You can use this boilerplate for developing WordPress themes and plugins on your local machine by using Docker in one click.
- Nginx 1.20
- PHP 7.4
- Composer > 2.1
- MySQL 5.6
- PhpMyAdmin 5
- Node 16.14.2
- WP-CLI > 2.5.0
- You need to add the string to
file your OS: wp-docker-boilerplate.local
- Check that you use
docker compose standalone
# Check it by running command
docker-compose --version
You should see a message like this Docker Compose version v2.18.1
In case you don't see the message, follow the instruction by the link and install docker compose standalone
3. Run next commands
# copy & paste and fill variables
cp .env.dist .env
# run docker project
make d.up
# install dependencies
make composer.install
# download wordpress
- Visit site wp-docker-boilerplate.local
You need to put on your file to ./docker/mysql/backup
with the name import_db.sql
, then you need to run the command make mysql.import
You need to run the command make mysql.export
, then you will see the exported file by /docker/mysql/backup
If you have a problems with access right for files, try using the next command for fixing it:
# It is using your user:usergroup
make fix-access-right-for FILE/DIR`
sudo chown USER:GROUP FILE
If you want change domain, you need to change server_name
in ./docker/nginxconf.d/default.conf
If you get next error on MacOS
failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: no match for platform in manifest sha256:20575ecebe6216036d25dab5903808211f1e9ba63dc7825ac20cb975e34cfcae: not found
create docker-compose.override.yaml
in the project and add following lines:
platform: linux/amd64