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Releases: remyz17/odooghost


13 Oct 18:52
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v0.1.4 (2023-10-13)


  • fix(release.yaml): fixed pypi token environment (bb35bb0)


13 Oct 18:43
Choose a tag to compare

v0.1.3 (2023-10-13)


  • fix(release.yaml): try to fix poetry publish command (59e7af7)


13 Oct 18:34
Choose a tag to compare

v0.1.2 (2023-10-13)


  • chore(workflow): fixed release workflow (029403e)

  • chore(release.yaml): update Python Semantic Release step to continue on error and add Publish step to handle failure case

The Python Semantic Release step in the release.yaml workflow has been updated to include the continue-on-error: true option. This change allows the workflow to continue even if the semantic-release command fails.

Additionally, a new Publish step has been added to the workflow. This step is only executed if the previous Python Semantic Release step fails. It runs the poetry publish -n command to publish the package to the package index. (7d31a20)

  • chore(orchestrator.yaml): update file references to use correct file extensions

The file references in the orchestrator.yaml file have been updated to use the correct file extensions. The references to test.yml and lint.yml have been changed to test.yaml and lint.yaml respectively. Similarly, the reference to release.yml has been changed to release.yaml. This change ensures that the correct workflow files are used in the respective jobs. (5b891d1)

  • chore(docs.yaml): change trigger from push to release to deploy documentation
    chore(lint.yaml): remove push trigger and add workflow_call trigger for linting workflow
    feat(orchestrator.yaml): add orchestrator workflow to call testing, linting, and release pipelines
    feat(release.yaml): add release workflow to perform semantic release and publish package
    feat(semantic_pull_request.yaml): add semantic pull request workflow to validate PR title
    chore(test.yaml): remove push trigger and add workflow_call trigger for testing workflow (dcd3762)

  • chore(pyproject.toml): update homepage URL to the correct GitHub Pages URL
    chore(pyproject.toml): update commit message template to include [skip ci] to skip CI pipeline for automatic releases
    chore(pyproject.toml): update build command to only build the package without publishing it (8892b64)


  • docs( update installation instructions to use pip instead of cloning the repository and installing with poetry
    build(pyproject.toml): update build command to include publishing the package with poetry (16c187b)


  • fix( Fixed method typo (efcf250)


13 Oct 17:08
Choose a tag to compare

v0.1.1 (2023-10-13)


  • fix(pyproject.toml): add "merge" as an allowed tag in the commit message convention to indicate merge commits (3374fcf)