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IPojo D-OSGi Demo

What it is

This demo has two parts: a server (code-runner-server) which exposes a OSGi remote service ( CompositeCodeRunner ), and a client User Interface (code-runner-ui) which consumes the service.

Both the service consumer and implementation's Java code have no idea that the service is remote (ie. not running locally in the same JVM process). The differentiation is only made in the IPojo server config file and the Client UI's remote-services file.

The server-side makes use of CodeRunner implementation services provided by local bundles (like groovy-2-3-3-runner) to provide particular language interpreters.

Getting started

To run this sample, clone the code with git:

git clone [email protected]:renatoathaydes/osgi-run.git

Enter this demo directory:

cd osgi-run-test/ipojo-dosgi

Follow the instructions below.

Running the server

In the project root folder, type:

../gradlew clean runOsgi

You can verify the server is running by checking the automatically-generated WSDL file with your browser at:


Running the client

In the project root folder, type:

../gradlew runOsgi -Pclient

Do not run the clean task if the server is already running in the same directory

If this does not work because Java is running in headless mode, you can run the script for your operating system directly (set JAVA_HOME if you want to use a specific version of Java):

cd build/client
./ # in Linux, or run.bat in Windows, or run.command in Mac

The UI should appear in a few seconds. You can then run scripts in the server, in whatever languages are available in the server.

Notice this is a toy project to show how to use IPojo and D-OSGi work. It is not safe to run code in your server without sandboxing it first.

Testing the server with SoapUI

  1. Open SoapUI.
  2. Select File > New SOAP Project.
  3. Enter http://localhost:8080/coderunner?wsdl in Initial WSDL.
  4. Select both Create Requests and Create TestSuite checkboxes and hit "OK".

Now you just need to add new test steps to the auto-generated TestSuites/TestCases to make assertions to ensure the results you get from the server are correct.

Changing or checking the OSGi environment at run-time

Apache Felix's Gogo bundles are installed in the OSGi environment so you can control/inspect the OSGi runtime from the command-line.

To see the installed bundles, after starting the OSGi runtime, type:


To see more commands, type:
