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Type Checking:



Phone Number:




Type Checking


Check if the given value is an array.

import { isArray } from '@risan/helpers';

isArray([]);                // true
isArray(['foo', 'bar']);    // true
isArray([[1, 2], [1, 2]]);  // true

isArray('foo');           // false
isArray({});              // false
isArray(new Set([1, 2])); // false
isArray(new Map());       // false


Check if the given value is a boolean type.

import { isBoolean } from '@risan/helpers';

isBoolean(true);    // true
isBoolean(false);   // true

// 1 and 0 are number type.
isBoolean(1);       // false
isBoolean(0);       // false
isBoolean('true');  // false
isBoolean('');      // false


Check if the given value is a valid Date instance.

import { isDate } from '@risan/helpers';

isDate(new Date());                             // true
isDate(new Date(2020, 0, 1));                   // true
isDate(new Date('1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'));  // true

// Invalid date returns false.
isDate(new Date('foo'));  // false

isDate('foo');  // false
isDate(12345);  // false
isDate(true);   // false


Check if the given value is a function.

import { isFunction } from '@risan/helpers';

isFunction(function () {}); // true
isFunction(() => {});       // true
isFunction(Number.isNaN);   // true

isFunction(123);            // false
isFunction('foo');          // false
isFunction(true);           // false
isFunction(new Set());      // false
isFunction([1, 2]);         // false
isFunction({ foo: 'bar' }); // false


Check if the given value is a Map instance.

import { isMap } from '@risan/helpers';

isMap(new Map()); // true

isMap(123);   // false
isMap('foo'); // false
isMap(true);  // false

// Set, array, and object return false
isMap(new Set());       // false
isMap([1, 2]);          // false
isMap({ foo: 'bar' });  // false


Check if the given value is a number.

import { isNumber } from '@risan/helpers';

isNumber(123);  // true
isNumber(3.14); // true
isNumber(0.0);  // true

isNumber('foo');  // false
isNumber(true);   // false
isNumber([1, 2]); // false

// Number in string type returns false.
isNumber('123'); // false

// NaN and Infinity return false.
isNumber(NaN);      // false
isNumber(Infinity); // false


Check if the given value is an object.

import { isObject } from '@risan/helpers';

isObject({});                   // true
isObject({ foo: 'bar' });       // true
isObject(Object.create(null));  // true

function Person {};
isObject(new Person()); // true

class Animal {};
isObject(new Animal()); // true

isObject(123);    // false
isObject('foo');  // false
isObject(true);   // false

// null, array, Date, Map, and Set return false.
isObject(null);       // false
isObject([1, 2]);     // false
isObject(new Date()); // false
isObject(new Map());  // false
isObject(new Set());  // false


Check if the given value is a plain object. It uses Lodash's isPlainObject() under the hood.

import { isPlainObject } from '@risan/helpers';

isPlainObject({});                   // true
isPlainObject({ foo: 'bar' });       // true
isPlainObject(Object.create(null));  // true

function Person {};
isPlainObject(new Person()); // false

class Animal {};
isPlainObject(new Animal()); // false

isPlainObject(123);    // false
isPlainObject('foo');  // false
isPlainObject(true);   // false

// null, array, Date, Map, and Set return false.
isPlainObject(null);       // false
isPlainObject([1, 2]);     // false
isPlainObject(new Date()); // false
isPlainObject(new Map());  // false
isPlainObject(new Set());  // false


Check if the given value is a Set instance.

import { isSet } from '@risan/helpers';

isSet(new Set());       // true
isSet(new Set([1, 2])); // true

isSet(123);   // false
isSet('foo'); // false
isSet(true);  // false

// Map, array, and object return false
isSet(new Map());       // false
isSet([1, 2]);          // false
isSet({ foo: 'bar' });  // false


Check if the given value is a string.

import { isString } from '@risan/helpers';

isString('foo');  // true
isString('');     // true
isString('  ');   // true

isString(true);           // false
isString(123);            // false
isString(['a', 'b']);     // false
isString({ foo: 'bar' }); // false



It returns the value itself if it's not empty, or else returns the fallbackValue.

coalesce(value, fallbackValue = null)
import { coalesce } from '@risan/helpers';

coalesce(null);       // null
coalesce(undefined);  // null
coalesce(NaN);        // null
coalesce('');         // null
coalesce(' ');        // null
coalesce([]);         // null
coalesce({});         // null
coalesce(new Set());  // null
coalesce(new Map());  // null
coalesce(new Date('foo')); // invalid date returns null

// false and 0 won't return null
coalesce(false);  // false
coalesce(0);      // 0

// Set custom fallbackValue
coalesce('', 'empty string'); // empty string


Get the value at path of obj. If the path does not exist or the value is undefined, the fallbackValue would be returned. It uses Lodash get function under the hood.

dataGet(obj, path, fallbackValue = undefined)
import { dataGet } from '@risan/helpers';

dataGet({ foo: 'bar' }, 'foo'); // bar
dataGet({ account: { id: 123 } }, ''); // 123
dataGet([100, 200, 300], '[1]'); // 200
dataGet({ ids: [100, 200, 300] }, 'ids.[1]'); // 200
dataGet([{ id: 100}, { id: 200}], '[1].id'); // 200
dataGet({ foo: null }, 'foo'); // null

// It returns undefined if the path does not exist.
dataGet({ foo: 'bar' }, 'baz'); // undefined

// Set custom fallbackValue.
dataGet({ foo: 'bar' }, 'baz', 'qux');     // qux
dataGet({ foo: undefined }, 'foo', 'qux'); // qux


Check if the given path exists on obj. It uses Lodash has function under the hood.

dataHas(obj, path)
import { dataHas } from '@risan/helpers';

dataHas({ foo: 'bar' }, 'foo');                  // true
dataHas({ account: { id: 123 } }, ''); // true
dataHas([100, 200, 300], '[1]');                 // true
dataHas({ ids: [100, 200, 300] }, 'ids.[1]');    // true
dataHas([{ id: 100}, { id: 200}], '[1].id');     // true
dataHas({ foo: null }, 'foo');                   // true
dataHas({ foo: undefined }, 'foo');              // true

// It returns false if the path does not exist.
dataHas({ foo: 'bar' }, 'baz'); // false


Sets the value at path of obj. It uses Lodash set function under the hood.

dataSet(obj, path, value)
import { dataSet } from '@risan/helpers';

dataSet({ foo: 1 }, 'bar', 2); // { foo: 1, bar: 2 }
dataSet({ foo: 1 }, 'bar.baz', 2); // { foo: 1, bar: { baz: 2 } }


Removes the property at path of obj. It uses Lodash unset function under the hood.

dataSet(obj, path, value)
import { dataRemove } from '@risan/helpers';

let a = { foo: 1, bar: 2};
dataRemove(a, 'bar'); // returns true; a = { foo: 1}

let b = { foo: 1, bar: { baz: 2 } };
dataRemove(a, 'bar.baz', 2); // returns true; b = { foo: 1, bar: {} }


Retruns a string where all non-digit characters are removed from the given value. It returns null if the given value is not number or string type.

import { digitOnly } from '@risan/helpers';

digitOnly('123-456-7890'); // 1234567890
digitOnly('AB123 RTS+45'); // 12345

// Returns an absolute value in string if value is an integer
digitOnly(123);   // 123
digitOnly(-123);  // 123

// Number sign and decimal point are removed from float.
digitOnly(3.14);  // 314
digitOnly(-3.14); // 314

// Returns null if value is neither string nor number.
digitOnly(null);        // null
digitOnly(undefined);   // null
digitOnly([1, 2, 3]);   // null
digitOnly({ id: 12 });  // null


Check if the given value is considered empty.

import { isEmpty } from '@risan/helpers';

isEmpty(null);      // true
isEmpty(undefined); // true
isEmpty(NaN);       // true
isEmpty('');        // true
isEmpty([]);        // true
isEmpty({});        // true
isEmpty(new Set()); // true
isEmpty(new Map()); // true

// Empty string returns true.
isEmpty(' '); // true

// Invalid date returns true.
isEmpty(new Date('foo')); // true

isEmpty('foo');           // false
isEmpty(-123);            // false
isEmpty([1, 2, 3]);       // false
isEmpty({ foo: 'bar' });  // false

// false, 0, and Infinity return false.
isEmpty(false);     // false
isEmpty(0);         // false
isEmpty(Infinity);  // false


Returns a new object where all its property names are transformed into lower case.

import { lowerCaseKeys } from '@risan/helpers';

lowerCaseKeys({ USER_ID: 123, FIRST_NAME: 'foo' }); // { user_id: 123, first_name: 'foo' }


Returns a new object where all its property names are transformed by the given callback function. It uses Lodash mapKeys function under the hood, but the callback parameters are swapped.

mapKeys(obj, callback(key, value))
import { mapKeys } from '@risan/helpers';

  { id: 123, name: 'foo' },
  (key, value) => `${key.toUpperCase()}_${value}`
); // { ID_123: 123, NAME_foo: 'foo' }


Returns a new object where all its property names are transformed into snake case.

import { snakeCaseKeys } from '@risan/helpers';

snakeCaseKeys({ userId: 123, FIRST_NAME: 'foo' }); // { user_id: 123, first_name: 'foo' }



Format value in currency.

formatCurrency(value, fractionDigits = 2, options = {
  locales: 'en-US',
  currencyCode: 'USD',
import { formatCurrency } from '@risan/helpers';

formatCurrency(15200);    // $15,200.00
formatCurrency(4000.231); // $4,000.23
formatCurrency('123.4');  // $123.4
formatCurrency('foo');    // null

// Set custom fractionDigits
formatCurrency(4000.281, 0); // $4,000
formatCurrency(4000.281, 1); // $4,000.3
formatCurrency(4000.281, 3); // $4,000.281

// Set currency in Euro
formatCurrency(15200, 2, { currencyCode: 'EUR' }); // €15,200.00

// Remove number grouping
formatCurrency(15200, 2 { useGrouping: false }); // $15200.00


Format value in currency with abbreviated suffix (K/M/B).

formatCurrencyCompact(value, fractionDigits = 2, options = {})
import { formatCurrencyCompact } from '@risan/helpers';

formatCurrencyCompact(100);         // $100.00
formatCurrencyCompact(1000.0);      // $1.00K
formatCurrencyCompact('1250');      // $1.25K
formatCurrencyCompact(1250000);     // $1.25M
formatCurrencyCompact(1250000000);  // $1.25B
formatCurrencyCompact('foo');       // null

// Set custom fractionDigits
formatCurrencyCompact(1234, 0); // $1K
formatCurrencyCompact(1234, 1); // $1.2K
formatCurrencyCompact(1234, 3); // $1.234K

// Set currency in Euro
formatCurrencyCompact(1250, 2, { currencyCode: 'EUR' }); // €1.25K


Format value in decimal.

formatDecimal(value, fractionDigits = 2, options = {
  locales: 'en-US',
import { formatDecimal } from '@risan/helpers';

formatDecimal(15200);    // 15,200.00
formatDecimal(4000.231); // 4,000.23
formatDecimal('123.4');  // 123.4
formatDecimal('foo');    // null

// Set custom fractionDigits
formatDecimal(4000.281, 0); // 4,000
formatDecimal(4000.281, 1); // 4,000.3
formatDecimal(4000.281, 3); // 4,000.281

// Remove number grouping
formatDecimal(15200, 2 { useGrouping: false }); // 15200.00


Format value in decimal with abbreviated suffix (K/M/B).

formatDecimalCompact(value, fractionDigits = 2, options = {})
import { formatDecimalCompact } from '@risan/helpers';

formatDecimalCompact(100);         // 100.00
formatDecimalCompact(1000.0);      // 1.00K
formatDecimalCompact('1250');      // 1.25K
formatDecimalCompact(1250000);     // 1.25M
formatDecimalCompact(1250000000);  // 1.25B
formatDecimalCompact('foo');       // null

// Set custom fractionDigits
formatDecimalCompact(1234, 0); // 1K
formatDecimalCompact(1234, 1); // 1.2K
formatDecimalCompact(1234, 3); // 1.234K


Format value in percentage.

formatPercent(value, fractionDigits = 2)
import { formatPercent } from '@risan/helpers';

formatPercent(0.25);    // 25.00%
formatPercent('0.502'); // 50.20%
formatPercent(0);       // 0.00%
formatPercent(1);       // 100.00%
formatPercent('foo');   // null

// Set custom fractionDigits
formatPercent(0.1234, 0); // 12%
formatPercent(0.1234, 1); // 12.3%
formatPercent(0.1234, 3); // 12.340%


Format value in percentage out of the given total.

formatPercentFrom(value, total, fractionDigits = 2)
import { formatPercentFrom } from '@risan/helpers';

formatPercentFrom(25, 100);     // 25.00%
formatPercentFrom('1', '2.0');  // 50.00%
formatPercentFrom(0.0, 1000);   // 0.00%
formatPercentFrom(200, 200);    // 100.00%
formatPercentFrom('foo', 100);  // null

// Set custom fractionDigits
formatPercentFrom(2.518, 10, 0); // 25%
formatPercentFrom(2.518, 10, 1); // 25.2%
formatPercentFrom(2.518, 10, 3); // 25.180%


Calculate the ratio of value out of the given total.

getRatio(value, total)
import { getRatio } from '@risan/helpers';

getRatio(25, 100);     // 0.25
getRatio('1', '2.0');  // 0.5
getRatio(0.0, 1000);   // 0
getRatio(200, 200);    // 1
getRatio('foo', 100);  // null

// In case of 0 total
getRatio(123, 0);   // 1
getRatio(-123, 0);  // -1


Parse the given value to number type. If value can't be parsed to number, fallbackValue will be return.

parseNumber(value, fallbackValue = null)
import { parseNumber } from '@risan/helpers';

parseNumber(100);   // 100
parseNumber(3.14);  // 3.14

// Parse a string.
parseNumber('100');   // 100
parseNumber('-3.14'); // -3.14

// Parse a boolean value.
parseNumber(true);  // 1
parseNumber(false); // 0

// Date will be parsed to milliseconds since Unix epoch.
parseNumber(new Date('1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00')); // 0
parseNumber(new Date('1970-01-01T00:00:01+00:00')); // 1000
parseNumber(new Date('1970-01-01T00:01:00+00:00')); // 60000

// Value that can't be parsed returns null.
parseNumber('foo');           // null
parseNumber([1, 2]);          // null
parseNumber({ foo: 'bar' });  // null
parseNumber(new Date('foo')); // null

// Set a custom fallbackValue.
parseNumber('foo', 123);  // 123
parseNumber({}, 'empty'); // empty
parseNumber([], false);   // false


Calculate the sum of an array. If the items is an array of object, you may pass the path as a second parameter.

sum(items, path = null)
import { parseNumber } from '@risan/helpers';

sum([1, 2, 3]); // 6
sum([-1, -2, -3]) // -6
sum([1.25, 2.25, 3.25]); // 6.75

// It can parse number with string type.
sum(['1.25', '2.25', '3.25']); // 6.75

// Calculate array of object.
sum([{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }], 'a'); // 6

// Use dot notation to access deeply nested object.
sum([{ a: { b: 1 } }, { a: { b: 2 } }, { a: { b: 3 } }], 'a.b'); // 6

Phone Number


Format the given value as a US phone number.


It returns null if the value is empty, not a string, or a number. If the value does not match the US phone number, the value itself will be returned.

import { formatPhone } from '@risan/helpers';

// Returns: (222) 333-4444
formatPhone('222 333 4444');

// Returns: +1 (222) 333-4444
formatPhone('1 222 333 4444');
formatPhone('+1 222 333 4444');
formatPhone('1 (222) 333-4444');

// Returns: +1 (222) 333-4444 ext. 777
formatPhone('1 222 333 4444 Ext. 777');
formatPhone('+1 222 333 4444 ext 777');
formatPhone('1-222-333-4444 x777');
formatPhone('1 (222) 333-4444 extension 777');

// Returns the value itself if does not match the pattern.
formatPhone(222); // 222
formatPhone('222-6666'); // 222-6666

// Returns null if empty, not a string, or not a number.
formatPhone('');             // null
formatPhone(undefined);      // null
formatPhone([1, 2]);         // null
formatPhone({ foo: 'bar' }); // null


Parse the given value as a US phone number.


It returns null if the value is empty, not a string, or a number. If the value does not match the US phone number, the value itself will be returned. On success returns an object with the following structure:

  countryCode: String|null,
  areaCode: String,
  centralOfficeCode: String,
  lineNumber: String,
  extension: String|null,
import { parsePhone } from '@risan/helpers';

// {
//   countryCode: null,
//   areaCode: '222',
//   centralOfficeCode: '333',
//   lineNumber: '4444',
//   extension: null
// }
parsePhone('222 333 4444');
parsePhone('(222) 333-4444');

// With country code prefix.
// {
//   countryCode: '+1',
//   areaCode: '222',
//   centralOfficeCode: '333',
//   lineNumber: '4444',
//   extension: null
// }
parsePhone('1 222 333 4444');
parsePhone('+1 222 333 4444');
parsePhone('1 (222) 333-4444');
parsePhone('+1 (222) 333-4444');

// With extension number
// {
//   countryCode: '+1',
//   areaCode: '222',
//   centralOfficeCode: '333',
//   lineNumber: '4444',
//   extension: '777'
// }
parsePhone('1 222 333 4444 Ext. 777');
parsePhone('+1 222 333 4444 ext 777');
parsePhone('1-222-333-4444 x777');
parsePhone('1 (222) 333-4444 extension 777');
parsePhone('+1 (222) 333-4444 ext. 777');

// Returns the value itself if does not match the pattern.
parsePhone(222); // 222
parsePhone('222-6666'); // 222-6666

// Returns null if empty, not a string, or not a number.
parsePhone('');             // null
parsePhone(undefined);      // null
parsePhone([1, 2]);         // null
parsePhone({ foo: 'bar' }); // null



Get the current year.

import { getCurrentYear } from '@risan/helpers';

getCurrentYear() === (new Date()).getFullYear(); // true


Format the given value as a date. You can also pass the optional outputPattern and inputPattern (see date-fns's format string pattern). Also check the Automatic Datetime Pattern Recognition section to see all possible patterns that can be recognized automatically.

formatDate(value, outputPattern = 'MM/dd/yyyy', inputPattern = null)
import { formatDate } from '@risan/helpers';

// Format a Date instance.
formatDate(new Date(2020, 7, 31)); // 08/31/2020

// Numbers will be parsed as milliseconds since Unix epoch.
formatDate(0);               // 01/01/1970
formatDate(1598837415250.0); // 08/31/2020

// Automatic datetime pattern recognition, see parseDate()
formatDate('2020-08-31');                 // 08/31/2020
formatDate('2020-08-31T08:15:30');        // 08/31/2020
formatDate('2020-08-31T08:15:30.250');    // 08/31/2020
formatDate('2020-08-31T08:15:30+02:00');  // 08/31/2020

formatDate('2020-08-31 08:15:30');        // 08/31/2020
formatDate('2020-08-31 08:15:30.250');    // 08/31/2020

formatDate('/Date(1598837415250)/');      // 08/31/2020
formatDate('/Date(1598837415250+0200)/'); // 08/31/2020

// Set a custom output pattern.
formatDate('2020-08-31T08:15:30.250', 'dd-MM-yyyy');        // 31-08-2020
formatDate('2020-08-31T08:15:30.250', 'MM/dd/yyyy h:mm a'); // 08/31/2020 8:15 AM

// Set a custom input pattern.
formatDate('20200831', 'MM/dd/yyyy', 'yyyyMMdd'); // 08/31/2020
formatDate('08/31/2020 8:15 AM', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', 'MM/dd/yyyy h:mm a'); // 2020-08-31 08:15:00


Parse the given value to Date instance. You can also pass the optional pattern (see date-fns's format string pattern). Note that if the value is a number type, it will be treated as milliseconds since the Unix epoch and the pattern parameter would be ignored completely.

parseDate(value, pattern = null)

Automatic Datetime Pattern Recognition

If you don't pass the pattern parameter, it will try to guess the value's pattern. Here's the list of all patterns that can be recognized automatically:

  • yyyy-MM-dd: 2020-01-31
  • yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss: 2020-01-31T08:15:30
  • yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.SSS: 2020-01-31T08:15:30.250
  • yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.SSSZ: 2020-01-31T08:15:30.250Z
  • yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ssxxx: 2020-01-31T08:15:30+02:00
  • yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.SSSxxx: 2020-01-31T08:15:30.250+02:00
  • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss: 2020-01-31 08:15:30
  • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS: 2020-01-31 08:15:30.250
  • .Net datetime JSON: /Date(1580458530250)/, /Date(1580458530250+0200)/
import { parseDate } from '@risan/helpers';

// Returns the given date value.
parseDate(new Date());
parseDate(new Date(2020, 0, 31));

// Number will be parsed as a milliseconds since Unix epoch.
parseDate(1580458530250); // new Date(1580458530250)
parseDate(0);             // new Date(0)
parseDate(0.0);           // new Date(0)

// It can parse several ISO 8601 formats.
parseDate('2020-08-31');                    // new Date(2020, 7, 31)
parseDate('2020-08-31T08:15:30');           // new Date(2020, 7, 31, 8, 15, 30)
parseDate('2020-08-31T08:15:30.250');       // new Date(2020, 7, 31, 8, 15, 30, 250)
parseDate('2020-08-31T08:15:30.250Z');      // new Date(Date.UTC(2020, 7, 31, 8, 15, 30, 250))
parseDate('2020-08-31T08:15:30+02:00');     // new Date(Date.UTC(2020, 7, 31, 6, 15, 30))
parseDate('2020-08-31T08:15:30-02:00');     // new Date(Date.UTC(2020, 7, 31, 10, 15, 30))
parseDate('2020-08-31T08:15:30.250-02:00'); // new Date(Date.UTC(2020, 7, 31, 10, 15, 30, 250))

// Parse SQL datetime format.
parseDate('2020-08-31 08:15:30'); // new Date(2020, 7, 31, 8, 15, 30)
parseDate('2020-08-31 08:15:30.250'); // new Date(2020, 7, 31, 8, 15, 30, 250)

// Parse .Net JSON datetime format.
parseDate('/Date(1580458530250)/');      // new Date(1580458530250)
parseDate('/Date(1580458530250-0700)/'); // new Date(1580458530250)

// Set a custom pattern.
parseDate('08_31_2020', 'MM_dd_yyyy'); // new Date(2020, 7, 31));
parseDate('20200831 08.15.30', 'yyyyMMdd'); // new Date(2020, 7, 31, 8, 15, 30)

// Returns null if the value is empty or invalid.
parseDate(null);                        // null
parseDate('foo');                       // null
parseDate('2020-08-32');                // null
parseDate('08_32_2020', 'MM_dd_yyyy');  // null


Get the relative distance between the given value and now. You may pass the optional pattern parameter that will be used to parse the given value (see date-fns's format string pattern). Also check the Automatic Datetime Pattern Recognition section to see all possible patterns that can be recognized automatically.

fromNow(value, pattern = null)
import { fromNow } from '@risan/helpers';

fromNow(new Date( - 2 * 60 * 1000)); // 2 minutes ago
fromNow(new Date( + 2 * 60 * 1000)); // in 2 minutes
fromNow(new Date( - 5 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); // about 5 hours ago
fromNow(new Date( + 5 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); // in about 5 hours

// Automatic datetime pattern recognition, see parseDate()
fromNow('2020-08-31 08:15:30');

// Pass a custom pattern.
fromNow('20200831 08.15.30', 'yyyyMMdd');

// Returns null if the value is empty or invalid.
fromNow(null);                        // null
fromNow('foo');                       // null
fromNow('2020-08-32');                // null
fromNow('08_32_2020', 'MM_dd_yyyy');  // null



Generate a Facebook search URL for the given query.

import { facebookSearchUrl } from '@risan/helpers';

facebookSearchUrl('foo'); //
facebookSearchUrl('foo bar'); //


Generate a Google Maps search URL for the given query.

import { googleMapsSearchUrl } from '@risan/helpers';

googleMapsSearchUrl('foo'); //
googleMapsSearchUrl('foo bar'); //


Generate a Google search URL for the given query.

import { googleSearchUrl } from '@risan/helpers';

googleSearchUrl('foo'); //
googleSearchUrl('foo bar'); //



Array of month names in english.

import { monthNames } from '@risan/helpers';

console.log(monthNames); // ["January", "February", ... "December"]


Array of short month names in english.

import { shortMonthNames } from '@risan/helpers';

console.log(shortMonthNames); // ["Jan", "Feb", ... "Dec"]


Array of US states.

import { states } from '@risan/helpers';

// [
//   { abbr: 'AL', name: 'Alabama' },
//   { abbr: 'AK', name: 'Alaska' },
//   ...
//   { abbr: 'PR', name: 'Puerto Rico' },
// ]


MIT © Risan Bagja Pradana