SHIP defines a small number of JSON-based messages to be used for hospitality interchange. The available message types are described in the following sections.
The Usage column of the object descriptions below contain one of these values: REQUIRED , RECOMMENDED ,SUGGESTED , OPTIONAL , INTERNAL , or DEPRECATED . The meaning of these values are given in the following table.
Value | Description |
Field must be included for the message to be considered valid |
Field should be included to enable major functionality |
Field may be included to enable additional functionality |
Field may be included but have minimal to no impact on functionality |
Field should only be included by systems that have previously agreed on its meaning |
Field should not be included |
The Types of some of the fields below are listed as string enum . This indicates that these fields are strings whose value can only be one of the values listed after the colon. Supplying a value not in the list will produce an invalid message.