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731 lines (565 loc) · 20.8 KB

File metadata and controls

731 lines (565 loc) · 20.8 KB

UPGRADE FROM 0.14 to 1.0

  • Removed use_experimental_executor configuraton option.
  • Signature of TypeInterface changed from string $name = null, string $resolveType to string $resolveType, ?string $name = null
  • Removed deprecated targetType from Query
  • Removed deprecated fieldBuilder from Field
  • Removed deprecated argsBuilder from Field
  • Removed deprecated args from Field
  • Removed deprecated builders from Type
  • Removed deprecated values from Enum
  • Removed deprecated resolver_maps configuration option
  • Removed request_files from context, use request object instead
  • All classes are now final. If you need an extension point, try to use composition, implementing the interface or raise an issue.

UPGRADE FROM 0.13 to 0.14

Table of Contents

Customize the cursor encoder of the edges of a connection

The connection builder now accepts an optional custom cursor encoder as first argument of the constructor.

$connectionBuilder = new ConnectionBuilder(
+   new class implements CursorEncoderInterface {
+       public function encode($value): string
+       {
+           ...
+       }
+       public function decode(string $cursor)
+       {
+           ...
+       }
+   }
    static function (iterable $edges, PageInfoInterface $pageInfo) {
    static function (string $cursor, $value, int $index) {

Change arguments of TypeGenerator class

The Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Generator\TypeGenerator service is used internally for compilation of GraphQL types. If you overrode the service definition, please take into account the new constructor signature:

public function __construct(
   array $typeConfigs,
   TypeBuilder $typeBuilder,
   EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher,
   TypeGeneratorOptions $options

TypeBuilder here is a new service Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Generator\TypeBuilder, which is also used internally. The rest of the arguments were moved into the separate class Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Generator\TypeGeneratorOptions with the following constructor signature:

public function __construct(
    string $namespace,
    ?string $cacheDir,
    bool $useClassMap = true,
    ?string $cacheBaseDir = null,
    ?int $cacheDirMask = null

Add magic __get method to ArgumentInterface implementors

The interface Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\ArgumentInterface as well as implementing it class Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\Argument now have the magic __get method:

interface ArgumentInterface extends ArrayAccess, Countable
     * @return array the old array
    public function exchangeArray(array $array): array;

    public function getArrayCopy(): array;

+   /**
+    * @return mixed
+    */
+   public function __get(string $name);

class Argument implements ArgumentInterface
    // ...

+   public function __get(string $name)
+   {
+       return $this->rawArguments[$name] ?? null;
+   }

If you use your own class for resolver arguments, then it should have a __get method as well.

Annotations - Flattened annotations

In order to prepare to PHP 8 attributes (they don't support nested attributes at the moment. @see symfony/symfony#38503), the following annotations have been flattened: @FieldsBuilder, @FieldBuilder, @ArgsBuilder, @Arg and @EnumValue.


 * @GQL\Type
class MyType {
     * @GQL\Field(args={
     *   @GQL\Arg(name="arg1", type="String"),
     *   @GQL\Arg(name="arg2", type="Int")
     * })
    public function myFields(?string $arg1, ?int $arg2) {..}


 * @GQL\Type
class MyType {
     * @GQL\Field
     * @GQL\Arg(name="arg1", type="String"),
     * @GQL\Arg(name="arg2", type="Int")
    public function myFields(?string $arg1, ?int $arg2) {..}

Annotations - Attributes changed

Change the attributes name of @FieldsBuilder annotation from builder and builderConfig to value and config.


 * @GQL\Type(name="MyType", builders={@GQL\FieldsBuilder(builder="Timestamped", builderConfig={opt1: "val1"})})
class MyType {



 * @GQL\Type("MyType")
 * @GQL\FieldsBuilder(value="Timestamped", config={opt1: "val1"})
class MyType {


Rename GlobalVariables to GraphQLServices

The GlobalVariables class was renamed into GraphQLServices to better reflect its purpose - holding services, passed to all generated GraphQL types.

Replace overblog_graphql.global_variable tag

If you have any services tagged with overblog_graphql.global_variable, they should now be tagged with overblog_graphql.service instead.

Replace resolver expression function

The signature of the resolver expression function has been changed.

Old signature (deprecated): resolver(string $alias, array $args = []): mixed
New signature: query(string $alias, ...$args): mixed


- resolver('get_posts', [args, info, value])
+ query('get_posts', args, info, value)

Rename ResolverInterface to QueryInterface

The Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\Resolver\ResolverInterface interface is deprecated. Use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\Resolver\QueryInterface instead.


- use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\Resolver\ResolverInterface;
+ use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\Resolver\QueryInterface;

- class UserResolver implements ResolverInterface
+ class UserQuery implements QueryInterface
    // ...

Remove Argument deprecated method

Method Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\Argument::getRawArguments is replaced by Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\Argument::getArrayCopy.

Remove ConnectionBuilder deprecated class

Class Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\Output\ConnectionBuilder is replaced by Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\ConnectionBuilder.

Remove XML type configuration support

XML type configuration is no longer supported.

UPGRADE FROM 0.12 to 0.13

Table of Contents

Rename default_field config

-       default_resolver: ~
+       default_field_resolver: ~

The new default_field_resolver config entry accepts callable service id.

Improve default field resolver

Stop using internally symfony/property-access package since it was a bottleneck to performance for large schema.

Array access and camelize getter/isser are supported but hasser, jQuery style (e.g. last()) and "can" property accessors are no more supported out-of-the-box, please implement a custom resolver if these accessors are needed.


        default_field_resolver: 'App\GraphQL\CustomResolver'

see default field resolver for more details

Per Type:

    type: object
        resolveField: 'App\GraphQL\MyTypeResolver::defaultFieldResolver'
            name: {type: String}
            email: {type: String}

see default Field Resolver per type for more details

Use service tags to register resolver maps

The resolver maps used to be configured using the overblog_graphql.definitions.schema.resolver_maps option. This has been deprecated in favour of using service tags to register them.

# config/graphql.yaml
             # ...
-            resolver_maps:
-                - 'App\GraphQL\MyResolverMap'
# services/graphql.yaml
-    App\GraphQL\MyResolverMap: ~
+    App\GraphQL\MyResolverMap:
+        tags:
+            - { name: overblog_graphql.resolver_map, schema: default }

UPGRADE FROM 0.11 to 0.12

Table of Contents

Remove auto mapping configuration

  • The AutoMapping configuration entry has been removed in favor of Symfony 4+ service configuration.


  • Delete old configuration.
    -        auto_mapping: ~
  • use Symfony 4+ service configuration to tag your types, resolvers or mutation.
    # config/services.yaml
            autoconfigure: true
            resource: ../src/GraphQL

Relay Paginator, Connections & Edges

  • Following the paginator update and the use of interfaces for Relay Connection & Edge, getters & setters must be use to manipulate Connection, Edge and PageInfo Properties

Before :

$connection->edges = $edges;
$connection->totalCount = 10;
$edge->cursor = $cursor;
$edge->node = $node;

After :


Connection builder has been moved and it methods are no more accessible statically:


use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\Output\ConnectionBuilder;



use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\ConnectionBuilder;

$connectionBuilder = new ConnectionBuilder();

Remove obsoletes deprecations

The builder short syntax (Field: Builder => Field: {builder: Builder}) is obsolete:

    type: object
-            bar: MyBuilder
+            bar: {builder: MyBuilder}

Relay builder without 'Relay::' prefix is obsolete:

    type: object
-                argsBuilder: ConnectionArgs
+                argsBuilder: "Relay::Connection"

Simplify executor interface

This section is only for users using custom executor.

The interface move to be look a little be more to GraphQL\GraphQL promiseToExecute method.

In Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Executor\ExecutorInterface setPromiseAdapter and setDefaultFieldResolver has been removed.

Promise adapter is now the first argument ($promiseAdapter) and default field resolver the 7th argument ($fieldResolver) of Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Executor\ExecutorInterface::execute method.

UPGRADE FROM 0.10 to 0.11

Table of Contents


  • The GraphiQL interface has been removed in favor of a new bundle.


  • Remove the graphiql route from your application
    • For standard Symfony installation: /app/config/routing_dev.yml
    • For Symfony Flex: /config/routes/dev/graphql_graphiql.yaml
  • Installing OverblogGraphiQLBundle
  • In case you have defined the versions in your configuration
    • Remove it from overblog_graphql
      -    versions:
      -        graphiql: "0.11"
      -        react: "15.6"
      -        fetch: "2.0"
      -        relay: "classic"
    • Add it to overblog_graphiql
      +    javascript_libraries:
      +        graphiql: "0.11"
      +        react: "15.6"
      +        fetch: "2.0"
    • If you were using the graphql:dump-schema and depending on the relay version as in the previous configuration, now you have to explicitly choose for a format during the command:
      bin/console graphql:dump-schema --modern

Errors Handler

  • Made errors handler more customizable


  • Delete configuration to override base user exception classes.
    -           types:
    -               warnings: ~
    -               errors: ~
  • Move internal_error_message, map_exceptions_to_parent and exceptions configurations from definitions to new dedicated error_handler section.
    -       internal_error_message: ~
    -       map_exceptions_to_parent: ~
    -       exceptions: ~
    +   errors_handler:
    +      internal_error_message: ~
    +      map_exceptions_to_parent: ~
    +      exceptions: ~

Promise adapter interface

  • Changed the promise adapter interface (Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Executor\ExecutorInterface) as the promiseAdapter is not nullable in the bundle context.


  • setPromiseAdapter method no more nullable.
    - public function setPromiseAdapter(PromiseAdapter $promiseAdapter = null);
    + public function setPromiseAdapter(PromiseAdapter $promiseAdapter);

Expression language

  • user expression variable has been replaced by getUser expression function
  • container, request and token expression variables has been removed. service or serv expression function should be used instead.

Upgrading your schema configuration:

  • Replace user by getUser():

    - resolve: '@=user'
    + resolve: '@=getUser()'


    - resolve: '@=resolver('foo', [user])'
    + resolve: '@=resolver('foo', [getUser()])'
  • Replace token by serv('security.token_storage')

    - resolve: '@=token'
    + resolve: '@=serv('security.token_storage')'


    - resolve: '@=resolver('foo', [token])'
    + resolve: '@=resolver('foo', [serv('security.token_storage')])'
  • Replace request by serv('request_stack')

    - resolve: '@=request'
    + resolve: '@=serv('request_stack')'


    - resolve: '@=resolver('foo', [request])'
    + resolve: '@=resolver('foo', [serv('request_stack')])'

Type autoMapping and Symfony DI autoconfigure

When using these functionalities, type will be accessible only by FQCN in schema definition (if class doesn't implement Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\Resolver\AliasedInterface). So if you want to use the true type name don't forget to declare it as an alias using interface. This change is to increase performance, types are lazy-loaded.

Here's an example:


namespace App\GraphQL\Type;

use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ScalarType;

class DateTimeType extends ScalarType
    public $name = 'DateTime';
    // ...

Before 0.11: DateTimeType could be accessed by FQCN App\GraphQL\Type\DateTimeType and the real DateTimeType.

Since 0.11: Only FQCN App\GraphQL\Type\DateTimeType is accessible

Here is how this can be done in 0.11:


namespace App\GraphQL\Type;

use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ScalarType;
use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\Resolver\AliasedInterface;

class DateTimeType extends ScalarType implements AliasedInterface
    public $name = 'DateTime';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public static function getAliases()
        return ['DateTime'];
    // ...

Explicitly declare non detected types

Before 0.11 all types was declare as non detected types, this was not the correct way of declaring types. This could lead to some performances issues or/and wrong types public exposition (in introspection query). See webonyx/graphql-php documentations for more details

Since 0.11 Non detect types should be explicitly declared

Here is a concrete example:

   type: object
         foo: {type: FooInterface!}

   type: interface
         id: {type: ID!}
      resolveType: '@=resolver("foo", [value])'

   type: object
         id: {type: ID!}
         # ...
      interfaces: [FooInterface]

   type: object
         id: {type: ID!}
         # ...
      interfaces: [FooInterface]

In above example Baz and Bar can not be detected by graphql-php during static schema analysis, an GraphQL\Error\InvariantViolation exception will be thrown with the following message:

Could not find possible implementing types for FooInterface in schema.
Check that schema.types is defined and is an array of all possible types in the schema.

Here is how this can be fixed:

         query: Query
         types: [Bar, Baz]


Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Event\ExecutorContextEvent::setExecutorContext method has been removed as context is now an ArrayObject. When using graphql.executor.context listener the value will now be accessible only in context variables and not in rootValue. context and rootValue have been separated, if you need to use rootValue see event documentation for more details.

Before 0.11 context and rootValue were of type array with same value so $context === $info->rootValue and $context === $value in root query resolver. Because of this, uploaded files was accessible in $context['request_files'] and $info->rootValue['request_files'].

Since 0.11 context is of type ArrayObject and rootValue has no typeHint (default: null) so $context !== $info->rootValue and $context !== $value in root query resolver. Uploaded files is no longer accessible under $info->rootValue['request_files'] out of the box.

Change fluent resolvers id

The use of class name as prefix of fluent resolver id removes the possibility to use same class as 2 different services. See issue #296 for more detail Because of this, in v0.11 we are using service id as prefix (like in Symfony 4.1)...


        class: App\GraphQL\Resolver\Greetings
            - { name: overblog_graphql.resolver, method: __invoke, alias: say_hello }
            - { name: overblog_graphql.resolver }

Before 0.11: '@=resolver("App\\GraphQL\\Resolver\\Greetings", [args['name']])'

Since 0.11: '@=resolver("app.resolver.greetings", [args['name']])'

UPGRADE FROM 0.9 to 0.10

Table of Contents


  • Minimal supported Symfony version is now ^3.1 || ^4.0

    We've dropped support for Symfony 2.8 and 3.0

Upgrading your Symfony version: