You'll discover most of the pins on the ESP32 cam are already used or have wonky behaviors.
To make matters a bit more confusing the layout seems to be done by a inebriated engineer or (more likely) a trace auto-router.
Some of those poor decisions (e.g. not exposing the I2C pins) significantly cripple the possible applications.
However pins listed as "not exposed" could be accessible using a soldering iron, or a custom FPC in the camera interface.
- Pin Notes
- Table of contents
- GPIO5 - (not exposed)
- GPIO6 - (not exposed)
- GPIO7 - (not exposed)
- GPIO8 - (not exposed)
- GPIO9 - (not exposed)
- GPIO10 - (not exposed)
- GPIO11 - (not exposed)
- GPIO12 - HS2_DATA2
- GPIO13 - HS2_DATA3
- GPIO15 - HS2_CMD
- GPIO16 - U2RXD "useless gpio"
- GPIO17 - (not exposed) PSRAM_CLK
- GPIO18 - (not exposed)
- GPIO19 - (not exposed)
- GPIO20 - ??
- GPIO21 - (not exposed)
- GPIO22 - (not exposed)
- GPIO23 - (not exposed)
- GPIO24 - (not exposed) - ??
- GPIO25 - (not exposed)
- GPIO26 - (not exposed)
- GPIO27 - (not exposed)
- GPIO28 - (not exposed)
- GPIO29 - (not exposed)
- GPIO30 - (not exposed)
- GPIO31 - (not exposed)
- GPIO32 - (not exposed)
- GPIO33 - (sort of exposed) pcb LED
- GPIO34 - (not exposed)
- GPIO35 - (not exposed)
- GPIO36 - (not exposed)
- GPIO37 - (not exposed)
- GPIO38 - (not exposed)
- GPIO39 - (not exposed)
- GPIO General Purpose
- Pull to ground (at reset) to put board into flash mode
- Internally has a 3.3v 10k pullup resistor (R19)
- CSI_MCLK is used by Camera (line 12 on FPC)
- strapping pin - ESP32_S datasheet, default:pull-up spi-boot:1, download-boot:0
- Supports Capactive Sensing T1 (see ESP32_S datasheet section 4.1.5 "Touch Sensor")
- ADC2_CH1- 12bit SAR ADC
- Signal: HSPIHD - Parallel QSPI
- Signal: EMAC_TX_CLK - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface
- listed in ESP32_S datasheet as "RTC_Function2" I2C_SDA
- designated as a (wpu) "weak pull up" by ESP32_S datasheet v3.4 pg53 IO/Mux Addendum
- used for serial output
- designated as OUTPUT ONLY
- Used by SD-Card
- Usable as a SPI MISO (reference)
- strapping pin - ESP32_S datasheet, default:pull-down -- must be down to download boot on GPIO0)
- Supports Capactive Sensing T2 (see ESP32_S datasheet section 4.1.5 "Touch Sensor")
- ADC2_CH2- 12bit SAR ADC, SD Memory card v3.01
- Signal: HSPIWP - Parallel QSPI
- designated as a (wpd) "weak pull down" by ESP32_S datasheet v3.4 pg53 IO/Mux Addendum
- used for serial input
- Signal: EMAC_RXD2 - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface
- designated as I1? (input only?)
- Used by SD Card
- has a 47Kohm resistor (R11) on the SD1/MicroSD line
- connected to onboard 3030 SMD LED (Flashlight)
- might be usable as a SPI MOSI (need to verify)
- Supports Capactive Sensing T0 (see ESP32_S datasheet section 4.1.5 "Touch Sensor")
- ADC2_CH0- 12bit SAR ADC, Supports SD Memory Card v3.01
- Signal: EMAC_TX_ER - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface
- listed in ESP32_S datasheet as "RTC_Function2" I2C_SCL
- designated as a (wpd) "weak pull down" by ESP32_S datasheet v3.4 pg53 IO/Mux Addendum
- 1-bit SD Card 'hack' initialize the microSD card as follows, then the microSD card won’t use the GPIO4, GPIO12, GPIO13 data lines (HS_DATA1, HS_DATA2, HS_DATA3 respectively)!
// enable SD_MMC in menuconfig > Arduino section #include "SD_MMC.h" ... SD_MMC.begin("/sdcard", true)
- CSI_D0 esp_camera.h:CAM_PIN_D0 -> Camera FPC Y2
- strapping pin - ESP32_S datasheet, default:pull-up w/GPIO5 controls Timing of SDIO slave (see documentation)
- Signal: VSPICS0 - Parallel QSPI
- Signal: EMAC_RX_CLK - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface
- SPICLK - Parallel QSPI
- SPIHD - Parallel QSPI
- SPIWP - Parallel QSPI
- SPICS0 - Parallel QSPI
- ESP32_S datasheet reference: MTDI
- Hint: use the SD-Card 1bit mode trick described on GPIO4 to use this pin!
- used as strapping pin - ESP32_S datasheet, default:pull-down selects voltage (3.3v:0, 1.8v:1)
- Supports Capactive Sensing T5 (see ESP32_S datasheet section 4.1.5 "Touch Sensor")
- JTAG, ADC2_CH5- 12bit SAR ADC
- Signal HSPIQ - Parallel QSPI
- Signal: EMAC_TXD3 - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface
- also RTC_GPIO15
- MTDI (GPIO12) is used as a bootstrapping pin to select the output voltage of an internal regulator (VDD_SDIO) which powers the flash chip.
- when connected as SDA (for I2C) causes "RTCWDT_RTC_REST"exception ets_main.c 371 at boot due to flash voltage not being set properly.
- To resolve: it is (Recommended) by EspressIf to Burn the flash voltage selection eFuses. This will permanently configure the internal regulator’s output voltage to 3.3 V, and GPIO12 will not be used as a bootstrapping pin. After that, connect a pull-up resistor to GPIO12.
- Reference & Instructions: overview of compatibility
- ESP32_S datasheet: MTCK
- Hint: use the SD-Card 1bit mode trick described on GPIO4 to use this pin!
- Supports Capactive Sensing T4 (see ESP32_S datasheet section 4.1.5 "Touch Sensor")
- JTAG, ADC2_CH4- 12bit SAR ADC, SD Memory card v3.01
- Signal HSPID - Parallel QSPI
- Signal: EMAC_RX_ER - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface
- ESP32_S datasheet: MTMS
- Usable as an SPI CLK (reference)
- Supports Capactive Sensing T6 (see ESP32_S datasheet section 4.1.5 "Touch Sensor")
- JTAG, ADC6_CH0- 12bit SAR ADC, SD memory card v3.01
- Signal: HSPICLK - Parallel QSPI
- Signal: EMAC_TXD2 - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface
- also RTC_GPIO16
- ESP32_S datasheet: MTDO
- might be usable as an SPI CS/CMD (need to verify)
- strapping pin - ESP32_S datasheet, default:pull-up enable/disable debugging log print over U0TXD during boot (active:1, silent:0)
- Supports Capactive Sensing T3 (see ESP32_S datasheet section 4.1.5 "Touch Sensor")
- JTAG, ADC2_CH3- 12bit SAR ADC
- Signal HSPICS0 - Parallel QSPI
- Signal: EMAC_RXD3 - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface
- designated as a (wpu) "weak pull up" by ESP32_S datasheet v3.4 pg53 IO/Mux Addendum
- is not RTC (can't be used for pwm or precision measurement)
- Note that GPIO 16 is not an ADC pin, so you can’t read analog sensors on this pin.
- Additionally, GPIO 16 is not an RTC GPIO, so it can’t be used as an external wake-up source.
- has a 10Kohm pull-up resistor
- is connected to CS# pin1 of onboard PSRAM64 (64Mbit/8mb CMOS SRAM) that is required for most high resolution camera applications
- Signal: EMAC_CLK_OUT - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface
- Signal: EMAC_CLK_OUT_180 - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface
- CSI_D1 esp_camera.h:CAM_PIN_D1 -> Camera FPC Y3
- Signal VSPICLK - Parallel QSPI
- CSI_D2 esp_camera.h:CAM_PIN_D2 -> Camera FPC Y4
- Signal VSPIQ - Parallel QSPI
- Signal: EMAC_TXD0 - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface
- esp_camera.h:CAM_PIN_D3 -> Camera FPC Y5
- Signal VSIHD - Parallel QSPI
- Signal: EMAC_TX_EN - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface
- CS1_PCLK esp_camera.h:CAM_PIN_PCLK
- Signal VSPIWP - Parallel QSPI
- Signal: EMAC_TXD1 - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface
- CS1_HSYNC esp_camera.h:CAM_PIN_HREF
- Signal VSPID - Parallel QSPI
- esp_camera.h:CAM_PIN_VSYNC -> Camera FPC CS1_VSYNC
- DAC_1, ADC2_CH8- 12bit SAR ADC
- Signal: EMAC_RXD0 - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface
- also RTC_GPIO6
- TW1_SDA esp_camera.h:CAM_PIN_SIOD -> Camera FPC SIO_D TW1_SCK (line 20)
- could be used for I2C SDA (if it was exposed)
- has 4.7k (R17) resistor, maybe retrofittable with a wire (but unsure of location)
- DAC_2, ADC2_CH9- 12bit SAR ADC
- Signal: EMAC_RXD1 - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface
- also RTC_GPIO7
- TW1_SCK esp_camera.h:CAM_PIN_SIOC -> Camera FPC SIO_C TW1_SCK (line 22)
- could be used for I2C SCL (if it was exposed)
- has 4.7k (R18) resistor, maybe retrofittable with a wire (but unsure of location)
- Supports Capactive Sensing T7 (see ESP32_S datasheet section 4.1.5 "Touch Sensor")
- ADC2_CH7- 12bit SAR ADC
- Signal: EMAC_RX_DV - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface
- also RTC_GPIO17
- ?? not defined in the ESP32_S specifications
- ?? not defined in the ESP32_S specifications
- ?? not defined in the ESP32_S specifications
- ?? not defined in the ESP32_S specifications
- esp_camera.h:CAM_PIN_PWDN - Reset Switch "K1"
- Analog Pin name: 32K_XP
- esp32cam pcb line has a 0.1uF coupled to GND
- esp32cam pcb line has 3.3v 10Kohm (R6) pullup
- ADC1_CH4
- Supports Capactive Sensing T9 (see ESP32_S datasheet section 4.1.5 "Touch Sensor")
- also RTC_GPIO9
- Analog pin name: 32K_XN
- Supports Capactive Sensing T8 (see ESP32_S datasheet section 4.1.5 "Touch Sensor")
- Is connected to the internal BLUE(authentic)/RED(clone) LED on the PCB.
- If this is on, the WIFI won't work.
- ADC1_CH5
- also RTC_GPIO8
- esp_camera.h:CAM_PIN_D6 -> Camera FPC Y8
- Analog pin name: VDET_1
- ADC1_CH6
- also RTC_GPIO4
- esp_camera.h:CAM_PIN_D7
- Analog pin: VDET_2
- ADC1_CH7
- also RTC_GPIO5
- esp_camera.h:CAM_PIN_D4
- Analog pin name: SENSOR_VP
- ADC1_CH0
- also RTC_GPIO0
- Analog pin name: SENSOR_CAPP
- ADC1_CH1
- also RTC_GPIO1
- Analog pin name: SENSOR_CAPN
- ADC1_CH2
- also RTC_GPIO2
- esp_camera.h:CAM_PIN_D5 -> Camera FPC Y9
- Analog pin name: SENSOR_VN
- ADC1_CH3
- also RTC_GPIO3
According to the ESP32_S docs "Any GPIO Pins" can be used to:
- Motor PWM
- Three channels of 16bit timers generate PWM waveforms, three fault detection signals, three event capture signals, three sync signals
- Two UART Devices with hardware flow control & DMA
- I2C
- devices in slave or master mode
- I2S
- Stereo input/output, Parallel LCD data output, Parallel Camera Data input
- Infrared Remote Controller
- Eight channels for an IR transmitter & receiver of various waveforms
- General Purpose SPI
- LED PWM (16 independent channels @80mhz with duty accuracy of 16bits),
- Pulse Counter (pcnt_sig_ch[0-1]_in[0-7])
- Signals: EMAC_MDC_out, EMAC_MDI_in, EMAC_MDO_out, EMAC_CRS_out, EMAC_COL_out - Ethernet MAC MII/RII interface