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File metadata and controls

41 lines (36 loc) · 2.64 KB


By default Keycloak (up to 12) only supports ReCaptcha for Registration, not login. so we created a simple module for activating recaptcha for login

How to use

  • first run mvn clean install. it will produce target/recaptcha-login.jar.
  • Then start keycloak with docker-compose up
    • the target/recaptcha-login.jar is mounted to /opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/deployments/recaptcha-login.jar, so it will be detected by JBoss automatically as a plugin.
    • login.ftl is the login template inside base theme for keycloak in /opt/jboss/keycloak/themes/base/login/login.ftl. We decided to override it to add recaptcha related items into it directly. so we have a modified login.ftl file inside project. which is mounted into the container.
    • we injected realm settings in to keycloaks' container by playground-realm.json. One of the most important realm settings is X-Frame-Options which is set to ALLOW-FROM in the file. The other important setting is Content-Security-Policy which is set to frame-src 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self'; object-src 'none';.
  • Go to localhost:8080 and login with admin username and admin password.
  • Make sure You're in Playground realm. Go to Authentication section in left side menu. Go to Flows tab.
  • Pick Browser With Recaptcha flow in the drop down
  • Under Recaptcha Username Password Form row click Actions and then Config
  • Put the sitekey and secret obtained from into the config
  • Go back to Authentication side menu, go to Bindings tab and change browser flow to browser with recaptcha
  • Go to Users side menu, click Add user. create a user and make it enabled, and set it's credential properly.
  • Go back to Users, click View all users and on that specifiec user you have created in prev step, click impersonate.
  • Then Sign Out and then Sign In. If you have done everything precisely, then you'll be able to see the recaptcha form.


Inside the login.ftl, We have just added this part inside <form></form> section. So inside RecaptchaUsernamePasswordForm we will set recaptchaRequired to true, and this part of login.ftl will be enabled for recaptcha based logins. If using normal UsernamePasswordForm then this part will not be enabled in the login form.

<#if recaptchaRequired??>
    <div class="form-group">
        <div class="${properties.kcInputWrapperClass!}">
            <div class="g-recaptcha" data-size="compact" data-sitekey="${recaptchaSiteKey}"></div>