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NoSQL Challenge

UK Food Ratings

The UK Food Standards Agency evaluates various establishments across the United Kingdom, and gives them a food hygiene rating. The editors of a food magazine, Eat Safe, Love, want to evaluate some of the ratings data in order to help their journalists and food critics decide where to focus future articles.

Part 1 - Database and Jupyter Notebook setup

The data provided in 'Resources/establishments.json' is imported to 'uk_food' database in MongoDB under 'establishments' collection.

mongoimport --type json -d uk_food -c establishments --drop --jsonArray establishments.json

Part 2 - Update the database

establishments collection is updated with a newly opened restaurant Penang Flavors

BusinessTypeID field of the document that was insered into the collection is updated to reflect the respective business type.

The documents in establishments collection with LocalAuthorityName containing word Dover is removed.

The data type of latitude and longitude feilds are updated to double

The text values contained in RatingValue field is removed and data type of the field is set to integer.

Part 3 - Exploratary Analysis


1. Which establishments have a hygiene score equal to 20?

Following query was run to find the answer:

query = {"scores.Hygiene" : {"$eq" : 20}}

The count_documents() function was used to find out that there are 41 establishments which have a hygiene score equal to 20.

The results were converted to a panda dataframe and total number of rows in the dataframe and top 10 rows were printed.

View Result

2. Which establishments in London have a RatingValue greater than or equal to 4?

Following query was run to find the answer:

query = { "LocalAuthorityName" : { "$regex" : "London"}, "RatingValue" : {"$gte" : 4} }

The count_documents() function was used to find out that there are 33 establishments in London have a RatingValue greater than or equal to 4.

The results were converted to a panda dataframe and total number of rows in the dataframe and top 10 rows were printed.

View Result

3. What are the top 5 establishments with a RatingValue of 5, sorted by lowest hygiene score, nearest to the new restaurant added, "Penang Flavours"?

degree_search = 0.01 Latitude and Longitude of "Penang Flavours" restaurant is provided here. latitude = 51.49014200 longitude = 0.08384000

Following query was run to find the answer:

query = { "RatingValue" : {"$eq" : 5}, "geocode.latitude" : {"$lte" : latitude + degree_search, "$gte" : latitude - degree_search}, "geocode.longitude" : {"$lte" : longitude + degree_search, "$gte" : longitude - degree_search} }

Sort by hygiene score: sort = [("scores.Hygiene", 1)]

The results were converted to a panda dataframe and total number of rows in the dataframe and all the rows were printed.

View Result

4. How many establishments in each Local Authority area have a hygiene score of 0?

Following pipelie was created to analyze this:

  1. Matches establishments with a hygiene score of 0

match_query = { "$match" : {"scores.Hygiene" : {"$eq" : 0}}}

  1. Groups the matches by Local Authority

group_query = { "$group" : { "_id" : "$LocalAuthorityName", "count" : { "$sum" : 1 }}}

  1. Sorts the matches from highest to lowest

sort_query = { "$sort" : {"count" : -1} }

The results were converted to a panda dataframe and total number of rows in the dataframe and top 10 rows were printed.

View Result


  • Source Code:
    1. UK_Food_Ratings/uk_food_ratings_setup.ipynb
    2. UK_Food_Ratings/uk_food_ratings_analysis.ipynb
  • Dataset:
    1. UK_Food_Ratings/Resources/establishments.json
  • Output:
    1. hygiene_score20.csv
    2. london_rating_gt4.csv
    3. top_establishments_near_penang_flavors.csv
    4. establishments_by_local_authority_hyg0.csv

Run Instructions

  • Open a terminal
  • Import data to MongoDB, Run following command from UK_Food_Ratings/Resources directory
  • mongoimport --type json -d uk_food -c establishments --drop --jsonArray establishments.json
  • Confirm condo version
    conda --version
  • Confirm jupyter version
    jupyter --version
  • Activate conda environment
    conda activate dev
  • Launch Jupyter Notebook
    jupyter notebook
  • Jupyter Notebook is opened in a browser
  • Open "UK_Food_Ratings/uk_food_ratings_setup.ipynb" file using Jupyter Notebook
  • Click on 'Cell > Run All' to run
  • Open "UK_Food_Ratings/uk_food_ratings_analysis.ipynb" file using Jupyter Notebook
  • Click on 'Cell > Run All' to run


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