note: access to remote repositories is managed via [[ authorized ssh keys | ssh key management ]] for the git
user on the remote host.
$ sudo adduser git
$ sudo su git
$ cd ~/
$ mkdir repositories
$ sudo su git
$ cd ~/repositories
$ mkdir project-name.git
$ cd project-name.git
$ git --bare init
$ git config core.sharedrepository 1
$ git config receive.denynonfastforwards true
$ find objects -type d -exec chmod 02770 {} \;
$ exit
$ sudo vi /etc/passwd
change the
user's shell from/bin/bash
to disable, vice versa to enable.
$ git config --global core.excludesfile '~/.gitignore_global'
# vim buffers.
assuming you have a ~/.misc_envars
file, or something similar, that's sourced into your dotfiles, you can define functions like:
# some example variables.
export WEWLAD_NO="buTWhy?"
export COMMIT_SECRETS="w0uldYouDOThIs!?!!"
gconf_clientfoo() {
git config "[email protected]"
gconf_clientbar() {
git config "[email protected]"
git config user.url ""
git config user.signingkey oHB0ygpGS1gn3dC0mm1ts
git config credential.useHttpPath true # cloning via https, are we?
git config credential.helper osxkeychain
git config commit.gpgsign true # moar gee pah gee
git config pgp.program gpg # even moar gee pah gee
note: commiting secrets is a bad plan. it's a good plan to keep creds and project-specific git config functions in a seperate file, like ~/.misc_envars
and then gitignoring the .misc_envars
file. to use, clone a repo, move into it, then run the git config function of your choice.
this is essentially what a git alias is doing, except the git alias prepends what's in the single quotes with git
: for example
$ git config --global alias.clientfoo 'config "[email protected]"'
is like gconf_clientfoo
function in ~/.misc_envars
. aliases work best for simple wrappers around git commands. for more full featured configuration, live off the land (bash).
$ cd project-name
$ git workprofile
$ cd project-name
$ git init
$ git add *
$ git commit -m “initial commit"
$ cd project-name
$ git remote add origin ssh://[email protected]/home/git/repositories/project-name.git
$ git push origin main
$ cd project-name
$ git checkout -b branch-name
$ git push -u origin branch-name
$ git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/branch-name # or set push.autosetupremote=true in your git config.
$ cd project-name
$ git fetch --all # sanity check.
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ git checkout branch-name
$ git pull
$ git merge master
$ git push origin branch-name
$ cd project-name
$ git fetch --all # sanity check.
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ git checkout branch-name # the branch you care about.
$ git pull
$ git rebase master
$ git diff # confirm expected changes, resolve conflicts, etc.
$ git push origin branch-name --force-with-lease
typically, rebase
is used to groom git logs so those logs provide a more meainingful history of work on the project. this means that history is typically overwritten on a rebase, which means that a local working copy is going to diverge from the remote. in that case, --force
is required to overwrite the history on the remote to match the local working copy. this introduces a smaller margin for error, so measure twice and cut once.
will check for commits that are on the remote but missing in the local working copy, and fail if there are missing commits. this is much safer. use --force
only when absolutely required.
$ cd project-name
$ git fetch --all # sanity check.
$ git checkout branch-name
$ git pull
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ git merge branch-name
$ git push origin master
$ cd project-name
$ git push --delete origin branch-name
$ cd project-name
$ git branch -d branch-name
note: useful for cleaning up when branches are deleted by cicd after merging downstream.
# handy function to drop in .bashrc/_profile/wherever.
git-prune-sync() {
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
local remote=origin
local remote=$1
if [ "$(type -P git)" ]; then
git remote prune "$remote"
echo "pruned $remote branch references."
if git rev-parse --git-dir > /dev/null 2>&1; then
gone_remote_branches=$(git branch -vv | grep "gone" | awk "{print \$1}")
if [[ -z "$gone_remote_branches" ]]; then
echo "no local branches track a gone $remote branch."
for gone_remote_branch in $gone_remote_branches; do
echo "$gone_remote_branch" | xargs git branch -D
echo "not a git repository."
echo "'git' command not available. check your installation."
$ git rm --cached file_or_dir
$ git commit --amend -chead
$ git push --force-with-lease
$ git filter-branch --tree-filter "rm -rf file_or_dir"
$ git push --force-with-lease
$ git reset --hard head~1
$ git push -f <remote> <branch>
$ git log # find the sha of the n-1 commit.
$ git rebase -i <sha of n-1 commit/> # note: will open vim, so if you're in vim already use fugitive.
# use the editor (vim) to squash (and possibly reword) commits.
# if you're running a terminal inside vim (or neovim), be careful to avoid
# "vimception," i.e. running vim inside of a vim terminal emulator.
$ git push --force-with-lease