diff --git a/montblanc/examples/MS_single_gpu_gradient_example.py b/montblanc/examples/MS_single_gpu_gradient_example.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe3a61e4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/montblanc/examples/MS_single_gpu_gradient_example.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Marzia Rivi
+# This file is part of montblanc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, see .
+# Compare analytical chi squared gradient computation with respect to
+# Sersic parameters with the numerical gradent computation.
+# Input: filename - Measurement Set file
+# ns - number of sersic sources
+import sys
+import argparse
+import math
+import numpy as np
+import montblanc
+import montblanc.util as mbu
+from montblanc.config import RimeSolverConfig as Options
+ARCS2RAD = np.pi/648000.
+#scalelength in arcsec
+minscale = 0.3*ARCS2RAD
+maxscale = 3.5*ARCS2RAD
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='TEST SERSIC GRADIENT')
+parser.add_argument('msfile', help='Input MS filename')
+parser.add_argument('-ns',dest='nssrc', type=int, default=1, help='Number of Sersic Galaxies')
+args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
+# Get the RIME solver
+# Enable gradient computation: sersic_gradient=True
+slvr_cfg = montblanc.rime_solver_cfg(msfile=args.msfile,
+ sources=montblanc.sources(point=0, gaussian=0, sersic=args.nssrc),
+ init_weights=None, weight_vector=False,
+ sersic_gradient=True, dtype='double', version='v4')
+with montblanc.rime_solver(slvr_cfg) as slvr:
+ nsrc, nssrc, ntime, nchan = slvr.dim_local_size('nsrc', 'nssrc', 'ntime', 'nchan')
+ np.random.seed(14352)
+ # Random source coordinates in the l,m (brightness image) domain
+ l= slvr.ft(np.random.random(nsrc)*100*ARCS2RAD)
+ m= slvr.ft(np.random.random(nsrc)*100*ARCS2RAD)
+ lm=mbu.shape_list([l,m], shape=slvr.lm.shape, dtype=slvr.lm.dtype)
+ slvr.transfer_lm(lm)
+ # Brightness matrix for sources
+ stokes = np.empty(shape=slvr.stokes.shape, dtype=slvr.stokes.dtype)
+ I, Q, U, V = stokes[:,:,0], stokes[:,:,1], stokes[:,:,2], stokes[:,:,3]
+ I[:] = np.ones(shape=I.shape)*70.
+ Q[:] = np.zeros(shape=Q.shape)
+ U[:] = np.zeros(shape=U.shape)
+ V[:] = np.zeros(shape=V.shape)
+ slvr.transfer_stokes(stokes)
+ alpha = slvr.ft(np.ones(nssrc*ntime)*(-0.7)).reshape(nsrc,ntime)
+ slvr.transfer_alpha(alpha)
+ # If there are sersic sources, create their
+ # shape matrix and transfer it.
+ mod = slvr.ft(np.random.random(nssrc))*0.3
+ angle = slvr.ft(np.random.random(nssrc))*2*np.pi
+ e1 = mod*np.sin(angle)
+ e2 = mod*np.cos(angle)
+ R = slvr.ft(np.random.random(nssrc)*(maxscale-minscale))+minscale
+ sersic_shape = slvr.ft(np.array([e1,e2,R])).reshape((3,nssrc))
+ slvr.transfer_sersic_shape(sersic_shape)
+ print sersic_shape
+ #Set visibility noise variance (muJy)
+ time_acc = 60
+ efficiency = 0.9
+ channel_bandwidth_hz = 20e6
+ SEFD = 400e6
+ sigma = (SEFD*SEFD)/(2.*time_acc*channel_bandwidth_hz*efficiency*efficiency)
+ slvr.set_sigma_sqrd(sigma)
+ # Create observed data and upload it to the GPU
+ slvr.solve()
+ with slvr.context:
+ observed = slvr.retrieve_model_vis()
+ noiseR = np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(sigma),size=observed.shape)
+ noiseI = np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(sigma),size=observed.shape)
+ noise = noiseR +1j*noiseI
+ observed = observed+noise
+ slvr.transfer_observed_vis(observed)
+ slvr.solve()
+ print slvr
+ print "analytical: ",slvr.X2_grad
+ # Execute the pipeline
+ l1 = slvr.X2
+ dq = np.empty([3,nssrc])
+ for i in xrange(nssrc):
+ e1_inc = sersic_shape.copy()
+ e1_inc[0,i] = e1_inc[0,i]+0.000001
+ slvr.transfer_sersic_shape(e1_inc)
+ slvr.solve()
+ l2 = slvr.X2
+ dq[0,i] = (l2-l1)*1e6
+ e2_inc = sersic_shape.copy()
+ e2_inc[1,i] = e2_inc[1,i]+ 0.000001
+ slvr.transfer_sersic_shape(e2_inc)
+ slvr.solve()
+ l2 = slvr.X2
+ dq[1,i] = (l2-l1)*1e6
+ R_inc = sersic_shape.copy()
+ R_inc[2,i] = R_inc[2,i]+0.00000001
+ slvr.transfer_sersic_shape(R_inc)
+ slvr.solve()
+ l2 = slvr.X2
+ dq[2,i] = (l2-l1)*1e8
+ print "numeric: ",dq
diff --git a/montblanc/examples/MS_single_node_gradient_example.py b/montblanc/examples/MS_single_node_gradient_example.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41637fa76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/montblanc/examples/MS_single_node_gradient_example.py
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Marzia Rivi
+# This file is part of montblanc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, see .
+# Compare analytical chi squared gradient computation with respect to
+# Sersic parameters with the numerical gradent computation.
+# Input: filename - Measurement Set file
+# ns - number of sersic sources
+import sys
+import argparse
+import math
+import numpy as np
+import montblanc
+import montblanc.util as mbu
+from montblanc.config import RimeSolverConfig as Options
+ARCS2RAD = np.pi/648000.
+#scalelength in arcsec
+minscale = 0.3*ARCS2RAD
+maxscale = 3.5*ARCS2RAD
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='TEST SERSIC GRADIENT')
+parser.add_argument('msfile', help='Input MS filename')
+parser.add_argument('-ns',dest='nssrc', type=int, default=1, help='Number of Sersic Galaxies')
+args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
+# Get the RIME solver
+# Enable gradient computation: sersic_gradient=True
+slvr_cfg = montblanc.rime_solver_cfg(msfile=args.msfile,
+ sources=montblanc.sources(point=0, gaussian=0, sersic=args.nssrc),
+ init_weights=None, weight_vector=False,
+ sersic_gradient=True, dtype='double', version='v5')
+with montblanc.rime_solver(slvr_cfg) as slvr:
+ nsrc, nssrc, ntime, nchan = slvr.dim_local_size('nsrc', 'nssrc', 'ntime', 'nchan')
+ np.random.seed(14352)
+ # Random source coordinates in the l,m (brightness image) domain
+ l= slvr.ft(np.random.random(nsrc)*100*ARCS2RAD)
+ m= slvr.ft(np.random.random(nsrc)*100*ARCS2RAD)
+ slvr.lm[:] = mbu.shape_list([l,m], shape=slvr.lm.shape, dtype=slvr.lm.dtype)
+ # Brightness matrix for sources
+ I, Q, U, V = slvr.stokes[:,:,0], slvr.stokes[:,:,1], slvr.stokes[:,:,2], slvr.stokes[:,:,3]
+ I[:] = np.ones(shape=I.shape)*70.
+ Q[:] = np.zeros(shape=Q.shape)
+ U[:] = np.zeros(shape=U.shape)
+ V[:] = np.zeros(shape=V.shape)
+ slvr.alpha[:] = slvr.ft(np.ones(nssrc*ntime)*(-0.7)).reshape(nsrc,ntime)
+ # If there are sersic sources, create their
+ # shape matrix and transfer it.
+ mod = slvr.ft(np.random.random(nssrc))*0.3
+ angle = slvr.ft(np.random.random(nssrc))*2*np.pi
+ e1 = mod*np.sin(angle)
+ e2 = mod*np.cos(angle)
+ R = slvr.ft(np.random.random(nssrc)*(maxscale-minscale))+minscale
+ slvr.sersic_shape[:] = slvr.ft(np.array([e1,e2,R])).reshape((3,nssrc))
+ print slvr.sersic_shape
+ #Set visibility noise variance (muJy)
+ time_acc = 60
+ efficiency = 0.9
+ channel_bandwidth_hz = 20e6
+ SEFD = 400e6
+ sigma = (SEFD*SEFD)/(2.*time_acc*channel_bandwidth_hz*efficiency*efficiency)
+ slvr.set_sigma_sqrd(sigma)
+ # Create observed data and upload it to the GPU
+ slvr.solve()
+ observed = slvr.model_vis[:].copy()
+ noiseR = np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(sigma),size=observed.shape)
+ noiseI = np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(sigma),size=observed.shape)
+ noise = noiseR +1j*noiseI
+ slvr.observed_vis[:] = (observed+noise).copy()
+ slvr.solve()
+ print slvr
+ print "analytical: ",slvr.X2_grad
+ # Execute the pipeline
+ l1 = slvr.X2
+ sersic_shape = slvr.sersic_shape.copy()
+ dq = np.empty([3,nssrc])
+ for i in xrange(nssrc):
+ e1_inc = sersic_shape.copy()
+ e1_inc[0,i] = e1_inc[0,i]+0.000001
+ slvr.sersic_shape[:] = e1_inc
+ slvr.solve()
+ l2 = slvr.X2
+ dq[0,i] = (l2-l1)*1e6
+ e2_inc = sersic_shape.copy()
+ e2_inc[1,i] = e2_inc[1,i]+ 0.000001
+ slvr.sersic_shape[:] = e2_inc
+ slvr.solve()
+ l2 = slvr.X2
+ dq[1,i] = (l2-l1)*1e6
+ R_inc = sersic_shape.copy()
+ R_inc[2,i] = R_inc[2,i]+0.00000001
+ slvr.sersic_shape[:] = R_inc
+ slvr.solve()
+ l2 = slvr.X2
+ dq[2,i] = (l2-l1)*1e8
+ print "numeric: ",dq
diff --git a/montblanc/factory.py b/montblanc/factory.py
index f9d3f4ad9..3be22fd04 100644
--- a/montblanc/factory.py
+++ b/montblanc/factory.py
@@ -137,12 +137,13 @@ def create_rime_solver_from_ms(slvr_class_type, slvr_cfg):
autocor = slvr_cfg.get(Options.AUTO_CORRELATIONS)
with MeasurementSetLoader(msfile, auto_correlations=autocor) as loader:
- ntime, nbl, na, nbands, nchan = loader.get_dims()
+ ntime, nbl, na, nbands, nchan, npol = loader.get_dims()
slvr_cfg[Options.NTIME] = ntime
slvr_cfg[Options.NA] = na
slvr_cfg[Options.NBL] = nbl
slvr_cfg[Options.NBANDS] = nbands
slvr_cfg[Options.NCHAN] = nchan
+ slvr_cfg[Options.NPOL] = npol
slvr = slvr_class_type(slvr_cfg)
loader.load(slvr, slvr_cfg)
return slvr
@@ -167,7 +168,8 @@ def rime_solver(slvr_cfg):
elif version == Options.VERSION_FIVE:
from montblanc.impl.rime.v5.CompositeRimeSolver \
import CompositeRimeSolver as RimeSolver
- slvr_cfg[Options.CONTEXT] = __contexts
+ if slvr_cfg.get(Options.CONTEXT, None) is None:
+ slvr_cfg[Options.CONTEXT] = __contexts
raise ValueError('Invalid version %s' % version)
diff --git a/montblanc/impl/common/loaders/loaders.py b/montblanc/impl/common/loaders/loaders.py
index b6f31d9cd..3ac524989 100644
--- a/montblanc/impl/common/loaders/loaders.py
+++ b/montblanc/impl/common/loaders/loaders.py
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
class MeasurementSetLoader(BaseLoader):
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ def __init__(self, msfile, auto_correlations=False):
self.antfile = '::'.join((self.msfile, ANTENNA_TABLE))
self.freqfile = '::'.join((self.msfile, SPECTRAL_WINDOW))
self.fieldfile = '::'.join((self.msfile, FIELD_TABLE))
+ self.polfile = '::'.join((self.msfile, POL_TABLE))
montblanc.log.info("{lp} Opening Measurement Set {ms}.".format(
lp=self.LOG_PREFIX, ms=self.msfile))
@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ def __init__(self, msfile, auto_correlations=False):
# (2) baseline (ANTENNA1, ANTENNA2)
ordering_query = ' '.join(["SELECT FROM $ms",
"WHERE FIELD_ID={fid}".format(fid=field_id),
"" if auto_correlations else "AND ANTENNA1 != ANTENNA2",
@@ -70,6 +73,7 @@ def __init__(self, msfile, auto_correlations=False):
self.tables['ant'] = at = pt.table(self.antfile, ack=False, readonly=True)
self.tables['freq'] = ft = pt.table(self.freqfile, ack=False, readonly=True)
self.tables['field'] = fit = pt.table(self.fieldfile, ack=False, readonly=True)
+ self.tables['pol'] = polt = pt.table(self.polfile, ack=False, readonly=True)
self.nrows = ordered_ms.nrows()
self.na = at.nrows()
@@ -80,6 +84,9 @@ def __init__(self, msfile, auto_correlations=False):
self.nbl = pt.taql(bl_query).nrows()
+ # Number of polarizations (assuming to be the same for all spectral windows)
+ self.npol = polt.getcol('NUM_CORR')[0]
# Number of channels per band
chan_per_band = ft.getcol('NUM_CHAN')
@@ -105,6 +112,8 @@ def __init__(self, msfile, auto_correlations=False):
aeq=autocor_eq, ebl=expected_nbl, astr=autocor_str, nbl=self.nbl))
self.log("Found {nb} band(s), containing {cpb} channels.".format(
nb=self.nbands, nc=chan_per_band[0], cpb=chan_per_band))
+ self.log("Found {npol} polarization(s) in the POLARIZATION table.".format(
+ npol=self.npol))
# Sanity check computed rows vs actual rows
computed_rows = self.ntime*self.nbl*self.nbands
@@ -116,13 +125,14 @@ def __init__(self, msfile, auto_correlations=False):
nbl=self.nbl, nb=self.nbands,
cr=computed_rows, msr=self.nrows))
def get_dims(self):
Returns a tuple with the number of
timesteps, baselines, antenna, channel bands and channels
# Determine the problem dimensions
- return self.ntime, self.nbl, self.na, self.nbands, self.nchan
+ return self.ntime, self.nbl, self.na, self.nbands, self.nchan, self.npol
def log(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
montblanc.log.info('{lp} {m}'.format(lp=self.LOG_PREFIX, m=msg),
diff --git a/montblanc/impl/rime/slvr_config.py b/montblanc/impl/rime/slvr_config.py
index d5bae57b7..556534ed4 100644
--- a/montblanc/impl/rime/slvr_config.py
+++ b/montblanc/impl/rime/slvr_config.py
@@ -63,6 +63,14 @@ class RimeSolverConfig(SolverConfig):
"If True, chi-squared terms are weighted with a vectorised sigma. "
"If False, chi-squared terms are weighted with a single scalar sigma.")
+ # Enabling chi squared gradient computation with respect Sersic parameters
+ SERSIC_GRADIENT = 'sersic_gradient'
+ "If True, chi_squared gradient is computed with respect to the sersic parameters for each source.")
# weight vector initialisation keyword and valid values
# This SolverConfig determines whether
INIT_WEIGHTS = 'init_weights'
@@ -198,6 +206,13 @@ class RimeSolverConfig(SolverConfig):
SolverConfig.REQUIRED: True
+ SolverConfig.REQUIRED: True
+ },
def parser(self):
@@ -221,6 +236,12 @@ def parser(self):
+ p.add_argument('--{v}'.format(v=self.SERSIC_GRADIENT),
+ required=False,
+ type=bool,
@@ -274,4 +295,4 @@ def parser(self):
- return p
\ No newline at end of file
+ return p
diff --git a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/RimeSolver.py b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/RimeSolver.py
index 895e7f30e..fc3d519ad 100644
--- a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/RimeSolver.py
+++ b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/RimeSolver.py
@@ -30,14 +30,24 @@
from montblanc.impl.rime.v4.gpu.RimeBSqrt import RimeBSqrt
from montblanc.impl.rime.v4.gpu.RimeEKBSqrt import RimeEKBSqrt
from montblanc.impl.rime.v4.gpu.RimeSumCoherencies import RimeSumCoherencies
+from montblanc.impl.rime.v4.gpu.SersicChiSquaredGradient import SersicChiSquaredGradient
from montblanc.pipeline import Pipeline
def get_pipeline(slvr_cfg):
- return Pipeline([RimeBSqrt(),
- RimeEBeam(),
- RimeEKBSqrt(),
- RimeSumCoherencies()])
+ sersic_grad = slvr_cfg[Options.SERSIC_GRADIENT]
+ if (sersic_grad):
+ return Pipeline([RimeBSqrt(),
+ RimeEBeam(),
+ RimeEKBSqrt(),
+ RimeSumCoherencies(),
+ SersicChiSquaredGradient()])
+ else:
+ return Pipeline([RimeBSqrt(),
+ RimeEBeam(),
+ RimeEKBSqrt(),
+ RimeSumCoherencies()])
class RimeSolver(MontblancCUDASolver):
""" RIME Solver Implementation """
diff --git a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/config.py b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/config.py
index 6295490fd..4c7cb6a3c 100644
--- a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/config.py
+++ b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/config.py
@@ -127,6 +127,8 @@ class Classifier(Enum):
EKB_SQRT_INPUT = 'ekb_sqrt_input'
COHERENCIES_INPUT = 'coherencies_input'
# List of arrays
A = [
# UVW coordinates
@@ -177,15 +179,17 @@ class Classifier(Enum):
test=lambda slvr, ary: rary(ary)),
- ary_dict('E_beam', ('beam_lw', 'beam_mh', 'beam_nud', 4), 'ct',
+ ary_dict('E_beam', ('beam_lw', 'beam_mh', 'beam_nud', 'npol'), 'ct',
- default=np.array([1,0,0,1])[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:],
+ default=lambda s, ary: (np.array([1,0,0,1])[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:] if ary.shape[3] == 4
+ else np.array([1])[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:]),
test=lambda slvr, ary: rary(ary)),
# Direction-Independent Effects
- ary_dict('G_term', ('ntime', 'na', 'nchan', 4), 'ct',
+ ary_dict('G_term', ('ntime', 'na', 'nchan', 'npol'), 'ct',
- default=np.array([1,0,0,1])[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:],
+ default=lambda s, ary: (np.array([1,0,0,1])[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:] if ary.shape[3] == 4
+ else np.array([1])[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:]),
test=lambda slvr, ary: rary(ary)),
# Source Definitions
@@ -195,9 +199,10 @@ class Classifier(Enum):
test=lambda slvr, ary: (rary(ary)-0.5) * 1e-1),
- ary_dict('stokes', ('nsrc','ntime', 4), 'ft',
+ ary_dict('stokes', ('nsrc','ntime', 'npol'), 'ft',
- default=np.array([1,0,0,0])[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:],
+ default= lambda s, ary: (np.array([1,0,0,0])[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:] if ary.shape[2] == 4
+ else np.array([1])[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:]),
ary_dict('alpha', ('nsrc','ntime'), 'ft',
@@ -216,7 +221,7 @@ class Classifier(Enum):
# Visibility flagging arrays
- ary_dict('flag', ('ntime', 'nbl', 'nchan', 4), np.uint8,
+ ary_dict('flag', ('ntime', 'nbl', 'nchan', 'npol'), np.uint8,
@@ -224,24 +229,26 @@ class Classifier(Enum):
0, 1, size=ary.shape)),
# Bayesian Data
- ary_dict('weight_vector', ('ntime','nbl','nchan',4), 'ft',
+ ary_dict('weight_vector', ('ntime','nbl','nchan','npol'), 'ft',
test=lambda slvr, ary: rary(ary)),
- ary_dict('observed_vis', ('ntime','nbl','nchan',4), 'ct',
+ ary_dict('observed_vis', ('ntime','nbl','nchan','npol'), 'ct',
test=lambda slvr, ary: rary(ary)),
# Result arrays
- ary_dict('B_sqrt', ('nsrc', 'ntime', 'nchan', 4), 'ct',
+ ary_dict('B_sqrt', ('nsrc', 'ntime', 'nchan', 'npol'), 'ct',
- ary_dict('jones', ('nsrc','ntime','na','nchan',4), 'ct',
+ ary_dict('jones', ('nsrc','ntime','na','nchan','npol'), 'ct',
- ary_dict('model_vis', ('ntime','nbl','nchan',4), 'ct',
+ ary_dict('model_vis', ('ntime','nbl','nchan','npol'), 'ct',
ary_dict('chi_sqrd_result', ('ntime','nbl','nchan'), 'ft',
+ ary_dict('X2_grad', (3,'nssrc',), 'ft',
+ classifiers=frozenset([Classifier.GPU_SCRATCH])),
diff --git a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/cpu/CPUSolver.py b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/cpu/CPUSolver.py
index 1d27f8e24..7946b3599 100644
--- a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/cpu/CPUSolver.py
+++ b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/cpu/CPUSolver.py
@@ -675,6 +675,144 @@ def compute_gekb_vis(self, ekb_vis=None):
return result
+ def compute_sersic_derivatives(self):
+ """
+ Compute the partial derivative values for the sersic (exponential) sources.
+ Returns a (nssrc, ntime, nbl, nchan) matrix of floating point scalars.
+ """
+ nssrc, ntime, nbl, nchan = self.dim_local_size('nssrc', 'ntime', 'nbl', 'nchan')
+ ant0, ant1 = self.ap_idx()
+ # Calculate per baseline u from per antenna u
+ up, uq = self.uvw[:,:,0][ant0], self.uvw[:,:,0][ant1]
+ u = ne.evaluate('uq-up', {'up': up, 'uq': uq})
+ # Calculate per baseline v from per antenna v
+ vp, vq = self.uvw[:,:,1][ant0], self.uvw[:,:,1][ant1]
+ v = ne.evaluate('vq-vp', {'vp': vp, 'vq': vq})
+ # Calculate per baseline w from per antenna w
+ wp, wq = self.uvw[:,:,2][ant0], self.uvw[:,:,2][ant1]
+ w = ne.evaluate('wq-wp', {'wp': wp, 'wq': wq})
+ e1 = self.sersic_shape[0]
+ e2 = self.sersic_shape[1]
+ R = self.sersic_shape[2]
+ # OK, try obtain the same results with the fwhm factored out!
+ # u1 = u*(1+e1) - v*e2
+ # v1 = u*e2 + v*(1-e1)
+ u1 = ne.evaluate('u_1_e1 + v_e2',
+ { 'u_1_e1': np.outer(1+e1, u), 'v_e2' : np.outer(e2, v)})
+ v1 = ne.evaluate('u_e2 + v_1_e1',
+ { 'u_e2' : np.outer(e2, u), 'v_1_e1' : np.outer(1-e1,v)})
+ assert u1.shape == (nssrc, ntime*nbl)
+ assert v1.shape == (nssrc, ntime*nbl)
+ e12 = 1 - e1 * e1 - e2 * e2
+ de1 = ne.evaluate('u1*(u_e12+2*e1*u1) + v1*(2*e1*v1-v_e12)',
+ local_dict={
+ 'u1' : u1, 'v1': v1,\
+ 'u_e12': np.outer(e12, u),\
+ 'v_e12': np.outer(e12, v),\
+ 'e1': e1[:,np.newaxis]}).reshape(nssrc, ntime,nbl)
+ de2 = ne.evaluate('u1*(v_e12+2*e2*u1) + v1*(2*e2*v1+u_e12)',
+ local_dict={
+ 'u1' : u1, 'v1': v1,\
+ 'u_e12': np.outer(e12, u),\
+ 'v_e12': np.outer(e12, v),\
+ 'e2': e2[:,np.newaxis]}).reshape(nssrc, ntime,nbl)
+ wavenum = (self.two_pi_over_c * self.frequency)
+ temp = ne.evaluate('(wavenum*R/e12)**2',
+ {
+ 'R' : R[:,np.newaxis],\
+ 'e12': e12[:,np.newaxis],\
+ 'wavenum': wavenum[np.newaxis,:]}).reshape(nssrc,nchan)
+ sfactor = ne.evaluate('1+temp*(u1*u1+v1*v1)',
+ {
+ 'u1' : u1[:,:,np.newaxis],\
+ 'v1' : v1[:,:,np.newaxis],\
+ 'temp' : temp[:,np.newaxis,:]}).reshape(nssrc,ntime,nbl,nchan)
+ sersic_deriv = np.empty((3,nssrc,ntime,nbl,nchan))
+ # partial derivatives with respect to e1 and e2
+ sersic_deriv[0] = ne.evaluate('de1*temp/(sfactor*e12)',
+ {
+ 'de1' : de1[:,:,:,np.newaxis],\
+ 'temp': temp[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:],\
+ 'e12' : e12[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis],\
+ 'sfactor': sfactor }).reshape(nssrc,ntime,nbl,nchan)
+ sersic_deriv[1] = ne.evaluate('de2*temp/(sfactor*e12)',
+ {
+ 'de2' : de2[:,:,:,np.newaxis],\
+ 'temp': temp[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:], \
+ 'e12' : e12[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis],\
+ 'sfactor': sfactor }).reshape(nssrc,ntime,nbl,nchan)
+ # partial derivatives with respect to scalelength
+ sersic_deriv[2] = ne.evaluate('(sfactor-1)/(sfactor*R)',
+ {
+ 'R' : R[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis],\
+ 'sfactor' : sfactor }).reshape(nssrc,ntime,nbl,nchan)
+ return sersic_deriv
+ def compute_gekb_vis_grad(self, ekb_jones=None):
+ """
+ Computes the gradient of the complex visibilities with respect to the sersic parameters.
+ Returns a (3,nssrc,ntime,nbl,nchan,4) matrix of complex scalars.
+ """
+ nssrc, npsrc, ngsrc, nsrc, ntime, nbl, nchan = self.dim_local_size('nssrc', 'npsrc', 'ngsrc', 'nsrc', 'ntime', 'nbl', 'nchan')
+ if ekb_jones is None:
+ ekb_jones = self.compute_ekb_jones_per_bl()
+ want_shape = (nsrc, ntime, nbl, nchan, 4)
+ assert ekb_jones.shape == want_shape, \
+ 'Expected shape %s. Got %s instead.' % \
+ (want_shape, ekb_jones.shape)
+ ant0, ant1 = self.ap_idx(chan=True)
+ g_term_p = self.G_term[ant0]
+ g_term_q = self.G_term[ant1]
+ assert g_term_p.shape == (ntime, nbl, nchan, 4)
+ gekb_jones = np.empty([nssrc,ntime,nbl,nchan,4])
+ for i in range(nssrc):
+ gekb_jones[i] = (self.jones_multiply(g_term_p, ekb_jones[i])
+ .reshape(ntime, nbl, nchan, 4))
+ gekb_jones[i] = (self.jones_multiply(gekb_jones[i], g_term_q, hermitian=True)
+ .reshape(ntime, nbl, nchan, 4))
+ sersic_deriv = self.compute_sersic_derivatives()
+ src_beg = npsrc + ngsrc
+ src_end = npsrc + ngsrc + nssrc
+ vis_grad = np.empty((3,nssrc,ntime,nbl,nchan,4),dtype = np.complex)
+ vis_grad[0] = gekb_jones[src_beg:src_end]*sersic_deriv[0,:,:,:,:,np.newaxis]
+ vis_grad[1] = gekb_jones[src_beg:src_end]*sersic_deriv[1,:,:,:,:,np.newaxis]
+ vis_grad[2] = gekb_jones[src_beg:src_end]*sersic_deriv[2,:,:,:,:,np.newaxis]
+ assert vis_grad.shape == (3, nssrc, ntime, nbl, nchan, 4)
+ return vis_grad
def compute_chi_sqrd_sum_terms(self, vis=None):
Computes the terms of the chi squared sum,
@@ -736,14 +874,72 @@ def compute_chi_sqrd(self, chi_sqrd_terms=None):
return (term_sum if self.use_weight_vector() is True
else term_sum / self.sigma_sqrd)
+ def compute_chi_sqrd_gradient(self, vis=None, vis_grad=None):
+ """ Computes the chi squared gradient with respect to Sersic parameters.
+ Parameters:
+ weight_vector : boolean
+ True if the chi squared test
+ should be computed with a noise vector
+ Returns a (3,nssrc) matrix of real values
+ """
+ nssrc, ntime, nbl, nchan = self.dim_local_size('nssrc', 'ntime', 'nbl', 'nchan')
+ # Do the chi squared gradient on the CPU.
+ # If we're not using the weight vector, sum and
+ # divide by the sigma squared.
+ # Otherwise, simply return the sum
+ if vis is None: vis = self.compute_gekb_vis()
+ if vis_grad is None: vis_grad = self.compute_gekb_vis_grad()
+ # Compute the residuals if this has not yet happened
+ if not self.outputs_residuals():
+ d = ne.evaluate('(ovis - mvis)*where(flag > 0, 0, 1)', {
+ 'mvis': vis,
+ 'ovis': self.observed_vis,
+ 'flag' : self.flag })
+ assert d.shape == (ntime, nbl, nchan, 4)
+ else:
+ d = vis
+ re = d.real
+ im = d.imag
+ wv = self.weight_vector
+ # Multiply by the weight vector if required
+ if self.use_weight_vector() is True:
+ ne.evaluate('re*wv', {'re': re, 'wv': wv}, out=re)
+ ne.evaluate('im*wv', {'im': im, 'wv': wv}, out=im)
+ # Multiply by the visibilities gradient
+ for p in xrange(3):
+ for s in xrange(nssrc):
+ vis_grad[p,s].real = ne.evaluate('re*dre', {'re': re, 'dre': vis_grad[p,s].real})
+ vis_grad[p,s].imag = ne.evaluate('im*dim', {'im': im, 'dim': vis_grad[p,s].imag})
+ # Sum the real and imaginary terms together
+ # for the final result.
+ re_sum = ne.evaluate('sum(re,5)', {'re': vis_grad.real})
+ im_sum = ne.evaluate('sum(im,5)', {'im': vis_grad.imag})
+ chi_sqrd_grad_terms = ne.evaluate('re_sum + im_sum',
+ {'re_sum': re_sum, 'im_sum': im_sum})
+ assert chi_sqrd_grad_terms.shape == (3, nssrc, ntime, nbl, nchan)
+ self.X2_grad = 6*np.sum(chi_sqrd_grad_terms,(2,3,4)).reshape(3,nssrc)
+ return (self.X2_grad if self.use_weight_vector() is True \
+ else self.X2_grad / self.sigma_sqrd)
def solve(self):
""" Solve the RIME """
self.jones[:] = self.compute_ekb_sqrt_jones_per_ant()
- self.vis[:] = self.compute_gekb_vis()
+ self.model_vis[:] = self.compute_gekb_vis()
self.chi_sqrd_result[:] = self.compute_chi_sqrd_sum_terms(
- self.vis)
+ self.model_vis)
- self.set_X2(self.compute_chi_sqrd(self.chi_sqrd_result))
\ No newline at end of file
+ self.set_X2(self.compute_chi_sqrd(self.chi_sqrd_result))
diff --git a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/RimeBSqrt.py b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/RimeBSqrt.py
index 784a2152a..0c6df45f3 100644
--- a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/RimeBSqrt.py
+++ b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/RimeBSqrt.py
@@ -127,6 +127,59 @@
B_sqrt[i] = B_square_root;
+// Case NPOL = 1
+template <
+ typename T,
+ typename Tr=montblanc::kernel_traits,
+ typename Po=montblanc::kernel_policies >
+void rime_jones1_B_sqrt_impl(
+ T * stokes,
+ T * alpha,
+ T * frequency,
+ T * ref_frequency,
+ typename Tr::ct * B_sqrt)
+ int POLCHAN = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+ int TIME = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
+ int SRC = blockIdx.z*blockDim.z + threadIdx.z;
+ if(SRC >= DEXT(nsrc) || TIME >= DEXT(ntime) || POLCHAN >= DEXT(nchan))
+ { return; }
+ __shared__ T freq_ratio[BLOCKDIMX];
+ // TODO. Using 3 times more shared memory than we
+ // really require here, since there's only
+ // one frequency per channel.
+ if(threadIdx.y == 0 && threadIdx.z == 0)
+ {
+ freq_ratio[threadIdx.x] = frequency[POLCHAN] /
+ ref_frequency[POLCHAN];
+ }
+ __syncthreads();
+ // Calculate the power term
+ int i = SRC*NTIME + TIME;
+ typename Tr::ft power = Po::pow(freq_ratio[threadIdx.x], alpha[i]);
+ // Read in the stokes parameter,
+ // multiplying it by the power term
+ typename Tr::ft pol = 2.*stokes[i]*power; // include both the equal terms XX and YY
+ // Write out the square root of the brightness
+ B_sqrt[i].x = Po::sqrt(pol);
+ B_sqrt[i].y = 0.;
extern "C" {
#define stamp_jones_B_sqrt_fn(ft,ct) \
@@ -142,9 +195,27 @@
frequency, ref_frequency, B_sqrt); \
+#define stamp_jones1_B_sqrt_fn(ft,ct) \
+__global__ void \
+rime_jones1_B_sqrt_ ## ft( \
+ ft * stokes, \
+ ft * alpha, \
+ ft * frequency, \
+ ft * ref_frequency, \
+ ct * B_sqrt) \
+{ \
+ rime_jones1_B_sqrt_impl(stokes, alpha, \
+ frequency, ref_frequency, B_sqrt); \
} // extern "C" {
@@ -154,8 +225,8 @@ def __init__(self):
def initialise(self, solver, stream=None):
slvr = solver
- nsrc, ntime, npolchan = slvr.dim_local_size(
- 'nsrc', 'ntime', 'npolchan')
+ nsrc, ntime, npolchan, npol = slvr.dim_local_size(
+ 'nsrc', 'ntime', 'npolchan', 'npol')
# Get a property dictionary off the solver
D = slvr.template_dict()
@@ -171,9 +242,14 @@ def initialise(self, solver, stream=None):
regs = str(FLOAT_PARAMS['maxregs'] \
if slvr.is_float() else DOUBLE_PARAMS['maxregs'])
- kname = 'rime_jones_B_sqrt_float' \
- if slvr.is_float() is True else \
- 'rime_jones_B_sqrt_double'
+ if npol == 1:
+ kname = 'rime_jones1_B_sqrt_float' \
+ if slvr.is_float() is True else \
+ 'rime_jones1_B_sqrt_double'
+ else:
+ kname = 'rime_jones_B_sqrt_float' \
+ if slvr.is_float() is True else \
+ 'rime_jones_B_sqrt_double'
kernel_string = KERNEL_TEMPLATE.substitute(**D)
diff --git a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/RimeEBeam.py b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/RimeEBeam.py
index c174f2640..1d9215406 100644
--- a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/RimeEBeam.py
+++ b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/RimeEBeam.py
@@ -83,18 +83,19 @@
#define BEAM_MH LOCAL(beam_mh)
#define BEAM_NUD LOCAL(beam_nud)
+// Infer channel from x thread
+ __device__ __forceinline__ int thread_chan()
+ { return threadIdx.x >> 2; }
// Infer polarisation from x thread
__device__ __forceinline__ int ebeam_pol()
{ return threadIdx.x & 0x3; }
-// Infer channel from x thread
-__device__ __forceinline__ int thread_chan()
- { return threadIdx.x >> 2; }
template <
typename T,
typename Tr=montblanc::kernel_traits,
- typename Po=montblanc::kernel_policies >
+ typename Po=montblanc::kernel_policies >
__device__ __forceinline__
void trilinear_interpolate(
typename Tr::ct & pol_sum,
@@ -105,8 +106,31 @@
const T & gchan,
const T & weight)
- int i = ((int(gl)*BEAM_MH + int(gm))*BEAM_NUD + int(gchan))*NPOL
- + ebeam_pol();
+ int i = ((int(gl)*BEAM_MH + int(gm))*BEAM_NUD + int(gchan))*NPOL +ebeam_pol();
+ // Perhaps unnecessary as long as BLOCKDIMX is 32
+ typename Tr::ct pol = cub::ThreadLoad(E_beam + i);
+ pol_sum.x += weight*pol.x;
+ pol_sum.y += weight*pol.y;
+ abs_sum += weight*Po::abs(pol);
+template <
+ typename T,
+ typename Tr=montblanc::kernel_traits,
+ typename Po=montblanc::kernel_policies >
+__device__ __forceinline__
+void trilinear_interpolate_J1(
+ typename Tr::ct & pol_sum,
+ typename Tr::ft & abs_sum,
+ typename Tr::ct * E_beam,
+ const T & gl,
+ const T & gm,
+ const T & gchan,
+ const T & weight)
+ int i = ((int(gl)*BEAM_MH + int(gm))*BEAM_NUD + int(gchan));
// Perhaps unnecessary as long as BLOCKDIMX is 32
typename Tr::ct pol = cub::ThreadLoad(E_beam + i);
@@ -115,6 +139,7 @@
abs_sum += weight*Po::abs(pol);
template class EBeamTraits {};
template <> class EBeamTraits
@@ -343,6 +368,216 @@
+template <
+ typename T,
+ typename Tr=montblanc::kernel_traits,
+ typename Po=montblanc::kernel_policies >
+void rime_jones1_E_beam_impl(
+ typename EBeamTraits::LMType * lm,
+ typename EBeamTraits::ParallacticAngleType * parallactic_angles,
+ typename EBeamTraits::PointErrorType * point_errors,
+ typename EBeamTraits::AntennaScaleType * antenna_scaling,
+ typename Tr::ft * frequency,
+ typename Tr::ct * E_beam,
+ typename Tr::ct * jones,
+ T beam_ll, T beam_lm, T beam_lfreq,
+ T beam_ul, T beam_um, T beam_ufreq)
+ int POLCHAN = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+ int ANT = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
+ int TIME = blockIdx.z*blockDim.z + threadIdx.z;
+ typedef typename EBeamTraits::LMType LMType;
+ typedef typename EBeamTraits::PointErrorType PointErrorType;
+ typedef typename EBeamTraits::AntennaScaleType AntennaScaleType;
+ if(TIME >= DEXT(ntime) || ANT >= DEXT(na) || POLCHAN >= DEXT(npolchan))
+ return;
+ __shared__ struct {
+ T lscale; // l axis scaling factor
+ T mscale; // m axis scaling factor
+ T pa_sin[BLOCKDIMZ][BLOCKDIMY]; // sin of parallactic angle
+ T pa_cos[BLOCKDIMZ][BLOCKDIMY]; // cos of parallactic angle
+ T gchan0[BLOCKDIMX]; // channel grid position (snapped)
+ T gchan1[BLOCKDIMX]; // channel grid position (snapped)
+ T chd[BLOCKDIMX]; // difference between gchan0 and actual grid position
+ PointErrorType pe[BLOCKDIMZ][BLOCKDIMY][BLOCKDIMX]; // pointing errors
+ AntennaScaleType as[BLOCKDIMY][BLOCKDIMX]; // antenna scaling
+ } shared;
+ int i;
+ // Precompute l and m scaling factors in shared memory
+ if(threadIdx.z == 0 && threadIdx.y == 0 && threadIdx.z == 0)
+ {
+ shared.lscale = T(BEAM_LW - 1) / (beam_ul - beam_ll);
+ shared.mscale = T(BEAM_MH - 1) / (beam_um - beam_lm);
+ }
+ // Pointing errors vary by time, antenna and channel,
+ shared.pe[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = point_errors[i];
+ // Antenna scaling factors vary by antenna and channel,
+ // but not timestep
+ if(threadIdx.z == 0)
+ {
+ shared.as[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = antenna_scaling[i];
+ }
+ // Frequency vary by channel, but not timestep or antenna
+ if(threadIdx.z == 0 && threadIdx.y == 0)
+ {
+ // Channel coordinate
+ // channel grid position
+ T freqscale = T(BEAM_NUD-1) / (beam_ufreq - beam_lfreq);
+ T chan = freqscale * (frequency[POLCHAN] - beam_lfreq);
+ // clamp to grid edges
+ chan = Po::clamp(chan, 0.0, BEAM_NUD-1);
+ // Snap to grid coordinate
+ shared.gchan0[threadIdx.x] = Po::floor(chan);
+ shared.gchan1[threadIdx.x] = Po::min(
+ shared.gchan0[threadIdx.x] + 1.0, BEAM_NUD-1);
+ // Offset of snapped coordinate from grid position
+ shared.chd[threadIdx.x] = chan - shared.gchan0[threadIdx.x];
+ }
+ // Parallactic angles vary by time and antenna, but not channel
+ if(threadIdx.x == 0)
+ {
+ i = TIME*NA + ANT;
+ T parangle = parallactic_angles[i];
+ Po::sincos(parangle,
+ &shared.pa_sin[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y],
+ &shared.pa_cos[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y]);
+ }
+ __syncthreads();
+ // Loop over sources
+ for(int SRC=0; SRC < DEXT(nsrc); ++SRC)
+ {
+ // lm coordinate for this source
+ LMType rlm = lm[SRC];
+ // L coordinate
+ // Rotate
+ T l = rlm.x*shared.pa_cos[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y] -
+ rlm.y*shared.pa_sin[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y];
+ // Add the pointing errors for this antenna.
+ l += shared.pe[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x].x;
+ // Scale by antenna scaling factors
+ l *= shared.as[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x].x;
+ // l grid position
+ l = shared.lscale * (l - beam_ll);
+ // clamp to grid edges
+ l = Po::clamp(0.0, l, BEAM_LW-1);
+ // Snap to grid coordinate
+ T gl0 = Po::floor(l);
+ T gl1 = Po::min(gl0 + 1.0, BEAM_LW-1);
+ // Offset of snapped coordinate from grid position
+ T ld = l - gl0;
+ // M coordinate
+ // rotate
+ T m = rlm.x*shared.pa_sin[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y] +
+ rlm.y*shared.pa_cos[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y];
+ // Add the pointing errors for this antenna.
+ m += shared.pe[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x].y;
+ // Scale by antenna scaling factors
+ m *= shared.as[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x].y;
+ // m grid position
+ m = shared.mscale * (m - beam_lm);
+ // clamp to grid edges
+ m = Po::clamp(0.0, m, BEAM_MH-1);
+ // Snap to grid position
+ T gm0 = Po::floor(m);
+ T gm1 = Po::min(gm0 + 1.0, BEAM_MH-1);
+ // Offset of snapped coordinate from grid position
+ T md = m - gm0;
+ typename Tr::ct pol_sum = Po::make_ct(0.0, 0.0);
+ typename Tr::ft abs_sum = T(0.0);
+ // A simplified trilinear weighting is used here. Given
+ // point x between points x1 and x2, with function f
+ // provided values f(x1) and f(x2) at these points.
+ //
+ // x1 ------- x ---------- x2
+ //
+ // Then, the value of f can be approximated using the following:
+ // f(x) ~= f(x1)(x2-x)/(x2-x1) + f(x2)(x-x1)/(x2-x1)
+ //
+ // Note how the value f(x1) is weighted with the distance
+ // from the opposite point (x2-x).
+ //
+ // As we are interpolating on a grid, we have the following
+ // 1. (x2 - x1) == 1
+ // 2. (x - x1) == 1 - 1 + (x - x1)
+ // == 1 - (x2 - x1) + (x - x1)
+ // == 1 - (x2 - x)
+ // 2. (x2 - x) == 1 - 1 + (x2 - x)
+ // == 1 - (x2 - x1) + (x2 - x)
+ // == 1 - (x - x1)
+ //
+ // Extending the above to 3D, we have
+ // f(x,y,z) ~= f(x1,y1,z1)(x2-x)(y2-y)(z2-z) + ...
+ // + f(x2,y2,z2)(x-x1)(y-y1)(z-z1)
+ //
+ // f(x,y,z) ~= f(x1,y1,z1)(1-(x-x1))(1-(y-y1))(1-(z-z1)) + ...
+ // + f(x2,y2,z2) (x-x1) (y-y1) (z-z1)
+ // Load in the complex values from the E beam
+ // at the supplied coordinate offsets.
+ trilinear_interpolate_J1(pol_sum, abs_sum, E_beam,
+ gl0, gm0, shared.gchan0[threadIdx.x],
+ (1.0f-ld)*(1.0f-md)*(1.0f-shared.chd[threadIdx.x]));
+ trilinear_interpolate_J1(pol_sum, abs_sum, E_beam,
+ gl1, gm0, shared.gchan0[threadIdx.x],
+ ld*(1.0f-md)*(1.0f-shared.chd[threadIdx.x]));
+ trilinear_interpolate_J1(pol_sum, abs_sum, E_beam,
+ gl0, gm1, shared.gchan0[threadIdx.x],
+ (1.0f-ld)*md*(1.0f-shared.chd[threadIdx.x]));
+ trilinear_interpolate_J1(pol_sum, abs_sum, E_beam,
+ gl1, gm1, shared.gchan0[threadIdx.x],
+ ld*md*(1.0f-shared.chd[threadIdx.x]));
+ trilinear_interpolate_J1(pol_sum, abs_sum, E_beam,
+ gl0, gm0, shared.gchan1[threadIdx.x],
+ (1.0f-ld)*(1.0f-md)*shared.chd[threadIdx.x]);
+ trilinear_interpolate_J1(pol_sum, abs_sum, E_beam,
+ gl1, gm0, shared.gchan1[threadIdx.x],
+ ld*(1.0f-md)*shared.chd[threadIdx.x]);
+ trilinear_interpolate_J1(pol_sum, abs_sum, E_beam,
+ gl0, gm1, shared.gchan1[threadIdx.x],
+ (1.0f-ld)*md*shared.chd[threadIdx.x]);
+ trilinear_interpolate_J1(pol_sum, abs_sum, E_beam,
+ gl1, gm1, shared.gchan1[threadIdx.x],
+ ld*md*shared.chd[threadIdx.x]);
+ // Normalise the angle and multiply in the absolute sum
+ typename Tr::ft norm = Po::rsqrt(pol_sum.x*pol_sum.x + pol_sum.y*pol_sum.y);
+ if(!::isfinite(norm))
+ { norm = 1.0; }
+ pol_sum.x *= norm * abs_sum;
+ pol_sum.y *= norm * abs_sum;
+ jones[i] = pol_sum;
+ }
extern "C" {
#define stamp_jones_E_beam_fn(ft,ct,lm_type,pa_type,pe_type,as_type) \
@@ -365,6 +600,26 @@
beam_ul, beam_um, beam_ufreq); \
+#define stamp_jones1_E_beam_fn(ft,ct,lm_type,pa_type,pe_type,as_type) \
+__global__ void \
+rime_jones1_E_beam_ ## ft( \
+ lm_type * lm, \
+ pa_type * parallactic_angles, \
+ pe_type * point_errors, \
+ as_type * antenna_scaling, \
+ ft * frequency, \
+ ct * E_beam, \
+ ct * jones, \
+ ft beam_ll, ft beam_lm, ft beam_lfreq, \
+ ft beam_ul, ft beam_um, ft beam_ufreq) \
+{ \
+ rime_jones1_E_beam_impl( \
+ lm, parallactic_angles, point_errors, \
+ antenna_scaling, frequency, E_beam, jones, \
+ beam_ll, beam_lm, beam_lfreq, \
+ beam_ul, beam_um, beam_ufreq); \
} // extern "C" {
@@ -376,7 +631,7 @@ def __init__(self):
def initialise(self, solver, stream=None):
slvr = solver
- ntime, na, npolchan = slvr.dim_local_size('ntime', 'na', 'npolchan')
+ ntime, na, npolchan, npol = slvr.dim_local_size('ntime', 'na', 'npolchan', 'npol')
# Get a property dictionary off the solver
D = slvr.template_dict()
@@ -400,12 +655,20 @@ def initialise(self, solver, stream=None):
'float' if slvr.is_float() else 'double',
'float2' if slvr.is_float() else 'double2',
'float2' if slvr.is_float() else 'double2'])
- stamp_fn = ''.join(['stamp_jones_E_beam_fn(', stamp_args, ')'])
- D['stamp_function'] = stamp_fn
- kname = 'rime_jones_E_beam_float' \
- if slvr.is_float() is True else \
- 'rime_jones_E_beam_double'
+ if npol == 4:
+ stamp_fn = ''.join(['stamp_jones_E_beam_fn(', stamp_args, ')'])
+ D['stamp_function'] = stamp_fn
+ kname = 'rime_jones_E_beam_float' \
+ if slvr.is_float() is True else \
+ 'rime_jones_E_beam_double'
+ if npol == 1:
+ stamp_fn = ''.join(['stamp_jones1_E_beam_fn(', stamp_args, ')'])
+ D['stamp_function'] = stamp_fn
+ kname = 'rime_jones1_E_beam_float' \
+ if slvr.is_float() is True else \
+ 'rime_jones1_E_beam_double'
kernel_string = KERNEL_TEMPLATE.substitute(**D)
diff --git a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/RimeEKBSqrt.py b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/RimeEKBSqrt.py
index ba802f801..325d0800a 100644
--- a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/RimeEKBSqrt.py
+++ b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/RimeEKBSqrt.py
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ class EKBTraits {
int POLCHAN = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int ANT = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
int TIME = blockIdx.z*blockDim.z + threadIdx.z;
- #define POL (threadIdx.x & 0x3)
if(TIME >= DEXT(ntime) || ANT >= DEXT(na) || POLCHAN >= DEXT(npolchan))
@@ -134,7 +133,13 @@ class EKBTraits {
// Wavelengths vary by channel, not by time and antenna
if(threadIdx.y == 0 && threadIdx.z == 0)
+ {
+ if (NPOL > 1)
{ freq[threadIdx.x] = frequency[POLCHAN>>2]; }
+ else
+ { freq[threadIdx.x] = frequency[POLCHAN]; }
+ }
@@ -168,7 +173,11 @@ class EKBTraits {
// Load in the E Beam, and multiply it by KB
typename Tr::ct J = jones[i];
- montblanc::jones_multiply_4x4_in_place(J, cplx_phase);
+ if (NPOL > 1)
+ montblanc::jones_multiply_4x4_in_place(J, cplx_phase);
+ else
+ montblanc::complex_multiply_in_place(J, cplx_phase);
// Write out the jones matrices
diff --git a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/RimeSumCoherencies.py b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/RimeSumCoherencies.py
index 991f208fc..049554af7 100644
--- a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/RimeSumCoherencies.py
+++ b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/RimeSumCoherencies.py
@@ -174,7 +174,12 @@ class SumCohTraits {
// TODO uses 4 times the actually required space, since
// we don't need to store a frequency per polarisation
if(threadIdx.y == 0 && threadIdx.z == 0)
+ {
+ if (NPOL > 1)
{ shared.freq[threadIdx.x] = frequency[POLCHAN >> 2]; }
+ else
+ { shared.freq[threadIdx.x] = frequency[POLCHAN]; }
+ }
// We process sources in batches, accumulating visibility values.
// Visibilities are read in and written out at the start and end
@@ -202,7 +207,10 @@ class SumCohTraits {
typename Tr::ct ant_one = jones[i];
typename Tr::ct ant_two = jones[i];
- montblanc::jones_multiply_4x4_hermitian_transpose_in_place(ant_one, ant_two);
+ if (NPOL > 1)
+ montblanc::jones_multiply_4x4_hermitian_transpose_in_place(ant_one, ant_two);
+ else
+ montblanc::complex_conjugate_multiply_in_place(ant_one, ant_two);
polsum.x += ant_one.x;
polsum.y += ant_one.y;
@@ -248,7 +256,11 @@ class SumCohTraits {
ant_one.y *= exp;
typename Tr::ct ant_two = jones[i];
- montblanc::jones_multiply_4x4_hermitian_transpose_in_place(ant_one, ant_two);
+ if (NPOL > 1)
+ montblanc::jones_multiply_4x4_hermitian_transpose_in_place(ant_one, ant_two);
+ else
+ montblanc::complex_conjugate_multiply_in_place(ant_one, ant_two);
polsum.x += ant_one.x;
polsum.y += ant_one.y;
@@ -298,7 +310,10 @@ class SumCohTraits {
ant_one.y *= sersic_factor;
typename Tr::ct ant_two = jones[i];
- montblanc::jones_multiply_4x4_hermitian_transpose_in_place(ant_one, ant_two);
+ if (NPOL > 1)
+ montblanc::jones_multiply_4x4_hermitian_transpose_in_place(ant_one, ant_two);
+ else
+ montblanc::complex_conjugate_multiply_in_place(ant_one, ant_two);
polsum.x += ant_one.x;
polsum.y += ant_one.y;
@@ -320,12 +335,20 @@ class SumCohTraits {
// Multiply the visibility by antenna 1's g term
typename Tr::ct model_vis = G_term[i];
- montblanc::jones_multiply_4x4_in_place(model_vis, polsum);
+ if (NPOL > 1)
+ montblanc::jones_multiply_4x4_in_place(model_vis, polsum);
+ else
+ montblanc::complex_multiply_in_place(model_vis, polsum);
// Multiply the visibility by antenna 2's g term
typename Tr::ct ant2_g_term = G_term[i];
- montblanc::jones_multiply_4x4_hermitian_transpose_in_place(model_vis, ant2_g_term);
+ if (NPOL > 1)
+ montblanc::jones_multiply_4x4_hermitian_transpose_in_place(model_vis, ant2_g_term);
+ else
+ montblanc::complex_conjugate_multiply_in_place(model_vis, ant2_g_term);
// Compute the chi squared sum terms
@@ -367,28 +390,36 @@ class SumCohTraits {
obs_vis.y *= w;
- // Now, add the real and imaginary components
- // of each adjacent group of four polarisations
- // into the first polarisation.
- typename Tr::ct other = cub::ShuffleIndex(obs_vis, cub::LaneId() + 2);
- // Add polarisations 2 and 3 to 0 and 1
- if((POLCHAN & 0x3) < 2)
+ if (NPOL > 1)
- obs_vis.x += other.x;
- obs_vis.y += other.y;
- }
- other = cub::ShuffleIndex(obs_vis, cub::LaneId() + 1);
- // If this is the polarisation 0, add polarisation 1
- // and write out this chi squared sum term
- if((POLCHAN & 0x3) == 0) {
+ // Now, add the real and imaginary components
+ // of each adjacent group of four polarisations
+ // into the first polarisation.
+ typename Tr::ct other = cub::ShuffleIndex(obs_vis, cub::LaneId() + 2);
+ // Add polarisations 2 and 3 to 0 and 1
+ if((POLCHAN & 0x3) < 2)
+ {
+ obs_vis.x += other.x;
+ obs_vis.y += other.y;
+ }
+ other = cub::ShuffleIndex(obs_vis, cub::LaneId() + 1);
+ // If this is the polarisation 0, add polarisation 1
+ // and write out this chi squared sum term
+ if((POLCHAN & 0x3) == 0) {
obs_vis.x += other.x;
obs_vis.y += other.y;
i = (TIME*NBL + BL)*NCHAN + (POLCHAN >> 2);
chi_sqrd_result[i] = obs_vis.x + obs_vis.y;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ chi_sqrd_result[i] = obs_vis.x + obs_vis.y;
diff --git a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/SersicChiSquaredGradient.py b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/SersicChiSquaredGradient.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1389cb01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/gpu/SersicChiSquaredGradient.py
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Marzia Rivi, Simon Perkins
+# This file is part of montblanc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, see .
+import numpy as np
+import string
+import pycuda.driver as cuda
+import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
+from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule
+import montblanc
+import montblanc.util as mbu
+from montblanc.node import Node
+from montblanc.config import RimeSolverConfig as Options
+ 'BLOCKDIMX': 4, # Number of channels*4 polarisations
+ 'BLOCKDIMY': 8, # Number of baselines
+ 'BLOCKDIMZ': 32, # Number of timesteps
+ 'maxregs': 48 # Maximum number of registers
+ 'BLOCKDIMX': 4, # Number of channels*4 polarisations
+ 'BLOCKDIMY': 8, # Number of baselines
+ 'BLOCKDIMZ': 32, # Number of timesteps
+ 'maxregs': 63 # Maximum number of registers
+KERNEL_TEMPLATE = string.Template("""
+#include \"math_constants.h\"
+#define TWO_PI_OVER_C ${two_pi_over_c}
+class SumCohTraits {};
+template <>
+class SumCohTraits {
+ typedef float3 UVWType;
+template <>
+class SumCohTraits {
+ typedef double3 UVWType;
+// Here, the definition of the
+// rime_const_data struct
+// is inserted into the template
+// An area of constant memory
+// containing an instance of this
+// structure is declared.
+__constant__ rime_const_data C;
+#define LEXT(name) C.name.lower_extent
+#define UEXT(name) C.name.upper_extent
+#define DEXT(name) (C.name.upper_extent - C.name.lower_extent)
+#define NA (C.na.local_size)
+#define NBL (C.nbl.local_size)
+#define NCHAN (C.nchan.local_size)
+#define NTIME (C.ntime.local_size)
+#define NPSRC (C.npsrc.local_size)
+#define NGSRC (C.ngsrc.local_size)
+#define NSSRC (C.nssrc.local_size)
+#define NSRC (C.nnsrc.local_size)
+#define NPOL (C.npol.local_size)
+#define NPOLCHAN (C.npolchan.local_size)
+#if !defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) || __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 600
+__device__ double atomicAdd(double* address, double val)
+ unsigned long long int* address_as_ull =
+ (unsigned long long int*)address;
+ unsigned long long int old = *address_as_ull, assumed;
+ do {
+ assumed = old;
+old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed,
+ __double_as_longlong(val +
+ __longlong_as_double(assumed)));
+ } while (assumed != old);
+ return __longlong_as_double(old);
+template <
+ typename T,
+ bool apply_weights=false,
+ typename Tr=montblanc::kernel_traits,
+ typename Po=montblanc::kernel_policies >
+void sersic_chi_squared_gradient_impl(
+ typename SumCohTraits::UVWType * uvw,
+ typename Tr::ft * sersic_shape,
+ typename Tr::ft * frequency,
+ int * antenna1,
+ int * antenna2,
+ typename Tr::ct * jones,
+ uint8_t * flag,
+ typename Tr::ft * weight_vector,
+ typename Tr::ct * observed_vis,
+ typename Tr::ct * G_term,
+ typename Tr::ct * visibilities,
+ typename Tr::ft * X2_grad)
+ int POLCHAN = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+ int BL = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
+ int TIME = blockIdx.z*blockDim.z + threadIdx.z;
+ // --- Specialize BlockReduce for type float.
+ typedef cub::BlockReduce BlockReduceT;
+ // --- Allocate temporary storage in shared memory
+ __shared__ typename BlockReduceT::TempStorage temp_storage;
+ __shared__ struct {
+ typename SumCohTraits::UVWType uvw[BLOCKDIMZ][BLOCKDIMY];
+ T e1;
+ T e2;
+ T sersic_scale;
+ T X2_grad_part[3];
+ T freq[BLOCKDIMX];
+ } shared;
+ int i, ANT1, ANT2;
+ typename Tr::ct dev_vis[3];
+ dev_vis[0].x = 0.; dev_vis[1].x = 0; dev_vis[2].x = 0;
+ dev_vis[0].y = 0.; dev_vis[1].y = 0; dev_vis[2].y = 0;
+ typename Tr::ct delta;
+ delta.x = 0.; delta.y = 0.;
+ if (TIME < DEXT(ntime) && BL < DEXT(nbl) && POLCHAN < DEXT(npolchan))
+ {
+ T & U = shared.uvw[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y].x;
+ T & V = shared.uvw[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y].y;
+ T & W = shared.uvw[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y].z;
+ // Figure out the antenna pairs
+ i = TIME*NBL + BL;
+ ANT1 = antenna1[i];
+ ANT2 = antenna2[i];
+ // UVW coordinates vary by baseline and time, but not polarised channel
+ if(threadIdx.x == 0)
+ {
+ // UVW, calculated from u_pq = u_p - u_q
+ i = TIME*NA + ANT1;
+ shared.uvw[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y] = uvw[i];
+ i = TIME*NA + ANT2;
+ typename SumCohTraits::UVWType ant2_uvw = uvw[i];
+ U -= ant2_uvw.x;
+ V -= ant2_uvw.y;
+ W -= ant2_uvw.z;
+ }
+ // Wavelength varies by channel, but not baseline and time
+ // TODO uses 4 times the actually required space, since
+ // we don't need to store a frequency per polarisation
+ if(threadIdx.y == 0 && threadIdx.z == 0)
+ {
+ if (NPOL >1)
+ { shared.freq[threadIdx.x] = frequency[POLCHAN >> 2]; }
+ else
+ { shared.freq[threadIdx.x] = frequency[POLCHAN]; }
+ }
+ delta = observed_vis[i];
+ delta.x -= visibilities[i].x;
+ delta.y -= visibilities[i].y;
+ // Zero the polarisation if it is flagged
+ if(flag[i] > 0)
+ {
+ delta.x = 0; delta.y = 0;
+ }
+ // Apply any necessary weighting factors
+ if(apply_weights)
+ {
+ T w = weight_vector[i];
+ delta.x *= w;
+ delta.y *= w;
+ }
+ }
+ int SRC_START = DEXT(npsrc) + DEXT(ngsrc);
+ int SRC_STOP = SRC_START + DEXT(nssrc);
+ // Loop over Sersic Sources
+ for(int SRC = SRC_START; SRC < SRC_STOP; ++SRC)
+ {
+ // sersic shape only varies by source. Shape parameters
+ // thus apply to the entire block and we can load them with
+ // only the first thread.
+ if(threadIdx.x == 0 && threadIdx.y == 0 && threadIdx.z == 0)
+ {
+ i = SRC - SRC_START; shared.e1 = sersic_shape[i];
+ i += DEXT(nssrc); shared.e2 = sersic_shape[i];
+ i += DEXT(nssrc); shared.sersic_scale = sersic_shape[i];
+ }
+ __syncthreads();
+ if (TIME < DEXT(ntime) && BL < DEXT(nbl) && POLCHAN < DEXT(npolchan))
+ {
+ // Create references to a
+ // complicated part of shared memory
+ const T & U = shared.uvw[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y].x;
+ const T & V = shared.uvw[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y].y;
+ // sersic source in the Fourier domain
+ T u1 = U*(T(1.0)+shared.e1) + V*shared.e2;
+ T v1 = U*shared.e2 + V*(T(1.0)-shared.e1);
+ T sersic_factor = T(1.0)-shared.e1*shared.e1-shared.e2*shared.e2;
+ T dev_e1 = u1*(U*sersic_factor + 2*shared.e1*u1);
+ dev_e1 += v1*(2*shared.e1*v1 - V*sersic_factor);
+ T dev_e2 = u1*(V*sersic_factor + 2*shared.e2*u1);
+ dev_e2 += v1*(U*sersic_factor + 2*shared.e2*v1);
+ // pay attention to the instructions order because temp and sersic_factor variables are utilised twice!!!
+ T temp = T(TWO_PI_OVER_C)*shared.freq[threadIdx.x]*shared.sersic_scale;
+ temp /= sersic_factor;
+ temp *= temp;
+ dev_e1 *= temp/sersic_factor;
+ dev_e2 *= temp/sersic_factor;
+ temp *= (u1*u1+v1*v1);
+ sersic_factor = T(1.0)+temp;
+ dev_e1 /= sersic_factor;
+ dev_e2 /= sersic_factor;
+ T dev_scale = temp/(shared.sersic_scale*sersic_factor);
+ // Get the complex scalars for antenna two and multiply
+ // in the exponent term
+ // Get the complex scalar for antenna one and conjugate it
+ typename Tr::ct ant_one = jones[i];
+ sersic_factor = T(1.0) / (sersic_factor*Po::sqrt(sersic_factor));
+ ant_one.x *= sersic_factor;
+ ant_one.y *= sersic_factor;
+ typename Tr::ct ant_two = jones[i];
+ if (NPOL > 1)
+ montblanc::jones_multiply_4x4_hermitian_transpose_in_place(ant_one, ant_two);
+ else
+ montblanc::complex_conjugate_multiply_in_place(ant_one, ant_two);
+ dev_vis[0].x = ant_one.x*dev_e1;
+ dev_vis[0].y = ant_one.y*dev_e1;
+ dev_vis[1].x = ant_one.x*dev_e2;
+ dev_vis[1].y = ant_one.y*dev_e2;
+ dev_vis[2].x = ant_one.x*dev_scale;
+ dev_vis[2].y = ant_one.y*dev_scale;
+ /*
+ for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
+ {
+ // Multiply the visibility derivative by antenna 1's g term
+ typename Tr::ct ant1_g_term = G_term[i];
+ montblanc::jones_multiply_4x4_in_place(ant1_g_term, dev_vis[p]);
+ // Multiply the visibility by antenna 2's g term
+ typename Tr::ct ant2_g_term = G_term[i];
+ montblanc::jones_multiply_4x4_hermitian_transpose_in_place(ant1_g_term, ant2_g_term);
+ dev_vis[p] = ant1_g_term;
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ // Write partial derivative with respect to sersic parameters
+ for (int p=0; p<3; p++)
+ {
+ dev_vis[p].x *= delta.x;
+ dev_vis[p].y *= delta.y;
+ dev_vis[p].x += dev_vis[p].y;
+ dev_vis[p].x *= 6;
+ __syncthreads();
+ // block reduction, result available only in the first thread
+ T aggregate = BlockReduceT(temp_storage).Sum(dev_vis[p].x);
+ if(threadIdx.z == 0 and threadIdx.y == 0 && threadIdx.x == 0)
+ shared.X2_grad_part[p] = aggregate;
+ }
+ __syncthreads();
+ //atomic addition to avoid concurrent access in the device memory (contribution for a single particle)
+ // 3 different threads writes each a different component to avoid serialisation
+ if (threadIdx.x == 0 && threadIdx.y < 3 && threadIdx.z == 0)
+ {
+ i = SRC - SRC_START + threadIdx.y*DEXT(nssrc);
+ atomicAdd(&(X2_grad[i]), shared.X2_grad_part[threadIdx.y]);
+ }
+ }
+extern "C" {
+// Macro that stamps out different kernels, depending
+// on whether we're handling floats or doubles
+// Arguments
+// - ft: The floating point type. Should be float/double.
+// - ct: The complex type. Should be float2/double2.
+// - apply_weights: boolean indicating whether we're weighting our visibilities
+#define stamp_sersic_chi_squared_gradient_fn(ft, ct, uvwt, apply_weights) \
+__global__ void \
+sersic_chi_squared_gradient( \
+ uvwt * uvw, \
+ ft * sersic_shape, \
+ ft * frequency, \
+ int * antenna1, \
+ int * antenna2, \
+ ct * jones, \
+ uint8_t * flag,\
+ ft * weight_vector, \
+ ct * observed_vis, \
+ ct * G_term, \
+ ct * visibilities, \
+ ft * X2_grad) \
+{ \
+ sersic_chi_squared_gradient_impl(uvw, sersic_shape, \
+ frequency, antenna1, antenna2, jones, flag,\
+ weight_vector, observed_vis, G_term, \
+ visibilities, X2_grad); \
+} // extern "C" {
+class SersicChiSquaredGradient(Node):
+ def __init__(self, weight_vector=False):
+ super(SersicChiSquaredGradient, self).__init__()
+ self.weight_vector = weight_vector
+ def initialise(self, solver, stream=None):
+ slvr = solver
+ ntime, nbl, npolchan = slvr.dim_local_size('ntime', 'nbl', 'npolchan')
+ # Get a property dictionary off the solver
+ D = slvr.template_dict()
+ # Include our kernel parameters
+ D.update(FLOAT_PARAMS if slvr.is_float() else DOUBLE_PARAMS)
+ D['rime_const_data_struct'] = slvr.const_data().string_def()
+ mbu.redistribute_threads(D['BLOCKDIMX'], D['BLOCKDIMY'], D['BLOCKDIMZ'],
+ npolchan, nbl, ntime)
+ regs = str(FLOAT_PARAMS['maxregs'] \
+ if slvr.is_float() else DOUBLE_PARAMS['maxregs'])
+ # Create the signature of the call to the function stamping macro
+ stamp_args = ', '.join([
+ 'float' if slvr.is_float() else 'double',
+ 'float2' if slvr.is_float() else 'double2',
+ 'float3' if slvr.is_float() else 'double3',
+ 'true' if slvr.use_weight_vector() else 'false'])
+ stamp_fn = ''.join(['stamp_sersic_chi_squared_gradient_fn(', stamp_args, ')'])
+ D['stamp_function'] = stamp_fn
+ kname = 'sersic_chi_squared_gradient'
+ self.mod = SourceModule(
+ KERNEL_TEMPLATE.substitute(**D),
+ options=['-lineinfo','-maxrregcount', regs],
+ include_dirs=[montblanc.get_source_path()],
+ no_extern_c=True)
+ self.rime_const_data = self.mod.get_global('C')
+ self.kernel = self.mod.get_function(kname)
+ self.launch_params = self.get_launch_params(slvr, D)
+ def shutdown(self, solver, stream=None):
+ pass
+ def pre_execution(self, solver, stream=None):
+ pass
+ def get_launch_params(self, slvr, D):
+ polchans_per_block = D['BLOCKDIMX']
+ bl_per_block = D['BLOCKDIMY']
+ times_per_block = D['BLOCKDIMZ']
+ ntime, nbl, npolchan = slvr.dim_local_size('ntime', 'nbl', 'npolchan')
+ polchan_blocks = mbu.blocks_required(npolchan, polchans_per_block)
+ bl_blocks = mbu.blocks_required(nbl, bl_per_block)
+ time_blocks = mbu.blocks_required(ntime, times_per_block)
+ return {
+ 'block' : (polchans_per_block, bl_per_block, times_per_block),
+ 'grid' : (polchan_blocks, bl_blocks, time_blocks),
+ }
+ def execute(self, solver, stream=None):
+ slvr = solver
+ if stream is not None:
+ cuda.memcpy_htod_async(
+ self.rime_const_data[0],
+ slvr.const_data().ndary(),
+ stream=stream)
+ else:
+ cuda.memcpy_htod(
+ self.rime_const_data[0],
+ slvr.const_data().ndary())
+ sersic = np.intp(0) if np.product(slvr.sersic_shape.shape) == 0 \
+ else slvr.sersic_shape
+ nssrc = slvr.dim_local_size('nssrc')
+ if slvr.is_float():
+ self.gradient = gpuarray.zeros((3,nssrc,),dtype=np.float32)
+ else:
+ self.gradient = gpuarray.zeros((3,nssrc,),dtype=np.float64)
+ self.kernel(slvr.uvw, sersic,
+ slvr.frequency, slvr.antenna1, slvr.antenna2,
+ slvr.jones, slvr.flag, slvr.weight_vector,
+ slvr.observed_vis, slvr.G_term,
+ slvr.model_vis, self.gradient,
+ stream=stream, **self.launch_params)
+ slvr.X2_grad = self.gradient.get()
+ if not self.weight_vector:
+ slvr.X2_grad = slvr.X2_grad/slvr.sigma_sqrd
+ def post_execution(self, solver, stream=None):
+ pass
diff --git a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/loaders/loaders.py b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/loaders/loaders.py
index eaabc062e..63b1c933f 100644
--- a/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/loaders/loaders.py
+++ b/montblanc/impl/rime/v4/loaders/loaders.py
@@ -250,4 +250,4 @@ def __enter__(solver):
return super(MeasurementSetLoader,solver).__enter__()
def __exit__(solver, type, value, traceback):
- return super(MeasurementSetLoader,solver).__exit__(type,value,traceback)
\ No newline at end of file
+ return super(MeasurementSetLoader,solver).__exit__(type,value,traceback)
diff --git a/montblanc/impl/rime/v5/CompositeRimeSolver.py b/montblanc/impl/rime/v5/CompositeRimeSolver.py
index f717dd247..47d9b98ee 100644
--- a/montblanc/impl/rime/v5/CompositeRimeSolver.py
+++ b/montblanc/impl/rime/v5/CompositeRimeSolver.py
@@ -133,7 +133,9 @@ def __init__(self, slvr_cfg):
# before throttling is applied
self.throttle_factor = slvr_cfg.get(
+ # Enabling chi squared gradient computation
+ self.enable_sersic_grad = slvr_cfg.get(Options.SERSIC_GRADIENT)
# Massage the contexts for each device into a list
if not isinstance(self.dev_ctxs, list):
self.dev_ctxs = [self.dev_ctxs]
@@ -179,6 +181,7 @@ def __init__(self, slvr_cfg):
key=lambda T: T[1])
P, M, mem = budgets[0]
+ #P[Options.NSRC] = slvr_cfg.get(Options.SOURCE_BATCH_SIZE)
# Log some information about the memory budget
# and dimension reduction
@@ -304,6 +307,9 @@ def _gen_vis_slices(self):
cpu_slice['nvis'] = slice(0, 0, 1)
gpu_slice['nvis'] = slice(0, 0, 1)
+ cpu_slice['npol'] = slice(0, npol, 1)
+ gpu_slice['npol'] = slice(0, npol, 1)
montblanc.log.debug('Generating RIME slices')
# Set up time slicing
@@ -864,11 +870,12 @@ def _thread_prime_memory_pools(self):
# Now force return of memory to the pools
for key, array_list in pinned_pool_refs.iteritems():
- [a.base.free() for a in array_list]
+ [a.base.free() for a in array_list]
for array_list in device_pool_refs.itervalues():
[a.free() for a in array_list]
def _thread_start_solving(self):
Contains enqueue thread functionality that needs to
@@ -879,6 +886,7 @@ def _thread_start_solving(self):
# transferred at least once. e.g. the beam cube
[d.clear() for d in self.thread_local.dirty]
def _thread_enqueue_solve_batch(self, cpu_slice_map, gpu_slice_map, **kwargs):
Enqueue CUDA memory transfer and kernel execution operations on a CUDA stream.
@@ -970,6 +978,45 @@ def _thread_enqueue_solve_batch(self, cpu_slice_map, gpu_slice_map, **kwargs):
_update_refs(pool_refs, {'cdata_coherencies' : [cdata_ref]})
kernel.execute(subslvr, subslvr.stream)
+ # Iterate again for gradient computation requiring visibilities computed
+ # for all source chuncks
+ if self.enable_sersic_grad:
+ # Get pinned memory to hold the full X2 gradient
+ nssrc = self.dim_local_size('nssrc')
+ sub_X2_grad = subslvr.pinned_mem_pool.allocate(
+ shape=(3,nssrc), dtype=subslvr.X2_grad.dtype)
+ for src_cpu_slice_map, src_gpu_slice_map in self._gen_source_slices():
+ # Update our maps with source slice information
+ cpu_slice_map.update(src_cpu_slice_map)
+ gpu_slice_map.update(src_gpu_slice_map)
+ # Configure dimension extents and global size on the sub-solver
+ for name, slice_ in cpu_slice_map.iteritems():
+ subslvr.update_dimension(name=name,
+ global_size=self.dimension(name).global_size,
+ lower_extent=slice_.start,
+ upper_extent=slice_.stop)
+ subslvr.X2_grad.fill(0, stream=subslvr.stream)
+ # Enqueue Sersic gradient
+ kernel = subslvr.rime_sersic_gradient
+ new_refs = self._enqueue_array(
+ subslvr, cpu_slice_map, gpu_slice_map,
+ direction=ASYNC_HTOD, dirty=dirty,
+ classifiers=[Classifier.COHERENCIES_INPUT])
+ cdata_ref = self._enqueue_const_data_htod(
+ subslvr, kernel.rime_const_data[0])
+ _update_refs(pool_refs, new_refs)
+ _update_refs(pool_refs, {'cdata_gradient' : [cdata_ref]})
+ kernel.execute(subslvr, subslvr.stream)
+ # Enqueue the X2 gradient slice opy off the GPU onto the CPU
+ src_range = src_cpu_slice_map['nssrc']
+ subslvr.X2_grad.get_async(ary=sub_X2_grad[:,src_range], stream=subslvr.stream)
# Enqueue chi-squared term reduction and return the
# GPU array allocated to it
X2_gpu_ary = subslvr.rime_reduce.execute(subslvr, subslvr.stream)
@@ -982,7 +1029,7 @@ def _thread_enqueue_solve_batch(self, cpu_slice_map, gpu_slice_map, **kwargs):
X2_gpu_ary.get_async(ary=sub_X2, stream=subslvr.stream)
# Enqueue transfer of simulator output (model visibilities) to the CPU
- sim_output_refs = self._enqueue_array(subslvr,
+ sim_output_refs = self._enqueue_array(subslvr,
cpu_slice_map, gpu_slice_map,
direction=ASYNC_DTOH, dirty={},
@@ -1005,11 +1052,17 @@ def _thread_enqueue_solve_batch(self, cpu_slice_map, gpu_slice_map, **kwargs):
- return (sync_event, sub_X2, model_vis,
- pool_refs, subslvr.pool_lock,
- cpu_slice_map.copy(),
- gpu_slice_map.copy())
+ if self.enable_sersic_grad:
+ pool_refs['X2_grad'].append(sub_X2_grad)
+ return (sync_event, sub_X2, model_vis, sub_X2_grad,
+ pool_refs, subslvr.pool_lock,
+ cpu_slice_map.copy(),
+ gpu_slice_map.copy())
+ else:
+ return (sync_event, sub_X2, model_vis,
+ pool_refs, subslvr.pool_lock,
+ cpu_slice_map.copy(),
+ gpu_slice_map.copy())
def initialise(self):
""" Initialise the sub-solver """
@@ -1062,8 +1115,12 @@ def _sync_wait(future):
Return a copy of the pinned chi-squared, pinned model visibilities
and index into the CPU array after synchronizing on the cuda_event
- cuda_event, pinned_X2, pinned_model_vis, \
- pool_refs, pool_lock, cpu, gpu = future.result()
+ if self.enable_sersic_grad:
+ cuda_event, pinned_X2, pinned_model_vis, pinned_X2_grad,\
+ pool_refs, pool_lock, cpu, gpu = future.result()
+ else:
+ cuda_event, pinned_X2, pinned_model_vis, \
+ pool_refs, pool_lock, cpu, gpu = future.result()
@@ -1090,10 +1147,15 @@ def _sync_wait(future):
X2 = pinned_X2.copy()
model_vis = pinned_model_vis.copy().reshape(model_vis_shape)
+ if self.enable_sersic_grad:
+ X2_grad = pinned_X2_grad.copy()
_free_pool_allocs(pool_refs, pool_lock)
- return X2, model_vis, model_vis_idx
+ if self.enable_sersic_grad:
+ return X2, model_vis, model_vis_idx, X2_grad
+ else:
+ return X2, model_vis, model_vis_idx
# For easier typing
C = CompositeRimeSolver
@@ -1111,6 +1173,9 @@ def _sync_wait(future):
# Running sum of the chi-squared values returned in futures
X2_sum = self.ft(0.0)
+ if self.enable_sersic_grad:
+ nssrc = self.dim_local_size('nssrc')
+ self.X2_grad = self.ft(np.zeros((3,nssrc)))
# Sets of return value futures for each executor
value_futures = [set() for ex in self.enqueue_executors]
@@ -1181,8 +1246,12 @@ def _accumulate(model_slice, model_chunk):
for s in value_futures:
- # Get chi-squared and model visibilities
- X2, pinned_model_vis, model_vis_idx = f.result()
+ # Get chi-squared and model visibilities (and X2 gradient)
+ if self.enable_sersic_grad:
+ X2, pinned_model_vis, model_vis_idx, pinned_X2_grad = f.result()
+ self.X2_grad += pinned_X2_grad
+ else:
+ X2, pinned_model_vis, model_vis_idx = f.result()
# Sum X2
X2_sum += X2
# Write model visibilities to the numpy array
@@ -1200,8 +1269,12 @@ def _accumulate(model_slice, model_chunk):
# Sum remaining chi-squared
for f in done:
- # Get chi-squared and model visibilities
- X2, pinned_model_vis, model_vis_idx = f.result()
+ # Get chi-squared and model visibilities (and X2 gradient)
+ if self.enable_sersic_grad:
+ X2, pinned_model_vis, model_vis_idx, pinned_X2_grad = f.result()
+ self.X2_grad += pinned_X2_grad
+ else:
+ X2, pinned_model_vis, model_vis_idx = f.result()
# Sum X2
X2_sum += X2
# Write model visibilities to the numpy array
@@ -1213,6 +1286,8 @@ def _accumulate(model_slice, model_chunk):
+ if self.enable_sersic_grad:
+ self.X2_grad = self.X2_grad/self.sigma_sqrd
def shutdown(self):
""" Shutdown the solver """
diff --git a/montblanc/impl/rime/v5/RimeSolver.py b/montblanc/impl/rime/v5/RimeSolver.py
index 7d7192ee0..32b41d7cf 100644
--- a/montblanc/impl/rime/v5/RimeSolver.py
+++ b/montblanc/impl/rime/v5/RimeSolver.py
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
from montblanc.impl.rime.v5.gpu.RimeEKBSqrt import RimeEKBSqrt
from montblanc.impl.rime.v5.gpu.RimeSumCoherencies import RimeSumCoherencies
from montblanc.impl.rime.v5.gpu.RimeReduction import RimeReduction
+from montblanc.impl.rime.v5.gpu.SersicChiSquaredGradient import SersicChiSquaredGradient
from montblanc.impl.rime.v4.RimeSolver import RimeSolver as RimeSolverV4
@@ -64,11 +65,14 @@ def __init__(self, slvr_cfg):
description='E cube nu depth')
+ self.enable_sersic_grad = slvr_cfg.get(Options.SERSIC_GRADIENT)
self.rime_e_beam = RimeEBeam()
self.rime_b_sqrt = RimeBSqrt()
self.rime_ekb_sqrt = RimeEKBSqrt()
self.rime_sum = RimeSumCoherencies()
self.rime_reduce = RimeReduction()
+ self.rime_sersic_gradient = SersicChiSquaredGradient()
from montblanc.impl.rime.v4.ant_pairs import monkey_patch_antenna_pairs
@@ -136,6 +140,8 @@ def initialise(self):
+ if self.enable_sersic_grad:
+ self.rime_sersic_gradient.initialise(self)
def solve(self):
with self.context:
@@ -144,6 +150,8 @@ def solve(self):
+ if self.enable_sersic_grad:
+ self.rime_sersic_gradient.execute(self)
def shutdown(self):
with self.context:
@@ -151,4 +159,6 @@ def shutdown(self):
- self.rime_reduce.shutdown(self)
\ No newline at end of file
+ self.rime_reduce.shutdown(self)
+ if self.enable_sersic_grad:
+ self.rime_sersic_gradient.shutdown(self)
diff --git a/montblanc/impl/rime/v5/gpu/SersicChiSquaredGradient.py b/montblanc/impl/rime/v5/gpu/SersicChiSquaredGradient.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70d5c0445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/montblanc/impl/rime/v5/gpu/SersicChiSquaredGradient.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Marzia Rivi
+# This file is part of montblanc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, see .
+import numpy as np
+import pycuda.driver as cuda
+import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
+import montblanc.impl.rime.v4.gpu.SersicChiSquaredGradient
+class SersicChiSquaredGradient(montblanc.impl.rime.v4.gpu.SersicChiSquaredGradient.SersicChiSquaredGradient):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(SersicChiSquaredGradient, self).__init__()
+ def initialise(self, solver, stream=None):
+ super(SersicChiSquaredGradient, self).initialise(solver,stream)
+ def shutdown(self, solver, stream=None):
+ super(SersicChiSquaredGradient, self).shutdown(solver,stream)
+ def pre_execution(self, solver, stream=None):
+ super(SersicChiSquaredGradient, self).pre_execution(solver,stream)
+ if stream is not None:
+ cuda.memcpy_htod_async(
+ self.rime_const_data[0],
+ solver.const_data().ndary(),
+ stream=stream)
+ else:
+ cuda.memcpy_htod(
+ self.rime_const_data[0],
+ solver.const_data().ndary())
+ def post_execution(self, solver, stream=None):
+ super(SersicChiSquaredGradient, self).post_execution(solver,stream)
+ def execute(self, solver, stream=None):
+ slvr = solver
+ sersic = np.intp(0) if np.product(slvr.sersic_shape.shape) == 0 \
+ else slvr.sersic_shape
+ self.kernel(slvr.uvw, sersic,
+ slvr.frequency, slvr.antenna1, slvr.antenna2,
+ slvr.jones, slvr.flag, slvr.weight_vector,
+ slvr.observed_vis, slvr.G_term,
+ slvr.model_vis, slvr.X2_grad,
+ stream=stream, **self.launch_params)
diff --git a/montblanc/impl/rime/v5/loaders/loaders.py b/montblanc/impl/rime/v5/loaders/loaders.py
index a35d25848..28545a661 100644
--- a/montblanc/impl/rime/v5/loaders/loaders.py
+++ b/montblanc/impl/rime/v5/loaders/loaders.py
@@ -335,4 +335,4 @@ def __enter__(solver):
return super(MeasurementSetLoader,solver).__enter__()
def __exit__(solver, type, value, traceback):
- return super(MeasurementSetLoader,solver).__exit__(type,value,traceback)
\ No newline at end of file
+ return super(MeasurementSetLoader,solver).__exit__(type,value,traceback)