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Task Manager Task Manager is a simple web application built with Flask that allows users to create, update, and delete tasks. It also includes user authentication, where users can register and log in to manage their personalized tasks. The app uses SQLite for data storage, Flask-Bcrypt for password hashing, and Flask-Login for managing user sessions.

Table of Contents Features Technologies Used Installation Usage Folder Structure Database Models Routes Forms Contributing License Features User Registration and Login: Users can create an account and log in securely using hashed passwords. Task Management: Authenticated users can create, update, and delete tasks. User Sessions: Sessions are managed to ensure only authenticated users can access their own tasks. Flask-Migrate Integration: Manage database migrations seamlessly. Form Validation: All forms are validated before submitting. Task Ownership: Users can only manage tasks they created. Technologies Used Flask: Web framework. Flask-SQLAlchemy: ORM (Object Relational Mapper) for database interactions. Flask-Bcrypt: For securely hashing passwords. Flask-Login: For managing user sessions. Flask-Migrate: For handling database migrations. SQLite: Lightweight database for development purposes. Installation Prerequisites Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

Python 3.x Virtualenv Steps Clone the repository

bash Copy code git clone Navigate to the project directory

bash Copy code cd task-manager Set up a virtual environment

bash Copy code python3 -m venv venv Activate the virtual environment

On Windows:

bash Copy code venv\Scripts\activate On macOS/Linux:

bash Copy code source venv/bin/activate Install dependencies

bash Copy code pip install -r requirements.txt Set up the database

Run the following commands to initialize the database and run the migrations:

bash Copy code flask db init flask db migrate flask db upgrade Run the application

bash Copy code flask run Access the app

Open your browser and navigate to

Usage Register an account: Navigate to the /register route and create a new account. Log in: After registering, log in using your email and password. Create tasks: Once logged in, you can create tasks on the /tasks page. Update tasks: You can click on any task to update its title or content. Delete tasks: You can delete any task by clicking on the "Delete" button next to it. Folder Structure bash Copy code . ├── # Main application file ├── # Database models for users and tasks ├── # Form classes for login, registration, and tasks ├── templates/ # HTML templates │ ├── base.html # Base layout template │ ├── home.html # Home page template │ ├── login.html # Login page template │ ├── register.html # Registration page template │ ├── tasks.html # Task management page │ ├── update_task.html# Update task page ├── static/ # Static files (CSS, JS) │ └── styles.css # Custom CSS styles ├── migrations/ # Database migration files └── # This file Database Models User Model The User model represents the users of the application. It includes the following fields:

id: Unique identifier for each user. username: The name of the user. email: The email address of the user. password: The hashed password of the user. Task Model The Task model represents tasks created by users. Each task belongs to a user and includes:

id: Unique identifier for each task. title: The title of the task. content: The content or description of the task. user_id: Foreign key linking the task to a specific user. Routes / Method: GET Description: Renders the home page. /register Method: GET, POST Description: Registers a new user. Protected: Redirects to /tasks if the user is already logged in. /login Method: GET, POST Description: Logs in an existing user. Protected: Redirects to /tasks if the user is already logged in. /logout Method: GET Description: Logs out the current user. /tasks Method: GET, POST Description: Displays and allows the user to manage tasks. Protected: Requires the user to be logged in. /task/int:task_id/update Method: GET, POST Description: Updates an existing task. Protected: Requires the user to be logged in and the task owner. /task/int:task_id/delete Method: POST Description: Deletes an existing task. Protected: Requires the user to be logged in and the task owner. Forms RegistrationForm username: Required field. email: Required field. password: Required field with length validation. confirm_password: Must match the password. LoginForm email: Required field. password: Required field. TaskForm title: Required field. content: Required field. Contributing If you'd like to contribute to this project, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request. Contributions are always welcome!

License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.