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875 lines (795 loc) · 36.4 KB

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875 lines (795 loc) · 36.4 KB


README: 中文 | English

  • 为Go提供与wireshark相同的数据包处理能力
  • 支持离线、在线数据包解析
  • 基于wiresharklibpcap动态链接库


1. 安装

1.1. 前置条件

  • glib-2.0
# install glib-2.0
sudo apt install libglib2.0-dev -y

1.2. 用法

go get ""


cd tests/
go test -v -run TestDissectPrintFirstFrame

如何解析 pcap 数据包文件的某一帧:

package main

import (


func main() {
	inputFilepath := "pcaps/mysql.pcapng"
	frameData, err := gowireshark.GetSpecificFrameProtoTreeInJson(inputFilepath, 65, true, true)
	if err != nil {

	colSrc := frameData.WsSource.Layers["_ws.col"]
	col, err := gowireshark.UnmarshalWsCol(colSrc)
	if err != nil {

	frameSrc := frameData.WsSource.Layers["frame"]
	frame, err := gowireshark.UnmarshalFrame(frameSrc)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("# Frame index:", col.Num)
	fmt.Println("## WsIndex:", frameData.WsIndex)
	fmt.Println("## Offset:", frameData.Offset)
	fmt.Println("## Hex:", frameData.Hex)
	fmt.Println("## Ascii:", frameData.Ascii)

	fmt.Println("【layer _ws.col】:", col)
	fmt.Println("【layer frame】:", frame)


2. 详细说明

2.1. 项目目录

├── cJSON.c
├── frame_tvbuff.c
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── gowireshark.go
├── include/
│   ├── cJSON.h
│   ├── frame_tvbuff.h
│   ├── lib.h
│   ├── libpcap/
│   ├── offline.h
│   ├── online.h
│   ├── uthash.h
│   └── wireshark/
├── lib.c
├── libs/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── offline.c
├── online.c
├── pcaps/
│   └── mysql.pcapng
└── tests/
    └── gowireshark_test.go


文件 说明
include/wireshark/ wireshark 编译后源码
include/libpcap/ libpcap 未编译源码
frame_tvbuff.cinclude/frame_tvbuff.h wireshark的源码文件、拷贝出来的、必须放在此处
libs/ wireshark、libpcap最新动态链接库文件
pcaps/ 用于测试的 pcap 数据包文件
tests/ 测试文件夹
uthash.h 第三方 uthash
cJSON.c、cJSON.h 第三方cJSON
lib.c、offline.c、online.c 用C封装和加强libpcap和wireshark功能的代码
include/lib.h、offline.h、online.h 暴露给go的一些c接口
gowireshark.go 用go封装最终的接口,用户go程序可直接使用

2.2. 调用链

graph LR
    B(clang)-.->C[wireshark dll]
    B(clang)-.->D[libpcap dll]
    style A fill:#FFCCCC
    style B fill:#99CCCC
    style C fill:#FFCC99,stroke:#FFCCCC,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5, 5
    style D fill:#FFCC99,stroke:#FFCCCC,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5, 5

2.3. 编译dll

如何编译wireshark, libpcap动态链接库?

如果编译的 wireshark 和 libpcap 动态链接库与当前项目支持的版本不同,请同时覆盖 include/wireshark/include/libpcap/ 目录;

注意,如果 wireshark 版本变化很大,本项目中的某些接口可能无效,但可以研究和修复;

# 确定最新发行版本并设置环境变量
export WIRESHARKV=4.2.5
# 到/opt目录下操作
cd /opt/
# 下载源码
# 解压缩并修改文件夹名称
tar -xvf wireshark-$WIRESHARKV.tar.xz
mv wireshark-$WIRESHARKV wireshark
# 到/opt/wireshark目录操作
cd /opt/wireshark/

--------[首次编译需要检查下] 如何检查编译所需的依赖项-------------
# 根据输出的红色错误日志解决依赖项问题,直到发生 qt5 错误时忽略这些问题
cmake -LH ./

# 如果没有 cmake,请先安装它
export CMAKEV=3.29.3
sudo wget$CMAKEV.tar.gz
tar -xzf cmake-$CMAKEV.tar.gz
mv cmake-$CMAKEV cmake
cd /opt/cmake
sudo ./bootstrap
sudo make
sudo make install
cmake --version

# 可能需要安装的依赖项
sudo apt install build-essential -y
sudo apt install libgcrypt-dev -y
sudo apt install libc-ares-dev -y
sudo apt install flex -y
sudo apt install libglib2.0-dev -y
sudo apt install libssl-dev -y
sudo apt install ninja-build -y
sudo apt install pcaputils -y
sudo apt install libpcap-dev -y
# ubuntu
sudo apt install libxslt1-dev
sudo apt install doxygen
sudo apt install libspeexdsp-dev
# mac m1
sudo brew install libxslt1
sudo brew install doxygen
sudo brew install libspeexdsp-dev

# 根据问题解决完成情况,删除测试生成的文件
rm CMakeCache.txt
rm -rf CMakeFiles/

# 在 /opt/wireshark/ 目录下创建一个用来构建的目录
mkdir build && cd build
# 构建[生产用]
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_wireshark=off -DENABLE_LUA=off ..
# 编译[时长略久]

# 编译成功后,进入build/run/目录查看编译后的动态链接库
cd run/ && ls -lh
# 覆盖替换原始的 9 个 wireshark 动态链接库文件
cd /opt/gowireshark/libs/
cp /opt/wireshark/build/run/lib*so* .
# 首先执行 步骤 [修正源码导入错误]
# 覆盖 wireshark 源文件夹(先删除无用的 build/ 目录)
rm -rf /opt/wireshark/build/
# 将源码拷贝到项目前可以将原 /opt/gowireshark/include/wireshark/ 目录备份
cp -r /opt/wireshark/ /opt/gowireshark/include/wireshark/

# 查看项目目录结构 [项目目录父目录执行]
tree -L 2 -F gowireshark

[修正源码导入错误] 可以使用IDE批量修改

#include <ws_version.h>
#include <config.h>
// 在build后, 将生成文件 `ws_version.h``config.h`, 将它俩复制到wireshark根目录,最后在将`wireshark/`覆盖到项目`include/wireshark/`目录
cp /opt/wireshark/build/ws_version.h /opt/wireshark/ws_version.h
cp /opt/wireshark/build/config.h /opt/wireshark/config.h

#include <wireshark.h>
#include <include/wireshark.h>

#include "ws_symbol_export.h"
#include "include/ws_symbol_export.h"

#include <ws_symbol_export.h>
#include <include/ws_symbol_export.h>

#include <ws_attributes.h>
#include <include/ws_attributes.h>

#include <ws_log_defs.h>
#include <include/ws_log_defs.h>

#include <ws_posix_compat.h>
#include <include/ws_posix_compat.h>

#include <ws_diag_control.h>
#include <include/ws_diag_control.h>

#include <ws_codepoints.h>
#include <include/ws_codepoints.h>

#include "ws_attributes.h"
#include "include/ws_attributes.h"

#include "ws_compiler_tests.h"
#include "include/ws_compiler_tests.h"

#include <ws_compiler_tests.h>
#include <include/ws_compiler_tests.h>
# 确定最新发行版本并设置环境变量
export PCAPV=1.10.4
# 在/opt目录下操作
cd /opt
tar -zxvf libpcap-$PCAPV.tar.gz
cd libpcap-$PCAPV
export CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc
./configure --host=aarch64-linux --with-pcap=linux
# 编译

# 成功编译后,重命名动态链接库文件
# 最后替换原动态链接库文件
mv /opt/libpcap-$PCAPV/ /opt/gowireshark/libs/

# 如果没有flex、bison库,请先安装
apt install flex
apt install bison

2.4. 解析结果格式说明

  1. 增加的字段,在原生wireshark解析结果基础上增加了三个字段:

    • offset 偏移量
    • hex 16进制数据
    • ascii ascii字符
  2. 描述性值逻辑来源

    • 原生的打印协议树接口proto_tree_print包含描述性值,而协议json输出接口write_json_proto_tree不包含描述性值,通过借鉴前者的实现逻辑proto_tree_print_node可以完善这个功能;
    • 修改后接口GetSpecificFrameProtoTreeInJson参数isDescriptive,对应c接口proto_tree_in_jsondescriptive参数;设置为false则字段不带描述性值,设置为true则字段带描述性值;
    • 主要参考proto.h函数的proto_item_fill_label函数:
      /** Fill given label_str with a simple string representation of field.
       @param finfo the item to get the info from
       @param label_str the string to fill
       @todo think about changing the parameter profile */
      WS_DLL_PUBLIC void
      proto_item_fill_label(field_info *finfo, gchar *label_str);
        "_index": "packets-2023-12-12",
        "_type": "doc",
        "_score": {},
        "offset": ["0000", "0010", "0020", "0030", "0040", "0050", "0060", "0070", "0080", "0090"],
        "hex": ["00 e0 4c 94 13 13 00 1c 42 b5 ef cf 08 00 45 00", "00 8d 2b 5f 40 00 40 06 76 97 c0 a8 0b d1 c0 a8", "0b 53 da 92 0c ea ed 32 0f 36 b0 a2 a1 de 80 18", "01 f6 75 85 00 00 01 01 08 0a 0a 2b 2d 19 cf 39", "56 d8 55 00 00 01 8d a2 0a 00 00 00 00 00 2d 00", "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00", "00 00 00 00 00 00 72 6f 6f 74 00 14 36 f7 ff 52", "c6 43 b2 88 21 2d 6b 52 be 48 85 e7 c9 16 73 b2", "64 65 6d 6f 00 6d 79 73 71 6c 5f 6e 61 74 69 76", "65 5f 70 61 73 73 77 6f 72 64 00               "],
        "ascii": ["..L.....B.....E.", "..+_@[email protected].......", ".S.....2.6......", "..u........+-..9", "V.U...........-.", "................", "......root..6..R", ".C..!-kR.H....s.", "demo.mysql_nativ", "e_password."],
        "_source": {
            "layers": {
                "frame": {
                    "frame.section_number": "1",
                    "frame.interface_id": "0",
                    "frame.encap_type": "1",
                    "frame.time": "Dec 12, 2023 14:25:23.682836000 CST",
                    "frame.time_utc": "Dec 12, 2023 06:25:23.682836000 UTC",
                    "frame.time_epoch": "1702362323.682836000",
                    "frame.offset_shift": "0.000000000",
                    "frame.time_delta": "0.000028000",
                    "frame.time_delta_displayed": "0.000028000",
                    "frame.time_relative": "0.000000000",
                    "frame.number": "65",
                    "frame.len": "155",
                    "frame.cap_len": "155",
                    "frame.marked": "0",
                    "frame.ignored": "0",
                    "frame.protocols": "eth:ethertype:ip:tcp:mysql"
                "eth": {
                    "eth.dst": "00:e0:4c:94:13:13",
                    "eth.dst_tree": {
                        "eth.dst_resolved": "RealtekSemic_94:13:13",
                        "eth.dst.oui": "57420",
                        "eth.dst.oui_resolved": "Realtek Semiconductor Corp.",
                        "eth.addr": "00:e0:4c:94:13:13",
                        "eth.addr_resolved": "RealtekSemic_94:13:13",
                        "eth.addr.oui": "57420",
                        "eth.addr.oui_resolved": "Realtek Semiconductor Corp.",
                        "eth.dst.lg": "0",
                        "eth.lg": "0",
                        "eth.dst.ig": "0",
                        "eth.ig": "0"
                    "eth.src": "00:1c:42:b5:ef:cf",
                    "eth.src_tree": {
                        "eth.src_resolved": "Parallels_b5:ef:cf",
                        "eth.src.oui": "7234",
                        "eth.src.oui_resolved": "Parallels, Inc.",
                        "eth.addr": "00:1c:42:b5:ef:cf",
                        "eth.addr_resolved": "Parallels_b5:ef:cf",
                        "eth.addr.oui": "7234",
                        "eth.addr.oui_resolved": "Parallels, Inc.",
                        "eth.src.lg": "0",
                        "eth.lg": "0",
                        "eth.src.ig": "0",
                        "eth.ig": "0"
                    "eth.type": "0x0800"
                "ip": {
                    "ip.version": "4",
                    "ip.hdr_len": "20",
                    "ip.dsfield": "0x00",
                    "ip.dsfield_tree": {
                        "ip.dsfield.dscp": "0",
                        "ip.dsfield.ecn": "0"
                    "ip.len": "141",
                    "": "0x2b5f",
                    "ip.flags": "0x02",
                    "ip.flags_tree": {
                        "ip.flags.rb": "0",
                        "ip.flags.df": "1",
                        "": "0"
                    "ip.frag_offset": "0",
                    "ip.ttl": "64",
                    "ip.proto": "6",
                    "ip.checksum": "0x7697",
                    "ip.checksum.status": "2",
                    "ip.src": "",
                    "ip.addr": "",
                    "ip.src_host": "",
                    "": "",
                    "ip.dst": "",
                    "ip.dst_host": ""
                "tcp": {
                    "tcp.srcport": "55954",
                    "tcp.dstport": "3306",
                    "tcp.port": "55954",
                    "": "1",
                    "tcp.completeness": "15",
                    "tcp.completeness_tree": {
                        "tcp.completeness.rst": "0",
                        "tcp.completeness.fin": "0",
                        "": "1",
                        "tcp.completeness.ack": "1",
                        "tcp.completeness.syn-ack": "1",
                        "tcp.completeness.syn": "1",
                        "tcp.completeness.str": "··DASS"
                    "tcp.len": "89",
                    "tcp.seq": "1",
                    "tcp.seq_raw": "3979480886",
                    "tcp.nxtseq": "90",
                    "tcp.ack": "79",
                    "tcp.ack_raw": "2963448286",
                    "tcp.hdr_len": "32",
                    "tcp.flags": "0x0018",
                    "tcp.flags_tree": {
                        "tcp.flags.res": "0",
                        "": "0",
                        "tcp.flags.cwr": "0",
                        "tcp.flags.ece": "0",
                        "tcp.flags.urg": "0",
                        "tcp.flags.ack": "1",
                        "tcp.flags.push": "1",
                        "tcp.flags.reset": "0",
                        "tcp.flags.syn": "0",
                        "tcp.flags.fin": "0",
                        "tcp.flags.str": "·······AP···"
                    "tcp.window_size_value": "502",
                    "tcp.window_size": "64256",
                    "tcp.window_size_scalefactor": "128",
                    "tcp.checksum": "0x7585",
                    "tcp.checksum.status": "2",
                    "tcp.urgent_pointer": "0",
                    "tcp.options": "01:01:08:0a:0a:2b:2d:19:cf:39:56:d8",
                    "tcp.options_tree": {
                        "tcp.options.nop": "01",
                        "tcp.options.nop_tree": {
                            "tcp.option_kind": "1"
                        "tcp.options.timestamp": "08:0a:0a:2b:2d:19:cf:39:56:d8",
                        "tcp.options.timestamp_tree": {
                            "tcp.option_kind": "8",
                            "tcp.option_len": "10",
                            "tcp.options.timestamp.tsval": "170601753",
                            "tcp.options.timestamp.tsecr": "3476641496"
                    "Timestamps": {
                        "tcp.time_relative": "0.022846000",
                        "tcp.time_delta": "0.000028000"
                    "tcp.analysis": {
                        "tcp.analysis.initial_rtt": "0.000419000",
                        "tcp.analysis.bytes_in_flight": "89",
                        "tcp.analysis.push_bytes_sent": "89"
                    "tcp.payload": "55:00:00:01:8d:a2:0a:00:00:00:00:00:2d:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:72:6f:6f:74:00:14:36:f7:ff:52:c6:43:b2:88:21:2d:6b:52:be:48:85:e7:c9:16:73:b2:64:65:6d:6f:00:6d:79:73:71:6c:5f:6e:61:74:69:76:65:5f:70:61:73:73:77:6f:72:64:00",
                    "tcp.pdu.size": "89"
                "mysql": {
                    "mysql.packet_length": "85",
                    "mysql.packet_number": "1",
                    "mysql.login_request": {
                        "mysql.caps.client": "0xa28d",
                        "mysql.caps.client_tree": {
                            "mysql.caps.lp": "1",
                            "": "0",
                            "mysql.caps.lf": "1",
                            "": "1",
                            "mysql.caps.ns": "0",
                            "mysql.caps.cp": "0",
                            "mysql.caps.ob": "0",
                            "": "1",
                            "": "0",
                            "": "1",
                            "mysql.caps.ia": "0",
                            "": "0",
                            "mysql.caps.ii": "0",
                            "mysql.caps.ta": "1",
                            "": "0",
                            "": "1"
                        "mysql.extcaps.client": "0x000a",
                        "mysql.extcaps.client_tree": {
                            "": "0",
                            "": "1",
                            "": "0",
                            "": "1",
                            "": "0",
                            "mysql.caps.ep": "0",
                            "mysql.caps.session_track": "0",
                            "mysql.caps.deprecate_eof": "0",
                            "mysql.caps.optional_metadata": "0",
                            "mysql.caps.compress_zsd": "0",
                            "mysql.caps.query_attrs": "0",
                            "mysql.caps.mf_auth": "0",
                            "mysql.caps.cap_ext": "0",
                            "": "0",
                            "mysql.caps.unused": "0x0000"
                        "mysql.max_packet": "0",
                        "mysql.charset": "45",
                        "mysql.unused": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00",
                        "mysql.user": "root",
                        "mysql.passwd": "36:f7:ff:52:c6:43:b2:88:21:2d:6b:52:be:48:85:e7:c9:16:73:b2",
                        "mysql.schema": "demo",
                        "mysql.client_auth_plugin": "mysql_native_password"
                "_ws.col": {
                    "_ws.col.number": "65",
                    "_ws.col.cls_time": "0.000000",
                    "_ws.col.def_src": "",
                    "_ws.col.def_dst": "",
                    "_ws.col.protocol": "MySQL",
                    "_ws.col.packet_length": "155",
                    "": "Login Request user=root db=demo "
        "_index": "packets-2023-12-12",
        "_type": "doc",
        "_score": {},
        "offset": ["0000", "0010", "0020", "0030", "0040", "0050", "0060", "0070", "0080", "0090"],
        "hex": ["00 e0 4c 94 13 13 00 1c 42 b5 ef cf 08 00 45 00", "00 8d 2b 5f 40 00 40 06 76 97 c0 a8 0b d1 c0 a8", "0b 53 da 92 0c ea ed 32 0f 36 b0 a2 a1 de 80 18", "01 f6 75 85 00 00 01 01 08 0a 0a 2b 2d 19 cf 39", "56 d8 55 00 00 01 8d a2 0a 00 00 00 00 00 2d 00", "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00", "00 00 00 00 00 00 72 6f 6f 74 00 14 36 f7 ff 52", "c6 43 b2 88 21 2d 6b 52 be 48 85 e7 c9 16 73 b2", "64 65 6d 6f 00 6d 79 73 71 6c 5f 6e 61 74 69 76", "65 5f 70 61 73 73 77 6f 72 64 00               "],
        "ascii": ["..L.....B.....E.", "..+_@[email protected].......", ".S.....2.6......", "..u........+-..9", "V.U...........-.", "................", "......root..6..R", ".C..!-kR.H....s.", "demo.mysql_nativ", "e_password."],
        "_source": {
            "layers": {
                "frame": {
                    "frame.section_number": "1",
                    "frame.interface_id": "0",
                    "frame.encap_type": "Ethernet (1)",
                    "frame.time": "Dec 12, 2023 14:25:23.682836000 CST",
                    "frame.time_utc": "Dec 12, 2023 06:25:23.682836000 UTC",
                    "frame.time_epoch": "1702362323.682836000",
                    "frame.offset_shift": "0.000000000 seconds",
                    "frame.time_delta": "0.000028000 seconds",
                    "frame.time_delta_displayed": "0.000028000 seconds",
                    "frame.time_relative": "0.000000000 seconds",
                    "frame.number": "65",
                    "frame.len": "155",
                    "frame.cap_len": "155",
                    "frame.marked": "False",
                    "frame.ignored": "False",
                    "frame.protocols": "eth:ethertype:ip:tcp:mysql"
                "eth": {
                    "eth.dst": "RealtekSemic_94:13:13 (00:e0:4c:94:13:13)",
                    "eth.dst_tree": {
                        "eth.dst_resolved": "RealtekSemic_94:13:13",
                        "eth.dst.oui": "00:e0:4c (Realtek Semiconductor",
                        "eth.dst.oui_resolved": "Realtek Semiconductor Corp.",
                        "eth.addr": "RealtekSemic_94:13:13 (00:e0:4c:94:13:13)",
                        "eth.addr_resolved": "RealtekSemic_94:13:13",
                        "eth.addr.oui": "00:e0:4c (Realtek Semiconductor",
                        "eth.addr.oui_resolved": "Realtek Semiconductor Corp.",
                        "eth.dst.lg": "Globally unique address (factory default)",
                        "eth.lg": "Globally unique address (factory default)",
                        "eth.dst.ig": "Individual address (unicast)",
                        "eth.ig": "Individual address (unicast)"
                    "eth.src": "Parallels_b5:ef:cf (00:1c:42:b5:ef:cf)",
                    "eth.src_tree": {
                        "eth.src_resolved": "Parallels_b5:ef:cf",
                        "eth.src.oui": "00:1c:42 (Parallels, Inc.)",
                        "eth.src.oui_resolved": "Parallels, Inc.",
                        "eth.addr": "Parallels_b5:ef:cf (00:1c:42:b5:ef:cf)",
                        "eth.addr_resolved": "Parallels_b5:ef:cf",
                        "eth.addr.oui": "00:1c:42 (Parallels, Inc.)",
                        "eth.addr.oui_resolved": "Parallels, Inc.",
                        "eth.src.lg": "Globally unique address (factory default)",
                        "eth.lg": "Globally unique address (factory default)",
                        "eth.src.ig": "Individual address (unicast)",
                        "eth.ig": "Individual address (unicast)"
                    "eth.type": "IPv4 (0x0800)"
                "ip": {
                    "ip.version": "4",
                    "ip.hdr_len": "20",
                    "ip.dsfield": "0x00",
                    "ip.dsfield_tree": {
                        "ip.dsfield.dscp": "Default (0)",
                        "ip.dsfield.ecn": "Not ECN-Capable Transport (0)"
                    "ip.len": "141",
                    "": "0x2b5f (11103)",
                    "ip.flags": "0x02",
                    "ip.flags_tree": {
                        "ip.flags.rb": "Not set",
                        "ip.flags.df": "Set",
                        "": "Not set"
                    "ip.frag_offset": "0",
                    "ip.ttl": "64",
                    "ip.proto": "TCP (6)",
                    "ip.checksum": "0x7697",
                    "ip.checksum.status": "Unverified",
                    "ip.src": "",
                    "ip.addr": "",
                    "ip.src_host": "",
                    "": "",
                    "ip.dst": "",
                    "ip.dst_host": ""
                "tcp": {
                    "tcp.srcport": "55954",
                    "tcp.dstport": "3306",
                    "tcp.port": "55954",
                    "": "1",
                    "tcp.completeness": "Incomplete, DATA (15)",
                    "tcp.completeness_tree": {
                        "tcp.completeness.rst": "Absent",
                        "tcp.completeness.fin": "Absent",
                        "": "Present",
                        "tcp.completeness.ack": "Present",
                        "tcp.completeness.syn-ack": "Present",
                        "tcp.completeness.syn": "Present",
                        "tcp.completeness.str": "··DASS"
                    "tcp.len": "89",
                    "tcp.seq": "1",
                    "tcp.seq_raw": "3979480886",
                    "tcp.nxtseq": "90",
                    "tcp.ack": "79",
                    "tcp.ack_raw": "2963448286",
                    "tcp.hdr_len": "32",
                    "tcp.flags": "0x0018",
                    "tcp.flags_tree": {
                        "tcp.flags.res": "Not set",
                        "": "Not set",
                        "tcp.flags.cwr": "Not set",
                        "tcp.flags.ece": "Not set",
                        "tcp.flags.urg": "Not set",
                        "tcp.flags.ack": "Set",
                        "tcp.flags.push": "Set",
                        "tcp.flags.reset": "Not set",
                        "tcp.flags.syn": "Not set",
                        "tcp.flags.fin": "Not set",
                        "tcp.flags.str": "·······AP···"
                    "tcp.window_size_value": "502",
                    "tcp.window_size": "64256",
                    "tcp.window_size_scalefactor": "128",
                    "tcp.checksum": "0x7585",
                    "tcp.checksum.status": "Unverified",
                    "tcp.urgent_pointer": "0",
                    "tcp.options": "01:01:08:0a:0a:2b:2d:19:cf:39:56:d8",
                    "tcp.options_tree": {
                        "tcp.options.nop": "01",
                        "tcp.options.nop_tree": {
                            "tcp.option_kind": "No-Operation (1)"
                        "tcp.options.timestamp": "08:0a:0a:2b:2d:19:cf:39:56:d8",
                        "tcp.options.timestamp_tree": {
                            "tcp.option_kind": "Time Stamp Option (8)",
                            "tcp.option_len": "10",
                            "tcp.options.timestamp.tsval": "170601753",
                            "tcp.options.timestamp.tsecr": "3476641496"
                    "Timestamps": {
                        "tcp.time_relative": "0.022846000 seconds",
                        "tcp.time_delta": "0.000028000 seconds"
                    "tcp.analysis": {
                        "tcp.analysis.initial_rtt": "0.000419000 seconds",
                        "tcp.analysis.bytes_in_flight": "89",
                        "tcp.analysis.push_bytes_sent": "89"
                    "tcp.payload": "55:00:00:01:8d:a2:0a:00:00:00:00:00:2d:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:72:6f:6f:74:00:14:36:f7:ff:52:c6:43:b2:88:21:2d:6b:52:be:48:85:e7:c9:16:73:b2:64:65:6d:6f:00:6d:79:73:71:6c:5f:6e:61:74:69:76:65:5f:70:61:73:73:77:6f:72:64:00",
                    "tcp.pdu.size": "89"
                "mysql": {
                    "mysql.packet_length": "85",
                    "mysql.packet_number": "1",
                    "mysql.login_request": {
                        "mysql.caps.client": "0xa28d",
                        "mysql.caps.client_tree": {
                            "mysql.caps.lp": "Set",
                            "": "Not set",
                            "mysql.caps.lf": "Set",
                            "": "Set",
                            "mysql.caps.ns": "Not set",
                            "mysql.caps.cp": "Not set",
                            "mysql.caps.ob": "Not set",
                            "": "Set",
                            "": "Not set",
                            "": "Set",
                            "mysql.caps.ia": "Not set",
                            "": "Not set",
                            "mysql.caps.ii": "Not set",
                            "mysql.caps.ta": "Set",
                            "": "Not set",
                            "": "Set"
                        "mysql.extcaps.client": "0x000a",
                        "mysql.extcaps.client_tree": {
                            "": "Not set",
                            "": "Set",
                            "": "Not set",
                            "": "Set",
                            "": "Not set",
                            "mysql.caps.ep": "Not set",
                            "mysql.caps.session_track": "Not set",
                            "mysql.caps.deprecate_eof": "Not set",
                            "mysql.caps.optional_metadata": "Not set",
                            "mysql.caps.compress_zsd": "Not set",
                            "mysql.caps.query_attrs": "Not set",
                            "mysql.caps.mf_auth": "Not set",
                            "mysql.caps.cap_ext": "Not set",
                            "": "Not set",
                            "mysql.caps.unused": "0x0"
                        "mysql.max_packet": "0",
                        "mysql.charset": "utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci (45)",
                        "mysql.unused": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                        "mysql.user": "root",
                        "mysql.passwd": "36f7ff52c643b288212d6b52be4885e7c91673b2",
                        "mysql.schema": "demo",
                        "mysql.client_auth_plugin": "mysql_native_password"
                "_ws.col": {
                    "_ws.col.number": "65",
                    "_ws.col.cls_time": "0.000000",
                    "_ws.col.def_src": "",
                    "_ws.col.def_dst": "",
                    "_ws.col.protocol": "MySQL",
                    "_ws.col.packet_length": "155",
                    "": "Login Request user=root db=demo "

3. 开发测试

  1. 可以在 lib.c、offline.c、online.c 中或在根目录中创建一个新的C文件并添加自定义功能的接口;

  2. 接口完成后需要在include/目录下同名H头文件增加声明,若gowireshark.go中也用到该接口,则需要在此文件的cgo序文中增加相同的声明;

  3. gowireshark.go中封装该接口;

  4. tests/目录下增加测试案例;

  5. 使用 clang 格式工具格式化自定义的 C 代码和头文件: 例如:clang-format -i lib.c,参数-i表示此命令直接格式化指定的文件,删除-i进行预览。 修改根目录中的所有 .c 文件和 include/ 目录中的所有 .h 头文件(注意用grep去掉第三方库文件例如cJSON) (只有当前目录是级别 1,不要向下遍历查找,即不格式化include/wireshark/include/libpcap/下的源码文件):

    find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.c' | grep -v 'cJSON.c' | grep -v 'frame_tvbuff.c' | xargs clang-format -i
    find ./include -maxdepth 1 -name '*.h' | grep -v 'cJSON.h' | grep -v 'frame_tvbuff.h' | grep -v 'uthash.h' | xargs  clang-format -i
  6. 如何测试(cd tests/):


    # Parse and output the first frame
    go test -v -run TestDissectPrintFirstFrame
    # Parse and output a frame in JSON format
    go test -v -run TestGetSpecificFrameProtoTreeInJson
    # Parse and output all frame in JSON format
    go test -v -run TestGetAllFrameProtoTreeInJson
    # Parses and outputs a frame of HEX data
    go test -v -run TestGetSpecificFrameHexData
    # Parse packets in real time
    go test -v -run TestDissectPktLive
    # Real-time packet capture Read a certain number and parse it
    go test -v -run TestDissectPktLiveSpecificNum


  7. gowireshark.go的原理:

    在序文中存在一些C语法的声明和导入,也有一些cgo参数,这样使用go build编译此go项目时,会自动将内部的C项目也编译进去:

    # 可以在 Go 代码中调用动态链接库,需要的操作是:
    // 导入 libpcap 库将在 libs 目录中找到一个名为 的动态链接库
    #cgo LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/libs -lpcap
    #cgo LDFLAGS: -Wl,-rpath,${SRCDIR}/libs
    // 这允许程序找到与libpcap动态链接库对应的源代码
    #cgo CFLAGS: -I${SRCDIR}/include/libpcap
    // 注释掉 c99 标准(如果有的话),否则调用 libpcap 时将无法识别u_int、u_short等类型
    //#cgo CFLAGS: -std=c99

4. 路线图

  • 离线数据包文件解析打印
  • 离线数据包文件解析并输出 JSON 格式结果
  • 离线数据包解析获取16进制相关数据
  • 实时监听接口并捕获数据包
  • 封装 go 调用实时解析的逻辑——通过回调函数将实时解析结果传输到 golang
  • 封装 go 对收到的 Golang 调用实时数据包解析结果的处理
  • 优化代码并解决内存泄漏问题,使实时接口可以长时间运行[TODO]
  • 支持多个设备的数据包捕获,并根据设备名称停止实时接口
  • 解析结果支持描述性值

5. 联系

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