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Contributing Guide

The following document describes how to contribute to this repository and the required setup for your development environment.

This repository is generated using copier. The template documentation explains how to generate and update this repository from the template.

Getting Started

The template repository provides a make-based development workflow that can be extended and customized per project.

The template documentation explains the default development workflow and all make targets in detail.

To get started quickly clone this repository and use make install check to install project dependencies and ensure that your development environment works.

The following system dependencies are are not managed by this repository and need to be installed manually.

  • docker or access to a working docker host
  • pre-commit to run formatting and linting
  • pipx to install global dependencies
  • direnv to ensure a working environment
  • copier to update this repository from the template

Most dependencies can be installed using Homebrew:

brew install --cask docker
brew install pre-commit pipx direnv copier

Once pre-commit hook is activated (make pre-commit-install), set of formatting and linting routines is run automatically on each commit. The step could be avoided by providing --no-verify flag for git commit.

Go Makefile Targets

Building binaries

To build a binary matching the local architecture.

make local

The resulting binary can be found in .build/.

To build a binary that matches the architecture of our servers (run by the CI as well).

make dist

For a specific OS/architecture the hidden target .build/<app>.<os>.<arch> can be used.

Go versions

One of easiest ways to use multiple Go versions is

GO111MODULE=off go get
go1.11.6 download
PATH=$HOME/sdk/go1.11.6/bin make lint test

Go version is not counted by Make targets. Use make clean to ensure that artifacts are built against correct version.

make clean && PATH=$HOME/sdk/go1.11.6/bin make lint test

Generating artifacts

We use go generate to generate various artefacts (parsers and more). The gen target can be used to trigger the generation.

make gen


From the box you can use three targets:

  • test Run tests
  • race Run tests with race detection. Recommended over test
  • bench Run benchmarks

Behaviour can be altered with following variables:

  • TESTS Tests pattern
  • TEST_TIMEOUT Tests timeout
  • TEST_TAGS Use specific tags for tests delimited by comma
  • TEST_ARGS Additional test arguments
make test TESTS=TestSomething TEST_TAGS="integration,postgres" TEST_ARGS=-v

To run the tests without test caching use test-nocache (and race-nocache) It's highly recommends to use the *-nocache targets in CI to detect fragile tests.

watching changes

Watch your Go code for changes, rebuild and run test on change.

make watch T=NameOfTestWithoutTestPrefix


This target lints the source code using various tools: go fmt, goimports, the modules consistency check, go check, go vet and revive.

If any of these 3rd-party checkers hasn't been downloaded, they will be automatically fetched and employed. file contains constants that specify the particular version of each checker to retrieve (see *_LINTER_VERSION*).

Usage of the latest version of a checker could be indicated by setting the corresponding constant in to latest.

make lint

⚠️ This target is run automatically as part of pre-commit hook on each commit.

The target will not change sources.

lint-mod-outdated checks all modules are up to date. It's disabled until we migrate to upstream pq and sarama.

vet configuration

To use specific vet flags use VET_FLAGS variable.

VET_FLAGS = -unsafeptr=false

revive configuration

Revive will be installed automatically if it is not present. Use REVIVELINTER_EXCLUDES variable to add excludes.

REVIVELINTER_EXCLUDES = $(foreach p,$(wildcard **/*_fsm.go),-exclude $(p))

gofmt and goimports configuration

Use GOFMT_EXCLUDES variable to exclude files from import checking.

GOFMT_EXCLUDES = -not -path "./vendor/*"


We use Chef to deploy binaries to our servers. The git branch that is used to build bianries from is production. If changes to the production branch are detected, the CI executes our test suite and if succesfull builds a new binary. Usually the new binary is roled out to all servers within a window of 30 minutes.

The release target can be used to trigger this process. It pushes the current master branch to production.

make release

If the deployment needs to be done faster (enforced) the deploy target can be used. This should only be used if there is a good reason!

make deploy


To clean update the modules include via go.mod you can use the mod-tidy target.

make mod-tidy

Isolated test deployment

In very rare case a custom build needs to be deployed in production. Diversions make this possible. This should be use carefully and only under special curcumstances
