index, :show] end #scope
In bioruby-foo/lib/bio/foo/example.rb be sure the example class is uncommented:
module Bio module Foo class Example < DummyConn end end end
Create and migrate bioruby-foo database:
cd bioruby-foo bundle exec rake db:create bundle exec rake db:migrate
Run your Rails server and load the web page
cd Webfoo rails s
open your browser to localhost:3000/foos/new
Controller,Views and Module are located in bioruby-foo:
The latter path has modified by purpose from standard Rails configuration to keep a consistency with a normal ruby/gem library, in case developer wants to use a database but not a rails engine.
A meta package or plugin is a very simple gem, essentially a configuration’s gem. This particular plugin is used to aggregate other plugins or gems taking advantage of RubyGems dependencies. An example of this feature are: bio-core, bio-ext, bio-biollinux plugins which have different purposes and they can contain the same plugins but in different versions.
$ biogem --meta foo create .gitignore create Rakefile create Gemfile create LICENSE.txt create README.rdoc create .document
Those are the only files created by Biogem and are the only required to work as a meta-package. The user can add its libraries to the Gemfile and update information in Rakefile
This is Gemfile’s content
source "" # Add dependencies required to use your gem here. # Example: # gem "activesupport", ">= 2.3.5" # Add dependencies to develop your gem here. # Include everything needed to run rake, tests, features, etc. group :development do gem "shoulda", ">= 0" gem "bundler", "> 1.0.0" gem "jeweler", "> 1.6.4" gem "rcov", ">= 0" gem "bio", ">= 1.4.2" end
In general if you add gems to the development section that gems will be installed only if you want to contribute the the original plugin source code. Otherwise you must add your gem requirements outside development group. Note: because this file is used by bundler as well, you can specify multiple source. For development purposes is also possible to specify different location than rubygems, local or github:
gem "the_perfect_gem", :path=>"your_local_path_on_your_hard_drive" gem "JohnDoe_perfect_gem", :git=>""
$ rake version:bump:(major | minor | patch)
will increase the level of your actual version by 1. A version is composed by X.Y.Z where X = major, Y = minor, Z = patch and we suggest the following approach for bumping the version:
major: new features or modifications which introduce incompatibilities with older version
minor: new features which keep backward compatibility
patch: fix a bug keeping backward compatibility
Note: every time you want to publish your plugin on RubyGems the version must be bumped by 1 in at least one of the X.Y.Z otherwise RubyGems will give your an error. If you want to remove a specific version from RubyGems you must yank it but remember that version number, will not be available anymore
gem yank GEM -v VERSION [-p PLATFORM] [--undo] [options]
$ bundle exec rake version:bump:minor Current version: 0.0.0 Updated version: 0.1.0
After hack, git add and commit you may be ready to distribute the plugin and now you have two ways
Only GitHub
GitHub and RubyGems
$ bundle exec rake git:release
$ bundle exec rake release
To create a prerelease of your plugin, set the version to include a letter (e.g. alpha). This way the gem is registered as prerelease, listed on, but not listed in the standard gem lists.
These are the available options, they come from biogem and from jeweler. I don’t know if in the future I’ll keep all of them.
Usage: biogem [options] reponame, e.g.
$ biogem the-perfect-gem --directory [DIRECTORY] specify the directory to generate into
These options are for Biogem
--meta create a meta package, just the Rakefile, Gemfile, Licence, Readme. This options takes the precedence over every other option. --with-bin create the bin directory and an executable template script called bioreponame --with-db create the database directory for a db application-library --with-test-data create the data directory inside the test directory if the user need to set up a test with its own dataset --with-engine [NAMESPACE] create a Rails engine with the namespace given in input. Dy default set up the environment to use an SQLite3 database
These options are for Jeweler
--rspec generate rspec code examples --shoulda generate shoulda tests --testunit generate test/unit tests --bacon generate bacon specifications --testspec generate test/spec tests --minitest generate minitest tests --micronaut generate micronaut examples --riot generate riot tests --shindo generate shindo tests --[no-]bundler use bundler for managing dependencies --cucumber generate cucumber stories in addition to the other tests --reek generate rake task for reek --roodi generate rake task for roodi --summary [SUMMARY] specify the summary of the project --description [DESCRIPTION] specify a description of the project --user-name [USER_NAME] the user's name, ie that is credited in the LICENSE --user-email [USER_EMAIL] the user's email, ie that is credited in the Gem specification --github-username [GITHUB_USERNAME] name of the user on GitHub to set the project up under --github-token [GITHUB_TOKEN] GitHub token to use for interacting with the GitHub API --git-remote [GIT_REMOTE] URI to set the git origin remote to --homepage [HOMEPAGE] the homepage for your project (defaults to the GitHub repo) --no-create-repo don't create the repository on GitHub (repo is created by default) --yard use yard for documentation --rdoc use rdoc for documentation -h, --help display this help and exit
Biogem, like other frameworks, offers a bunch of predefined and common operations for the developers. These are so called tasks and can be listed simply typing:
$ rake -T
but because we are in a “development environment” we suggest to use
$ bundle exec rake -T
which guarantees that all the called programs/tasks will be executed inside the current development environment (bound to specific libraries versions). rake -T displays the list of tasks
rake build # Build gem into pkg/ rake clobber_rcov # Remove rcov products for rcov rake clobber_rdoc # Remove rdoc products rake console[script] # Start IRB with all runtime dependencies loaded rake db:create # Create the database from config/database.yml for the current default (use db:create:all to create all dbs in the config) rake db:drop # Drops the database for the current default (use db:drop:all to drop all databases) rake db:fixtures:load # Load fixtures into the current environment's database. rake db:migrate # Migrate the database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=false). rake db:migrate:status # Display status of migrations rake db:rollback # Rolls the schema back to the previous version (specify steps w/ STEP=n). rake db:schema:dump # Create a db/schema.rb file that can be portably used against any DB supported by AR rake db:schema:load # Load a schema.rb file into the database rake db:seed # Load the seed data from db/seeds.rb rake db:setup # Create the database, load the schema, and initialize with the seed data (use db:reset to also drop the db first) rake db:structure:dump # Dump the database structure to an SQL file rake db:version # Retrieves the current schema version number rake gemcutter:release # Release gem to Gemcutter rake gemspec # Generate and validate gemspec rake gemspec:debug # Display the gemspec for debugging purposes, as jeweler knows it (not from the filesystem) rake gemspec:generate # Regenreate the gemspec on the filesystem rake gemspec:release # Regenerate and validate gemspec, and then commits and pushes to git rake gemspec:validate # Validates the gemspec on the filesystem rake git:release # Tag and push release to git. rake install # Build and install gem using `gem install` rake rcov # Analyze code coverage with tests rake rdoc # Build the rdoc HTML Files rake release # Release gem rake rerdoc # Force a rebuild of the RDOC files rake test # Run tests rake version # Displays the current version rake version:bump:major # Bump the major version by 1 rake version:bump:minor # Bump the a minor version by 1 rake version:bump:patch # Bump the patch version by 1 rake version:write # Writes out an explicit version.
Remember to modify .gitignore to exclude unwanted files.
better command line, wrap or re-implement some of the funcionalities provided by Bundler and Jeweler
use YAML for database configuration
Copyright © 2010-2012 Raoul J.P. Bonnal, Toshiaki Katayama, and Pjotr Prins. See LICENSE.txt for further details.