- You will need to install GPG and set up GPG credentials
- You will need permissions on Sonatype OSSRH to release jaxen.
Send a PR removing the SNAPSHOT from the version. Do not merge this yet.
In the jaxen directory:
$ export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ mvn install -Prelease
_Enter your GPG password when prompted_
$ mvn deploy -Prelease -DskipRemoteStaging -DaltStagingDirectory=/tmp/jaxen-deploy -Dmaven.install.skip
$ mvn deploy -Prelease -DaltStagingDirectory=/tmp/jaxen-deploy -Dmaven.install.skip
Once that's done, login to OSSRH and release the repository.
Now merge the version PR on Github.
Create a release on Github in the form v2.0.0.
Once the binary is available on Maven Central, run mvn site:stage
and upload the generated content to IBiblio.