This contains the following materials relevant to the Zowe Conformance Program:
- Test Evaluation Guide table
- Terms and Conditions
- Participation Form
- Brand Guidelines
- Test Evaluation Guide - deprecated
The documents are the source versions; final version are made available on the Zowe Conformance Program page.
Converting the markdown to PDF can be achieved leveraging pandoc and wkhtmltopdf as shown below for releases.
cp brand_guidelines.pdf Zowe.Conformance.Program.-.Brand.Guidelines.pdf
pandoc -o Zowe.Conformance.Program.-.Participation.Form.pdf -f gfm --pdf-engine=wkhtmltopdf
pandoc -o Zowe.Conformance.Program.-.Terms.and.Conditions.pdf -f gfm --pdf-engine=wkhtmltopdf
pandoc -o Zowe.Conformance.Program.-.Test.Evaluation.Guide.pdf -f gfm --pdf-engine=wkhtmltopdf
pandoc -f gfm --pdf-engine=wkhtmltopdf | wkhtmltopdf -O Landscape - Zowe.Conformance.Program.-.Test.Evaluation.Guide.Table.pdf