- view commit -- [refactor] Point redhat-nfvpe.vm-spinup at develop
- view commit -- [hotfix] Resolve issues introduced in 37da9afa49548852b63135278f125e09d8795cdf
- view commit -- Refactor playbook location to match openshift-ansible
- view commit -- [hotfix] Fix missing all.yml in ka-init
- view commit -- [monitoring] Add Prometheus-Operator role and playbooks
- view commit -- [hotfix] Point PromOps at redhat-nfvpe fork
- view commit -- [enhance] Make GlusterFS volume template contents dynamic
- view commit -- [enhance] Allow multiple StorageClass creation
- view commit -- [enhance] Template and deploy PromOps via Ansible
- view commit -- [release] Point roles back at master components
- view commit -- Allow k8s ctrlplane listen all interfaces
- view commit -- Add more available value candidate in 'pod_network_type'
- view commit -- [kubelet] Enable authorization token webhook
- view commit -- [bugfix] Addresses #180 by templating kubeadm config file, and including the pod network cidr within
- view commit -- [bugfix] Adds kubelet & runtime cgroup params to fix issue reported in #195
- view commit -- [flannel][bugfix] Fixes flannel for use against Docker 1.13 (works with 1.12 as well), reported in #200
- view commit -- [hotfix] Fixes for flannel configurations for Multus & Multus+CRD
- view commit -- [changelog] Update CHANGELOG for 0.2.1 release
- view commit -- [release_mgmt] Update changelog script to script trailing spaces
- view commit -- Allows builder.yml to pass ansible-lint
- view commit -- [vm-spinup][delete] remove roles
- view commit -- [vm-spinup] terse changes to allow use of new role
- view commit -- [enhance] Provide method to only sync artifacts
- view commit -- [enhance] Only sync artifacts from list if they exist
- view commit -- [enhance] Allow instantiation of k8s clusters from built artifacts
- view commit -- [hotfix] Artifact build fixes detected in testing
- view commit -- Bridge network support in kube-ansible
- view commit -- Add kokonet-bridge support
- view commit -- Incorporate Leif's comments in PR #169.
- view commit -- Incorporate Feng's comments.
- view commit -- Use Docker CE repo for builder VM
- view commit -- Update project name to kube-ansible
- view commit -- [typos][minor] Replaces kubadm with kubeadm
- view commit -- [feature][optional-packages] Adds role that can handle installing optional packages should deployers wish to extend the packages available on master & nodes
- view commit -- [hotfix][multus-crd] Typo in template name, more appropriate CNI config name: param
- view commit -- [bugfix][multus-cni] Missing customized clusterrole for node api calls
- view commit -- Copies artifacts from the builder to the k8s nodes
- view commit -- Adds group_vars/builder.yml
- view commit -- Cleans up Ansible linting for virthost-setup
- view commit -- [hotfix] Revert erroneous lint fix in attach disks
- view commit -- [feature][minor] adds variable to skip virthost depedencies
- view commit -- Avoids duplicating builder plays
- view commit -- Allow customization of VM vCPU and vRAM values
- view commit -- [WIP] Update to using install-go external role
- view commit -- Drop when clause in var include for kube-install
- view commit -- Migrate to using install-docker role
- view commit -- Fix proxy ssh failure in vms.local.generated
- view commit -- Adds ability to build k8s
- view commit -- Moves additional scenarios and usage
- view commit -- Fix link to IPv6 documentation
- view commit -- Changes related to release v0.1.7
- view commit -- Convert kube-centos-ansible to kucean
- view commit -- Avoid use of ansible_host and machine UUID
- view commit -- [feature] adds 'binary install' option to override kubelet, kubectl and kubeadm with custom binaries. addresses #81
- view commit -- Drop the use of all_vms
- view commit -- Add new role to gather kube niceties
- view commit -- Load virthost privkey onto source machine
- view commit -- Drop old GlusterFS playbooks
- view commit -- Enhance documentation and usage experience
- view commit -- [HotFix] Complete missing documentation for kubectl
- view commit -- Add LICENSE file to the project
- view commit -- [multus][upgrade] Adds latest Multus including CRD functionality. Address #78 and #72
- view commit -- Add AUTHORS and CHANGELOG
- view commit -- Add base IPv6 lab functionality (#106)
- view commit -- [ipv6][docs][bugfix] Has some required (minor) fixes to get the IPv6 deploy running and includes some docs to help one initially get there
- view commit -- [bugfix][workaround] workaround to get proper kubectl version
- view commit -- Lock version of kubernetes
- view commit -- Fix port for ssh proxy
- view commit -- Add ssh_proxy_port and tag k8s to a known working version
- view commit -- [kube1.8] updates to have a working glusterfs in kubernetes 1.8 per #63
- view commit -- [kube1.8] updates to use systemd module for kubectl-proxy service, removes blank file
- view commit -- [minor] updates to latest stable Heketi
- view commit -- Clean up some missing values
- view commit -- [docs] sweeping find & replace of 'minion' with 'node'
- view commit -- [bugfix][glusterfs] oops missed removing environment after refactoring admin.conf for kube
- view commit -- [gluster][workaround] Works around upstream gluster-kubernetes with pinning heketi image tag
- view commit -- [crio][bugfix] Turns out with Fedora, you sometimes need to expand the root disk, on the VM side
- view commit -- Further cleanup of the inventory
- view commit -- [hotfix][version-pin] update for pinning gluster-kubernetes
- view commit -- Remove VM disk image on teardown
- view commit -- [hotfix][minor] update spare disk creation to use qemu-img to speed it up
- view commit -- [hotfix] Revert minion 3 delete
- view commit -- [bugfix][glusterfs] Pins version to last known good commit, by Doug's analysis
- view commit -- [hotfix][minor] Drop hard coded TLD hostname
- view commit -- [major] Dynamically generate and control VM inventory
- view commit -- [hotfix] Revert breaking indent
- view commit -- [gluster] defaults to running attach disk in virt-host-setup
- view commit -- [hotfix] Don't become root when it breaks installation
- view commit -- [minor] Clean up some documentation errors
- view commit -- [crio] updates to later cri-o tag for kube 1.7
- view commit -- [minor][refactor] remove dictionary for vm parameters (makes it easier on adding extra vars)
- view commit -- [crio] adds example for crio with buildah
- view commit -- [crio][refactor] Addresses #52 for refactor to support Fedora (specifically to address Buildah requirements)
- view commit -- [crio][docs] update docs for readme clarity / voice, and clean up inventory
- view commit -- [minor][inventory] current inventory style
- view commit -- [minor] adds a handy-dandy get-ip script for getting IPs of VMs
- view commit -- [crio] updates for crio, trying to get to work with 1.7 but didn't work
- view commit -- [glusterdynamic][stub] stubbing in json template for glusterfs topology
- view commit -- [glusterdynamic][increment] has basic steps, but, erroring out at gluster-kubernetes 290
- view commit -- [hotfix] Adds kubernetes version specification capability
- view commit -- [glusterdynamic][significant] allows for manual running of gk-deploy which finishes successfully (unverified)
- view commit -- [glusterdynamic] steps for running the gk-deploy and creating storage class
- view commit -- [ansible23][minor] ignore errors in undefine all vms play
- view commit -- [ansible23] fixes for virt host setup
- view commit -- [ansible23] syntax fixes for deprecation of jinja2 in conditionals
- view commit -- [bugfix][minor] missing refactor for group vars in gluster-recreate-volumes playbook
- view commit -- Clean up some Ansible lint issues
- view commit -- Break out firewall service name
- view commit -- [bridge-networking] adds option to use bridged networking instead of NAT'd
- view commit -- [vars] change default to bridged networking
- view commit -- [minor] proper conditional for get ips for bridge networking
- view commit -- [bugfix] sets /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables in tasks
- view commit -- [docs] updates readme to remove 1.5 reference
- view commit -- [minor] skip network restart when bridge network is not freshly templated
- view commit -- [vars] adds option to skip-preflight-checks when necessary (in this case to bypass kubeadm join bug in kube 1.7.2 dist)
- view commit -- [crio][stub] mostly stubs in from existing crio ansible playbook
- view commit -- [cri-o][significant] has a running cri-o, but, no ancillary tools
- view commit -- [buildah] has a successful buildah install (it doesn't do much for now)
- view commit -- [cri-o][bugfix] fixes cri-o build error (the one requiring a second run), disables buildah for now
- view commit -- [cri-o] cleanup inventory and vars
- view commit -- [cri-o][docs] updates readme for extra var
- view commit -- Allow for easier variable overrides
- view commit -- [glusterfs] has playbook for attaching spare disk to VMs
- view commit -- [glusterfs] has creation of 'bricks' the xfs physical volumes & volume groups
- view commit -- [glusterfs] has peers joining
- view commit -- [glusterfs][significant] has a working glusterfs cluster
- view commit -- [glusterfs] has templates put on disk on master (but not applied)
- view commit -- [glusterfs] breaks out volume creation from peer probe to create multiple glusterfs volumes
- view commit -- [glusterfs][minor] changes reclaim policy to delete from recycle (recycle failed, and delete makes sense for a prototype)
- view commit -- [glustefs][minor] adds storage class to try to work around glitch
- view commit -- [glusterfs] add playbook just for recreating volumes (otherwise, difficult to delete and start fresh)
- view commit -- [glusterfs] has proper method for actually deleting date when recreating volumes
- view commit -- [glusterfs][oops] didn't have proper volume names in volumes yaml
- view commit -- [glusterfs][oops] I had a debug when in there, needed to flip it back, also had wrong template name
- view commit -- Convert yum to package
- view commit -- Clean up use of mustaches in when conditionals
- view commit -- Ignore everything in inventory (except samples)
- view commit -- Also need to ignore the inventory/ directory...
- view commit -- Revert "Clean up use of mustaches in when conditionals"
- view commit -- Add ansible.cfg to avoid hostkey checking
- view commit -- [bugfix] fixes #6 for bridge-nf-call-iptables
- view commit -- [fixbridge][bugfix] wrong spot for changing /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables
- view commit -- [increment][no-cni] has an install generally working, no e2e test complete with it. DNS pod not coming up, flannel not coming up
- view commit -- [upgrade16] adds flannel rbac, and has had a successful run getting flannel pods up (and dns pod) but can't curl an nginx pod, pods can't reach wan
- view commit -- [upgrade16] has a working k8s 1.6.1 beta install, downgraded docker to 1.12.x