This module was designed to introduce you to FME and to investigate the basics of FME data translations.
The following are key points to be learned from this session:
- FME is a tool to translate and transform spatial data. Quick Translation is the technique of carrying out a translation with minimum user intervention. The semantic nature of FME is the means by which this is permitted.
- FME Workbench is an application to graphically define a translation and the flow of data within it. This definition is known as a workspace and can be saved to a file for later use.
- The Generate Workspace dialog is the main method by which a Quick Translation can be set up in FME Workbench. Data Inspection is a technique for checking and verifying data before, during, and after a translation.
- The FME Data Inspector is a tool for inspecting data. Multiple datasets – including data from different formats – can be opened within the same view window.
- The ability to start FME Workbench, set up a Quick Translation, and run it.
- The ability to start the FME Data Inspector, open a dataset in a new view, and add a dataset to an existing view; to navigate a dataset and to query features within it.
- The ability to control minor FME Data Inspector functionality for debugging data and translations.
- The ability to inspect data by redirecting it from FME Workbench to the FME Data Inspector.