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File metadata and controls

213 lines (175 loc) · 7.66 KB

TTree for data storage

The TTree class has been designed to store large number of objects of the same class into file. For a detailed description see the ROOT user guide on TTree.

Tree structure

The tree is the prototype of the data structure to be stored. It is made of branches which can have as many leaves as your data points.

Each branch contains a distinct collection of objects of the same class. So in data analysis each variable, e.g. x, energy, track corresponds to a Branch. The copies of data (for each measurement or experiment) are the leaves of the branch.


A number of examples are provided to write and read simple type of trees:

Fill a simple Tree and store in TFile

The complete example is in

First open a root file and create a new TTree object

// ==== store data in a TTree

TString rootfname("/tmp/dati.root");
TFile* orootfile = new TFile( rootfname, "RECREATE");
if( !orootfile->IsOpen() ) {
  std::cout << "problems creating root file. existing... " << std::endl;
std::cout << "storing output in root file " << rootfname << std::endl;

TTree* tree = new TTree("datatree","tree containg our data");

the name of the TTree object, in this case datatree, and not the name of the C++ variable (tree) is important because ROOT stores all objects in a TFile with their name.

In order to store two scalar variables x and dx in the tree

// variables to be stored in the tree
double x, dx;

we set the reference to them in the two branches value and error of the tree

// now set the info for each branch of the tree to correspond to our data
tree->Branch("value", &x,  "value/D");
tree->Branch("error", &dx, "error/D");

note that there is no correlation between the name of the variable x and the name of the branch value. The Branch function has 3 arguments

  • name of the branch ("value")
  • pointer to variable in memory (&x)
  • type of the variable in the branch ("value/D" which is a double)

Next we

  • iterate over the data to be stored
  • assign the values to x and dx
  • Fill the tree
for(std::vector<Datum>::const_iterator it = dati.begin(); it != dati.end(); ++it) {
  // assign values to  C++ variables that are going to be stored in the branch
  x = it->value();
  dx = it->error();

  tree->Fill(); // store data in tree IN MEMORY

Finally in order to store the data to file

// now actually write tree in file on disk

// critical to close the file!

before closing the root file.

Read TTree from file

The complete example is in

In order to access the data in a tree you need

  • name of the ROOT file where the tree is stored (/tmp/dati.root")
  • the name of the tree object (datatree)
  • the name of the branches (value and error)

First open the ROOT file

TString rootfname("/tmp/dati.root");
TFile* orootfile = new TFile( rootfname );
if( !orootfile->IsOpen() ) {
  std::cout << "problems opening root file. existing... " << std::endl;
std::cout << "Reading data from root file " << rootfname << std::endl;

and retrieve a pointer to the tree object

// get pointer to tree object stored in the file
TTree* tree = (TTree*) orootfile->Get("datatree");
if(!tree) {
  std::cout << "null pointer for TTree! exiting..." << std::endl;

note the explicit cast of the tree object to TTree*.

Then declare the C++ variables to access the data in the branches, and set the branch address accordingly

// variables to be read from the tree
double y, dy;

// now set the info for each branch of the tree to correspond to our data
tree->SetBranchAddress("value", &y);
tree->SetBranchAddress("error", &dy);

Finally iterate over the entries in the tree and fill histograms or do any calculation

int nentries = tree->GetEntries();
for (int i=0; i<nentries; ++i) {
  tree->GetEntry(i); // read data from file to memory

  hdx1.Fill (dy);

Note that the TTree::GetEntry() call is what populates the y and dy variables from the data in the tree on disk.

Trees with variable size branches

Complete example in

In the previous example, each event has exactly one value and error stored. In reality, often we have to deal with situations were the number of objects to be stored varies across the events. For example, if we want to store the energy for all photons produced in a collision. The number of photons will be different in each event. The simplest way is to use fixed-size C-style arrays.

For example we want to store nmeas values of x and dx for nexp events, where nmeas has a different value for each experiment, e.g. according to a Poisson distribution.

First declare the variables

// variables to be stored in the tree
const int nMeasMax=200; // maximum size of static array per event
double x0, x[nMeasMax], dx[nMeasMax];
int nmeas;

we assume that the number of measurements will never exceed nMeasMax. This ugly limitation can be overcome in a future example std::vector<T>.

// now set the info for each branch of the tree to correspond to our data
tree->Branch("nmeas", &nmeas, "nmeas/I");
tree->Branch("value", x,  "value[nmeas]/D"); // nmeas is the index of value[]
tree->Branch("error", dx, "error[nmeas]/D"); // and error[] in the tree

note that we have a new branch to store nmeas which is used as the index for the array value[nmeas]

nmeas is extracted from a Poisson distribution. Arrays are filled before filling the tree

// # measurements
int nMeasAvg=50;
int nexp = 1000;

for(int iexp=0; iexp<nexp; iexp++) {

  nmeas = gen->Poisson(nMeasAvg);

  if( nmeas > nMeasMax ) {
    std::cout << "WARNING: nmeas > " << nMeasMax << " your TTRee will be corrupted" << std::endl;

  for(int i=0; i< nmeas; ++i) {

    // genarate true value
    x0 = x1 + gen->Uniform(x2-x1);

    //generate meaured value based on the true value and resolution
    x[i] = gen->Gaus(x0, x0*resol);

    //generate an uncertainty based on the resolution
    dx[i] = x[i] * resol;

  tree->Fill(); // write the data from memory to file at end of each experiment

and finally store the tree

} // end of experiments

Reading the tree also requires some changes to account for the arrays (see the complete example in

Declare the variables and set the address for the branches

// variables to be read from the tree
const int nMeasMax = 200;
double y[nMeasMax], dy[nMeasMax];
int nmeas;

// now set the info for each branch of the tree to correspond to our data
tree->SetBranchAddress("value", y);
tree->SetBranchAddress("error", dy);
tree->SetBranchAddress("nmeas", &nmeas);

iterate over events in the tree, and for each event iterate over measurements

int nentries = tree->GetEntries();
for (int iexp=0; iexp<nentries; ++iexp) {
  tree->GetEntry(iexp); // read data from file to memory


  // for each experiment read the measurements
  for(int i = 0; i< nmeas; ++i) {
    hdx1.Fill( dy[i] );
  } // loop on mesurements
} // end of experiments