* Merges many entities at once
declare function mergeEntities(entityMap: object): object;
* Merge a field inside an entity
declare function mergeEntity(domain: string, id: string, data: any): object;
* Removes multiple entities at once (of a single type/domain)
declare function removeMany(domain: string, keys: string[]): object;
* Removes one entity by id
declare function removeOne(domain: string, key: string): object;
* Removes all entities by domain
declare function removeAll(domain: string): object;
* Clears the whole entity cache
declare function clear(): object;
* Update all entities with the new ones
declare function updateEntities(entityMap: object): object;
* Update one entities with a new data
declare function updateEntity(domain: string, id: string, data: any): object;
Note that all selectors are currified
* Get all the entities as Object
declare const getEntities: (state: object) => object[];
* Get all entities for domain as an object
declare const getDomain: (domain: string, state: object) => object[];
* Get single entity from domain, by it's id
declare const getOne: (domain: string, id: string | number, state: object) => object;
* Get the entities with specific ids in a domain
declare const getSome: (domain: string, ids: string[] | number[], state: object) => object[];
* Get ids of the entities inside a domain
declare const getIds: (domain: string, state: object) => string[];