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Setting up optional login and document level access control

Table of Contents

This guide demonstrates how to add an optional login and document level access control system to the sample. This system can be used to restrict access to indexed data to specific users based on what Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) groups they are a part of, or their user object id.



IMPORTANT: In order to add optional login and document level access control, you'll need the following in addition to the normal sample requirements

Setting up Azure AD Apps

Two Azure AD apps must be registered in order to make the optional login and document level access control system work correctly. One app is for the client UI. The client UI is implemented as a single page application. The other app is for the API server. The API server uses a confidential client to call the Microsoft Graph API.

Manual Setup

The following instructions explain how to setup the two apps using the Azure Portal.

Setting up the Server App

  • Sign in to the Azure portal.
  • Select the Azure AD Service.
  • In the left hand menu, select Application Registrations.
  • Select New Registration.
    • In the Name section, enter a meaningful application name. This name will be displayed to users of the app, for example Azure Search OpenAI Demo API.
    • Under Supported account types, select Accounts in this organizational directory only.
  • Select Register to create the application
  • In the app's registration screen, find the Application (client) ID.
    • Run the following azd command to save this ID: azd env set AZURE_SERVER_APP_ID <Application (client) ID>.
  • Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) supports three types of credentials to authenticate an app using the client credentials: passwords (app secrets), certificates, and federated identity credentials. For a higher level of security, either certificates or federated identity credentials are recommended. This sample currently uses an app secret for ease of provisioning.
  • Select Certificates & secrets in the left hand menu.
  • In the Client secrets section, select New client secret.
    • Type a description, for example Azure Search OpenAI Demo Key.
    • Select one of the available key durations.
    • The generated key value will be displayed after you select Add.
    • Copy the generated key value and run the following azd command to save this ID: azd env set AZURE_SERVER_APP_SECRET <generated key value>.
  • Select API Permissions in the left hand menu. By default, the delegated User.Read permission should be present. This permission is required to read the signed-in user's profile to get the security information used for document level access control. If this permission is not present, it needs to be added to the application.
    • Select Add a permission, and then Microsoft Graph.
    • Select Delegated permissions.
    • Search for and and select User.Read.
    • Select Add permissions.
  • Select Expose an API in the left hand menu. The server app works by using the On Behalf Of Flow, which requires the server app to expose at least 1 API.
    • The application must define a URI to expose APIs. Select Add next to Application ID URI.
      • By default, the Application ID URI is set to api://<application client id>. Accept the default by selecting Save.
    • Under Scopes defined by this API, select Add a scope.
    • Fill in the values as indicated:
      • For Scope name, use access_as_user.
      • For Who can consent?, select Admins and users.
      • For Admin consent display name, type Access Azure Search OpenAI Demo API.
      • For Admin consent description, type Allows the app to access Azure Search OpenAI Demo API as the signed-in user..
      • For User consent display name, type Access Azure Search OpenAI Demo API.
      • For User consent description, type Allow the app to access Azure Search OpenAI Demo API on your behalf.
      • Leave State set to Enabled.
      • Select Add scope at the bottom to save the scope.
  • (Optional) Enable group claims. Include which Azure AD groups the user is part of as part of the login in the optional claims. The groups are used for optional security filtering in the search results.
    • In the left hand menu, select Token configuration
    • Under Optional claims, select Add groups claim
    • Select which group types to include in the claim. Note that a overage claim will be emitted if the user is part of too many groups. In this case, the API server will use the Microsoft Graph to list the groups the user is part of instead of relying on the groups in the claim.
    • Select Add to save your changes

Client App

  • Sign in to the Azure portal.
  • Select the Azure AD Service.
  • In the left hand menu, select Application Registrations.
  • Select New Registration.
    • In the Name section, enter a meaningful application name. This name will be displayed to users of the app, for example Azure Search OpenAI Demo Web App.
    • Under Supported account types, select Accounts in this organizational directory only.
    • Under Redirect URI (optional) section, select Single-page application (SPA) in the combo-box and enter the following redirect URI:
      • If you are running the sample locally, use http://localhost:50505/redirect.
      • If you are running the sample on Azure, use the endpoint provided by azd up: https://<your-endpoint>
      • If you are running the sample from Github Codespaces, use the Codespaces endpoint: https://<your-codespace>
  • Select Register to create the application
  • In the app's registration screen, find the Application (client) ID.
    • Run the following azd command to save this ID: azd env set AZURE_CLIENT_APP_ID <Application (client) ID>.
  • In the left hand menu, select Authentication.
    • Under Implicit grant and hybrid flows, select ID Tokens (used for implicit and hybrid flows)
    • Select Save
  • In the left hand menu, select API permissions. You will add permission to access the access_as_user API on the server app. This permission is required for the On Behalf Of Flow to work.
    • Select Add a permission, and then My APIs.
    • In the list of applications, select your server application Azure Search OpenAI Demo API
    • Ensure Delegated permissions is selected.
    • In the Select permissions section, select the access_as_user permission
    • Select Add permissions.

Configure Server App Known Client Applications

Consent from the user must be obtained for use of the client and server app. The client app can prompt the user for consent through a dialog when they log in. The server app has no ability to show a dialog for consent. Client apps can be added to the list of known clients to access the server app, so a consent dialog is shown for the server app.

  • Navigate to the server app registration
  • In the left hand menu, select Manifest
  • Replace "knownClientApplications": [] with "knownClientApplications": ["<client application id>"]
  • Select Save


Ensure you run azd env set AZURE_USE_AUTHENTICATION to enable the login UI once you have setup the two Azure AD apps before you deploy or run the application. The login UI will not appear unless all required environment variables have been setup.

In both the chat and ask a question modes, under Developer settings optional Use oid security filter and Use groups security filter checkboxes will appear. The oid (User ID) filter maps to the oids field in the search index and the groups (Group ID) filter maps to the groups field in the search index. Use the optional scripts included in the sample to manage values for these fields.

Troubleshooting Azure AD Setup

  • If any Azure AD apps need to be recreated, you can avoid redeploying the app by changing the app settings in the portal. Any of the required environment variables can be changed. Once the environment variables have been changed, restart the web app.
  • It's possible a consent dialog will not appear when you log into the app for the first time. If this consent dialog doesn't appear, you will be unable to use the security filters because the API server app does not have permission to read your authorization information. A consent dialog can be forced to appear by adding "prompt": "consent" to the loginRequest property in
  • It's possible that your tenant admin has placed a restriction on consent to apps with unverified publishers. In this case, only admins may consent to the client and server apps, and normal user accounts are unable to use the login system until the admin consents on behalf of the entire organization.

Optional scripts

Two optional scripts are provided that allow easier setup of sample data with document level access control. Either the Data Lake Storage Gen2 script or the manual access control management can be used to setup sample data for the document level access control system.

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Setup

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 implements an access control model that can be used for document level access control. The adlsgen2setup.ps1 script uploads the sample data included in the data folder to a Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage account. The Storage Blob Data Owner role is required to use the script.

In order to use this script, an existing Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage account is required. Run azd env set AZURE_ADLS_GEN2_STORAGE_ACCOUNT <your-storage-account> prior to running the script.

To run the script, run the following command: ./scripts/adlsgen2setup.ps1. The script performs the following steps:

In order to use the sample access control, you need to join these groups in your Azure AD tenant.

Note that this optional script may not work in Codespaces if your administrator has applied a Conditional Access policy to your tenant.

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Prep Docs

Once a Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage account has been setup with sample data and access control lists, can be used to automatically process PDFs in the storage account and store them with their access control lists in the search index.

To run this script with a Data Lake Storage Gen2 account, first set the following environment variables:

  • AZURE_ADLS_GEN2_STORAGE_ACCOUNT: Name of existing Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage account.
  • (Optional) AZURE_ADLS_GEN2_FILESYSTEM: Name of existing Data Lake Storage Gen2 filesystem / container in the storage account. If empty, gptkbcontainer is used.
  • (Optional) AZURE_ADLS_GEN2_FILESYSTEM_PATH: Specific path in the Data Lake Storage Gen2 filesystem / container to process. Only PDFs contained in this path will be processed.

Once the environment variables are set, run the script using the following command: ./scripts/prepdocs.ps1 or ./scripts/

Manually managing Document Level Access Control

Manually enable document level access control on a search index and manually set access control values using the manageacl.ps1 script.

Run azd up or use azd env set to manually set AZURE_SEARCH_SERVICE and AZURE_SEARCH_INDEX environment variables prior to running the script.

The script supports the following commands. Note that the syntax is the same regardless of whether manageacl.ps1 or is used.

  • ./scripts/manageacls.ps1 --enable-acls: Creates the required oids (User ID) and groups (Group IDs) security filter fields for document level access control on your index. Does nothing if these fields already exist.
    • Example usage: ./scripts/manageacls.ps1 --enable-acls
  • ./scripts/manageacls.ps1 --document [name-of-pdf.pdf] --acl-type [oids or groups]--acl-action view: Prints access control values associated with either User IDs or Group IDs for a specific document.
    • Example to view all Group IDs from the Benefit_Options PDF: ./scripts/manageacls.ps1 --document Benefit_Options.pdf --acl-type oids --acl-action view.
  • ./scripts/manageacls.ps1 --document [name-of-pdf.pdf] --acl-type [oids or groups]--acl-action add --acl [ID of group or user]: Adds an access control value associated with either User IDs or Group IDs for a specific document.
    • Example to add a Group ID to the Benefit_Options PDF: ./scripts/manageacls.ps1 --document Benefit_Options.pdf --acl-type groups --acl-action add --acl xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.
  • ./scripts/manageacls.ps1 --document [name-of-pdf.pdf] --acl-type [oids or groups]--acl-action remove_all: Removes all access control values associated with either User IDs or Group IDs for a specific document.
    • Example to remove all Group IDs from the Benefit_Options PDF: ./scripts/manageacls.ps1 --document Benefit_Options.pdf --acl-type groups --acl-action remove_all.
  • ./scripts/manageacls.ps1 --document [name-of-pdf.pdf] --acl-type [oids or groups]--acl-action remove --acl [ID of group or user]: Removes an access control value associated with either User IDs or Group IDs for a specific document.
    • Example to remove a specific User ID from the Benefit_Options PDF: ./scripts/manageacls.ps1 --document Benefit_Options.pdf --acl-type oids --acl-action remove --acl xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Environment Variables Reference

The following environment variables are used to setup the optional login and document level access control:

  • AZURE_USE_AUTHENTICATION: Enables Azure AD based optional login and document level access control. Set to true before running azd up.
  • AZURE_SERVER_APP_ID: (Required) Application ID of the Azure AD app for the API server.
  • AZURE_SERVER_APP_SECRET: Client secret used by the API server to authenticate using the Azure AD API server app.
  • AZURE_CLIENT_APP_ID: Application ID of the Azure AD app for the client UI.
  • AZURE_TENANT_ID: Tenant ID associated with the Azure AD used for login and document level access control. This is set automatically by azd up.
  • AZURE_ADLS_GEN2_STORAGE_ACCOUNT: (Optional) Name of existing Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage account for storing sample data with access control lists. Only used with the optional Data Lake Storage Gen2 setup and prep docs scripts.
  • AZURE_ADLS_GEN2_STORAGE_FILESYSTEM: (Optional) Name of existing Data Lake Storage Gen2 filesystem for storing sample data with access control lists. Only used with the optional Data Lake Storage Gen2 setup and prep docs scripts.
  • AZURE_ADLS_GEN2_STORAGE_FILESYSTEM_PATH: (Optional) Name of existing path in a Data Lake Storage Gen2 filesystem for storing sample data with access control lists. Only used with the optional Data Lake Storage Gen2 prep docs script.